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By UĞUR KEBAPÇI. ?. Was – Were Nedir?. Was ve Were hem durum belirtirken, hem de eylem belirtirken kullanılan iki yardımcı fiil dir. Am/Is/Are ile ne farkı vardır? Farkı örnekle görmeye çalışalım. I am a doctor. (Ben bir doktorum.) (şu an)
? Was – Were Nedir?
Was ve Were hem durum belirtirken, hem de eylem belirtirken kullanılan iki yardımcı fiildir. Am/Is/Are ile ne farkı vardır? Farkı örnekle görmeye çalışalım. I am a doctor. (Ben bir doktorum.) (şu an) I was a doctor. (Ben bir doktordum.) (eskiden) They are young. (Onlar genç.) (şu an) They were young. (Onlar gençti.) (eskiden)
Was ve Were geçmiş zamanın yardımcı fiillerindendir. Am, Is, Are yardımcı fiillerine alternatif olarak kullanılır. Cümlede Am/Is/Are kullandığımızda cümlenin anlamı şu an ve geniş zamandan bahseder, Was/Were kullanıldığında ise geçmişten bahsedilmiş olur. Was ve Were ile durum belirten cümleler kurmak çok kolaydır. Yapılması gereken tek şey Am/Is/Are ile cümle yazıyor gibi yazmak bunların yerine Was/Were kullanmaktır. Bir de eylem belirten cümlelerde kullanılır. Bu konu daha sonra anlatılacaktır.
Was ve Were yardımcı fillerinin kullanılışı olumlu, olumsuz veya soru kullanımı daha önceki kurallara tabidir. Was/Were özneden sonra yazıldığında cümle olumlu, özneden sonra olumsuz halde (not getirilerek) yazıldığında cümle olumsuz, özneden önce yazıldığında cümle soru halde yazılmış olur. Was ve Were yardımcı filleri özneye göre değişiklik gösterir. En temel mantık şudur: Am ve Is yerine WAS - Are yerine WERE
Olumlu Cümlede kullanım şekli were was
I was hardworking. (Ben çalışkandım.) He was in the garden. (O bahçedeydi.) She was in Kastamonu. (O Kastamonu’daydı.) It was very cold yesterday. (Dün çok soğuktu.) We were with our teacher. (Öğretmenimizle beraberdik.) You were behind the tree. (Ağacın arkasındaydın.) They were very expensive. (Onlar çok pahalıydı.) Ali was in front of the wall. (Ali duvarın önündeydi.) Ahmet and Derya were near the school. (Ahmet ve Derya okula yakındı.) There were two birds on the tree. (Ağaçta iki kuş vardı.)
Son örneğe dikkat etmişseniz WAS ve WERE yardımcı fiilleri There is ve There are cümleleri gibi kullanılabilmektedir. Daha basit bir ifadeyle Am/Is/Are yerine Was/Were yazabilmekteyiz. Böylece de cümlenin anlamını değiştirmiş oluyoruz. There is yerine THERE WAS There are yerine THERE WERE kullanılabilir. Anlam nasıl etkilenir? Was/Were ile bu yapıyı kullandığımızda “Vardı” demiş oluyoruz. Hikayelerde, fıkralarda ve pek çok İngilizce metinde bu özelliği (There was/There were) görmekteyiz. Bunu unutmayınız!
Olumsuz Cümlede kullanım şekli was not wasn’t were not weren’t
Soru Cümlesinde kullanım şekli …? …? Was Were
Olumlu Cevap kullanım şekli was. were. Yes, Yes,
Olumsuz Cevap kullanım şekli wasn’t. weren’t. No, No,
We form negations by putting not after was/were. ( + ) She was ill yesterday. ( - ) She wasn’t ill yesterday. • We form questions by putting was/were before the subject pronoun. She was ill yesterday. ( + ) Was she ill yesterday? ( ? )
He was at school yesterday. (+) He wasn’t at school yesterday. (-) Was he at school yesterday? (?) Yes, he was at school yesterday. No, he wasn’t at school yesterday. She was beautiful years ago. (+) She wasn’t beautiful years ago. (-) Was she beautiful years ago? (?) Yes, she was beautiful years ago. No, she wasn’t beautiful years ago.
They were at school yesterday. (+) They weren’t at school yesterday. (-) Were they at school yesterday? (?) Yes, they were at school yesterday. No, they weren’t at school yesterday. We were ill last week. (+) We weren’t ill last week. (-) Were we ill last week? (?) Yes, we were ill last week. No, we weren’t ill last week.
Bob is eighty. He’s old and weak. Mary, his wife is seventy-nine. She’s old, too.
Fifty years ago they were young. Bob was strong. He wasn’t weak. Mary was beautiful. She wasn’t old.
We use the past simple for actions which finished at a definite stated time in the past. That is, we know when the action happened.
They were in Berlin last month. (When? Last month)
He was in hospital two weeks ago. (When? Two weeks ago)
square John John was at the square.
castle Mary and Peter Mary and Peter were at the castle.
palace Jill Jill was at the palace.
souvenir shop George and Mary George and Mary were at the souvenir shop.
museum Nina and Rhonda Nina and Rhonda were at the museum.
1. Were there CDs 100 years ago? No, there weren’t. 2. Were there boats 100 years ago? Yes, there were. 3. Were there helicopters 100 years ago? No, there weren’t.
4. Were there bowls 100 years ago? Yes, there were. 5. Were there videos 100 years ago? No, there weren’t. 6. Were there irons 100 years ago? No, there weren’t.
7. Were there washing machines 100 years ago? No, there weren’t. 8. Were there motorcycles 100 years ago? No, there weren’t. 9. Were there cookers 100 years ago? No, there weren’t.
10. Were there TVs 100 years ago? No, there weren’t. 11. Were there bicycles 100 years ago? Yes, there were. 12. Were there glasses 100 years ago? Yes, there were.
Where / Lyn / last Tuesday / ? Where was Lyn last Tuesday? She was at the supermarket.
Where / children / yesterday afternoon / ? Where were the children yesterday afternoon? They were at the playground.
Where / John / last night / ? Where was John last night? He was at the cinema.
Where / Kevin and Sally / two days ago / ? Where were Kevin and Sally two days ago? They were at the museum.
Where / you and your friends / last Saturday / ? Where were you and your friends last Saturday? We were at a restaurant.
Where / Diane / yesterday / at noon? Where was Diane yesterday at noon? She was at a train station.
Lisa / actress Lisa wasn’t an actress ten years ago. She was a singer.
Betty and Tom / poor Betty and Tom weren’t poor ten years ago. They were rich.
Bob / fat Bob wasn’t fat ten years ago. He was thin.
Tina and Allison / doctors Tina and Allison weren’t doctors ten years ago. They were students.
Ted / in Italy Ted wasn’t in Italy ten years ago. He was in Spain.
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