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Alternative approach: Guided Discovery. Guided discovery. = guideline for competence based projects Tradition phases of learning projects: Motivation Brainstorm Action Presentation. Characteristics of learning projects: Multidisciplinary Socially relevant theme
Guided discovery = guideline for competence based projects Tradition phases of learning projects: Motivation Brainstorm Action Presentation Characteristics of learning projects: Multidisciplinary Socially relevant theme Active, creative, interactive Focus on process 2
Additional Criteria Competence based projects GOAL: maximizing the participation of the learner. Mutual learning. Focus on personal experiences and interests. Learner sets out his own learning goals. Learner defines degree of cooperation. Learner chooses his own activity or route. Open tasks: diverse results. Diverse material and sources. (heritage) Reflection is essential. 3
Competence based projects5 phases: Fase 1: Confrontation and questioning Fase 2: Input Fase 3: Goal and action setting Fase 4: Problem solving Fase 5: Demonstration and evaluation 4
Phase 1: Confrontation and questioning • Introduction of a story, problem, question or case. • Can admit different forms: story, excursion, cartoon, music, theatre, poem, dance, painting, picture, ... • Learners reflect in groups of 4-5: • Which questions evoke the confrontation? • What strikes my interests? • What do I want to learn? • Which goals do we set out? 5
Phase 2: Input • Learners experience with heritage. • Different learning routes are handed out. • Learners chose their route according to their goals/interests. • Not every learner follows the same route. • Other suggestions are possible. • Eventually jigsaw-method. 6
Phase 2: Input The routes are diverse: Diverse heritage: buildings, pictures, stories, statistics, paintings, texts, landscapes, Diverse locations. Diverse activities: roleplay, infosearch, discussion, webquest, … Multidisciplinary: historical, geographical, biological, chemical, mathematical, linguistic, … Diverse human dimensions: political, social, cultural, religious, economical, ecological, ...
Phase 3: Goal and action setting REFLECTION: • How depends on the targetgroup: in the initial group (jigsaw), plenum or individual. • The learners: • Epathise essential experiences. • Redefine learning goals of phase 1 . • Get acquainted with (a selection of) the transversal key competences. ACTION SETTING: • Theacher suggests different types of learning paths : • Artistic or theoretical. • Humanities or positive science. • The different learning styles of Kolb. • Group or more personal work. 8
Phase 4: Problem solving • Learners are confrontated with various problems. • Which is the most appropriate way of solving problems: • Feed forward: the teacher anticipates on coming problems. • Buffering: the problems are absorbed by the learners. • Feedback: learners experiment and get feedback afterwards. • The learning environnement balances between control and freedom. • The teacher is a coach and has to: • Embed moments of reflection, rest, self-evaluation. • Give attention on cooperation techniques. • Explicit methods of problem solving. • Give training in needed skills and knowledge. 9
Phase 5: Demonstration and evaluation Learners demonstrate how they worked on their learning goals. Learners relflect on the transversal key competences. Evaluation and criteria are diverse and could be different for each learner. The demonstration can focus on the process and/or on the product. Different forms of evaluation are used in every phase: co assessment, self assessment, peer assessment, … (Opm.: Guided discovery = to be used flexibele. Differentiation in every phase is not nescessary.) 10
Transversal key Competences: LEARNING TO LEARN: Ability to organise and regulate one’s own learning, both individually and in groups. Ability to manage one’s time effectively. To solve problems. To acquire, process, evaluate and assimilate new knowledge Apply new knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts. Contributes strongly to managing one’s own career (learning) path.
Transversal key Competences: INTERPERSONAL COMPETENCE Participation in an efficient, constructive way and resolve conflict in social life, in interaction with other individuals (or groups). CIVIC COMPETENCE Participation in civic life. Critical reception of information.
Transversal key Competences: ENTERPRENEURSHIP • The propensity to bring innovation. • The ability to welcome and support innovation. • Taking responsibility for actions. • Setting objectives and meeting them. • Having the motivation to succeed.
Transversal key Competences: CULTURAL EXPRESSION: • Appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas. • Experiences and emotions in a range of media, including music, corporal expression, litterature and plastic.
Bibliography: • BAERT, H. BEUNENS, L., DEKEYSER, L., Projectonderwijs, sturen en begeleiden van leren en werken, Acco Leuven, 2002. • BAERT, H., DEKEYSER, L., (red.) Projectonderwijs, leren en werken in groep, Acco Leuven, 1999. • DANCKAERT, E.,Competenties in praktijk gezet, praktijkboek voor competentieontwikkeling in het (hoger)onderwijs, Wolters Plantyn, Mechelen, 2008. • DE LAAT, C., De docent als competentiegericht opleider, ThiemeMeulenhoff, Utrecht, 2006. • DE LAAT, C., De competentiegerichte student, ThiemeMeulenhoff, Utrecht, 2006. • DOCHY, F., NICKMANS, G., Competentiegericht opleiden en toetsen, theorie en praktijk van flexibel leren, Lemma, Utrecht, 2005. • DE TROYER, V.(red.) e.a., Hereduc: Erfgoed in de klas, Een handboek voor leerkrachten, Garant, Antwerpen-apeldoom, 2005. • HEYLIGHEN, F., Complexiteit en Evolutie, onuitgegeven cursus, VUBrussel, 2003-2004. • STRUYVEN, K, JANSSENS, S., Begeleid zelfstandig leren via activerende werk- en toetsvormen, handleiding voor leerkrachten en onderwijskundigen, De Boeck, Antwerpen, 2007. • TEUNE, P., ROS, A., KNOL, M., Stimuleren van leren, ThiemeMeulenhoff, Utrecht, 2008. • Vlaamse Onderwijsraad, Competentie-ontwikkelend onderwijs, Garant, Antwerpen, 2008. • Werkgroep Docenten Onderwijszaken, Gids voor projectonderwijs, HvU Press, Utrecht, 1999.