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(全新版)大学英语 《 综合教程 》 第一册 Unit 5 Romance

(全新版)大学英语 《 综合教程 》 第一册 Unit 5 Romance. I. Cultural Notes Public libraries in the U.S.:

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(全新版)大学英语 《 综合教程 》 第一册 Unit 5 Romance

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  1. (全新版)大学英语《综合教程》第一册Unit 5Romance

  2. I. Cultural Notes Public libraries in the U.S.: • Public libraries in the U.S. are free to the public. One can get a library card at the local library by filling in a form and showing the librarian a valid ID and something to prove that one lives in the neighborhood (e.g., a used and stamped envelope with one's name as the addressee, one's phone bill, gas bill, etc.). Besides borrowing books, people go to libraries to borrow video tapes, use the computers there, attend book readings by authors and other cultural events. Libraries are regarded as community centers.

  3. II. Language Study • 1. straighten: (cause to) become straight or level • Examples: 1) Women used to use a hot iron to straighten their hair. • 2) The professor would straighten his tie before entering the classroom. • 2. make one's way: go • Examples: 1) Early in the morning the hunter made his way into the woods. • 2) The old man slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus. • 3. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn't, the girl with the rose.: He tried to find the girl who shared many of his views, interests and feelings but who he had never met before. The girl was supposed to wear a rose at their first meeting.

  4. 4. absorb: 1) (usu. passive) completely hold one's attention (usu. followed by in) • Examples: a) I was so absorbed in the detective story that I jumped up when someone patted me on the back. • b) Totally absorbed in writing the computer software, Michael ordered take-out food when he was hungry, slept on the office floor when tired out. • 2) take in • Example: I haven't really had time to absorb everything that my teacher said in class. • 5. margin: one or both sides of a page near the edge, where there is no writing or printing • Example: 1) He has the habit of making notes in the margin of the books he was reading. • 2) Some publishers make profits by printing books with wider margins and hence charging greater prices.

  5. 6. reflect: be a sign of, show • Examples: Election results should reflect people's opinions. • 7. thoughtful: (showing that one is) thinking deeply • Examples: The more serious drama encourages its audiences to become better informed and more thoughtful. 8. previous: happening or coming before or earlier • Examples: 1) Without previous experience in teaching my chances of getting the job will be slim. • 2) Previous to 1522 Nicaragua was occupied by a huge population of Indians. • 3) She has two children from a previous marriage.

  6. 9. locate: 1) find the exact location of • Example: Keep talking with him for five more seconds and I will locate the place he is calling from. • 2) fix or put in a certain place • Examples: Apartments located away from the main road usually fetch higher prices than those near the road. • The top fashion designer located his flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York. • 10. correspond: exchange letters regularly • Examples: 1) Even after becoming president, he still corresponds with his old friends personally instead of asking his secretary to do it. • 2) Love grew between them as they kept corresponding with each other.

  7. 11. overseas: to or in another country • Examples: 1) Spring Festival is coming and many Chinese are planning to go travelling overseas. • 2) We are trying to build up overseas markets of our cars. • 12. fertile: (of land) able to produce good crops • Examples: Human civilizations first bloomed in fertile lands along big rivers. China is a case in point. • 13. take a chance (on sth.): attempt to do sth. in spite of the possibility of failure; take a risk • Examples: 1) You take a chance on the weather if you spend your holiday in the UK. • 2) I haven't booked a ticket. I'm taking a chance on the theater not being full.

  8. 14. disgust: cause a strong and often sick feeling of dislike • Examples: 1) The awful food at the hotel disgusted me. • 2) The thought of eating frogs disgusts me. • disgusted / disgusting • 15. schedule: 1) arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at a particular time (It can be used in the pattern: be scheduled to do sth., be scheduled for sth.) • Examples: a) Chinese astronauts are scheduled to travel to outer space in the next few years. • b) A fireworks display is scheduled for New Year's Eve. • c) They have scheduled Eric to speak at three o'clock in the afternoon. • 2) a list or statement of things to be done, dealt with, etc. • Example: Secretaries are supposed to set up schedules for their bosses.

  9. 16. sustain: support emotionally; keep (an effort, etc.) going, maintain • Examples: Although they had been trapped in the cave for two days, they were sustained by the knowledge that help would come soon. • He was sustained by an unshakable belief in his own ability to overcome the difficulties. • 17. slim: 1) slender • Examples: The slim-waisted girl over there is a rising film star. • 2) small • Examples: a) The chances of the Chinese Men's Football Team winning the World Cup are slim. • b) The single mother supported her two kids with her slim waitress' income.

  10. 18. Her golden hair lay back in curls from her delicate ears;: She wore her golden hair in curls and pulled them back to reveal her well-formed ears. • delicate: fine; well-formed; soft, tender • Examples: 1) More and more people prefer to live in the suburbs because of the delicate air. • 2) Only the gentlest creams are fit for a baby's delicate skin. • 19. go one's way: go in sb's direction • Examples: 1)I'm going your way. May I give you a ride? • 2) I wasn't sure whether he was going my way or not, so I decided to go home by myself.

  11. 20. She was more than a little overweight, her thick-ankled feet thrust into low-heeled shoes.: She was quite a big woman. Her feet were thick in the ankles and could hardly squeeze into her low-heeled shoes. • more than a little: very • Examples: 1) If you tell your father what you have done, he'll be more than a little angry. • 2) The child was more than a little excited to have Michael Jordan sign his T-shirt. • thrust: push suddenly or with great strength • Examples: 1) After quarrelling with her husband, Nora thrust a few personal things into a suitcase and left home. • 2) Hamlet thought he had thrust the sword into his uncle's heart, but instead he killed his girlfriend's father.

  12. 21. I felt as though I was split in two, so keen was my desire to follow her. And yet so deep was my longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned me and upheld my own.: I felt as if there were two of me, one wishing earnestly to go with the pretty young woman, the other wanting to stay with the woman who had befriended me and warmed my heart. • split: (cause to) break into two or more parts • Examples: 1) The U.S. Department of Justice tries to split Microsoft into three separate companies. • 2) The old man used an axe to split the logs into firewood.

  13. keen: 1) (of interest, feeling, etc.) strong, deep • Example: From his childhood on, the later famous writer has had a keen interest in observing people. • 2) interested; eager (usu. followed by on/about, or infinitive to) • Examples: a) She is out of hospital and keen to get back to work. • b) Two thirds of the women students in my class are keen on soccer. • long for: want sb. or sth. very much • Examples: 1) The old woman longed for her daughter to visit her on her 80th birthday instead of just sending her a check. • 2) Juliet longed for Romeo's love so much that she was willing to die for him.

  14. 22. sensible: showing or having good sense • Example: You've made a sensible decision by not wearing high-heeled shoes while driving. • 23. glow: a warm light • Example: A red glow in the western sky foretells rain on the following day. • 24. hesitate: pause before doing sth. or making a decision • Examples: 1) The attack was successful at first, but then they hesitated, giving the enemy troops time to fight back. • 2) The painter didn't hesitate to apply Western techniques when he was doing a traditional Chinese painting.

  15. 25. grip: take a very tight hold (of) • Example: I gripped the rope firmly and climbed onto the cliff. • 26. identify: recognize or say who or what sb. or sth. is • Examples: 1) Dead bodies in the plane crash were identified by dental records. • 2) The visiting scholar spoke English with such a perfect accent that it was hard to identify his origin. • 27. grateful to sb. for sth.: feeling or showing thanks to (another person) because of (sth.) • Examples: 1) I am most grateful to you for introducing me around so that I no longer feel lonely in the new place. • 2) The mother was grateful to the strangers for saving her child's life.

  16. 28. broaden: make or become broader • Examples: 1) The road broadens once it has passed through the village. • 2) The widespread use of computers has broadened the scope of our knowledge. • 29. in response to : in answer to • Examples: 1) The decision to assign students some homework was taken quickly in response to recent criticisms of educational reform. • 2) Stock prices went down in response to the news of a possible oil crisis. • 30. "Tell me whom you love," ... "and I will tell you who you are.": If you tell me whom you love, I will tell you what kind of person you are.

  17. Translation • Not rich himself. Uncle Li never hesitates to help others. Previous to / Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. From then on he sent them money regularly. Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas. They often thought of Uncle Li and kept corresponding with him. Whenever he read their letters. Uncle Li's face would broaden into a smile. He felt this to be the most sensible investment in his life.

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