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Is this surprising?

Is this surprising?. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981). Carter elected in 1976, Democrat “integrity” – an outsider Inflation – 10% last two years Camp David Accords (Egypt-Israel) “peace in the middle east” End of Détente 1979 - Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1980 – USA refuses Moscow Olympics

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Is this surprising?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Is this surprising?

  2. Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) • Carter elected in 1976, Democrat • “integrity” – an outsider • Inflation – 10% last two years • Camp David Accords (Egypt-Israel) • “peace in the middle east” • End of Détente • 1979 - Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan • 1980 – USA refuses Moscow Olympics • Iranian Hostage Crisis • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6RGeqNFaQM

  3. Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) • The “New Right” • “Moral Majority” • Business leaders • Some struggling middle class • Reaganomics – “trickle down” theory • Cut $40 billion gov’t spending-mostly lower income projects/programs cut • Deregulation • Called SU “the evil empire” • Desire strengthen the military • Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) to develop weapons based in space - defensive • Cost trillions; military budget doubled 81’-84’ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dO6rb8qcCo

  4. The Reign of Gorbachev The CW comes to an end…. • Mikhail Gorbachev –leader SU - 1985 • Glasnost, or openness, a greater willingness to allow western ideas • Perestroika – economic restructuring • Help sluggish Soviet economy • Stop building and reduce number nukes

  5. The Dominoes of Freedom • 1989 non-communists elected in Poland • Gorbachev did not act! • One by one other Soviet bloc nations did the same • Fall 1989 Berliners took to the wall with pickaxes • By 1990 it was officially being taken down • 1991 no more Soviet Union • 15 separate countries

  6. The Breakup of the Soviet Union

  7. The Effects • Chaos in Russia and many other former Soviet Bloc countries • Republicans say they “won” the cold war because of military spending in Reagan-Bush years • Democrats say they “won” the cold war because of 45 years of containment • Others say no one “won” since we spent tons on weaponry and lives and money on proxy wars

  8. What now? • George H.W. Bush – 1989-1993 – R • Bill Clinton – 1993-2001 - D • George W. Bush – 2001-2009 - R • Barack Obama -2009-present – D

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