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Bacteria Characteristics

Bacteria Characteristics. Cell Structure. Prokaryote : no nucleus Chromosome & plasmids float freely in cytoplasm Ribosomes : create proteins Flagella : used in movement Pili : act as anchors Capsule : outer coating Endospore : “cocoon” to protect DNA in harsh times.

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Bacteria Characteristics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bacteria Characteristics

  2. Cell Structure • Prokaryote: no nucleus • Chromosome & plasmids float freely in cytoplasm • Ribosomes: create proteins • Flagella: used in movement • Pili: act as anchors • Capsule: outer coating • Endospore: “cocoon” to protect DNA in harsh times

  3. Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

  4. Many bacteria grow in colonies 3 Basic Shapes 1) Bacilli = Rod 2) Cocci = Spherical 3) Spirilli = Spiral Bacterial Shapes

  5. Binary Fission: asexual reproduction where one cell splits into two cells Both cells have identical sets of DNA Less genetic diversity Conjugation: process where DNA is exchanged Cells connect by pili DNA exchanged Creates genetic diversity Reproduction

  6. Nutrition • Many Heterotrophs • Saprophytes: Feed on dead matter • Some Autotrophs • Perform photosynthesis • Essential to healthy ecosystems

  7. Respiration • Obligate Anaerobic = cannot live in oxygen • Facultative aerobic = can live with or without oxygen • Obligate Aerobic = must live in oxygen The bacteria that causes TB lives in your lungs…which type is it?

  8. Kingdoms of Life

  9. Kingdom Archaebacteria • Live in extreme environments • 3 Main Categories: 1) Methanogens • anaerobic • methane producing • Ex: Intestines 2) Halophiles • thrive in salty environments • Ex: Dead Sea 3) Thermophiles • thrive in extreme heat (~230°F) • Ex: Deep sea vents

  10. Kingdom Archaebacteria (extreme bacteria) • Halophiles • thrive in salty environments • Methanogens • live in anaerobic environments • produce methane as waste • Thermophiles • thrive in extremely hot environments

  11. Silly…yet educational…Archaebacteria

  12. Kingdom Eubacteria • Modern Bacteria • Identified by Gram Stain • Gram negative • Stains pink • Harder to treat because of extra outer layer • Gram positive • Stains purple • Easier to treat • Treatments differ depending upon results

  13. Gram Stain Overview

  14. UV Cyanobacteria UV UV UV UV UV • Autotrophs: create O2 during photosynthesis • Evolutionary Importance • Early life lived in oceans (no ozone layer) • Cyanobacteria released O2 into the atmosphere • Oxygen formed the ozone layer • Ozone layer allowed life to evolve on land Ozone layer (O3) develops over millions of years Uninhabited land Ocean water O2 O2 O2 O2

  15. Food: cheese, bread, yogurt, cabbage, sauerkraut Nature: return nutrients to soil Human body: help digest food in our intestines Industry: insecticides, fuel, environmental cleanup Helpful Bacteria

  16. Kingdom Eubacteria (modern bacteria) • Gram Positive • Thinner capsule • Stains purple • Gram Negative • Thicker capsule • Stains pink • Cyanobacteria • Autotrophs • Created ozone layer


  18. Most bacteria killed Strong Survive Resistant Bacteria Only Strong Reproduce

  19. Name this bacteria shape! Cocci

  20. Name this bacteria shape! Bacillus

  21. Name these cell parts! Pili

  22. Name the process shown in this animation. Binary Fission

  23. 1) What is the main difference between bacteria and all other life on Earth? 2) What is the purpose of… ribosomes? pili? endospores? capsule? 3) Name the process where bacteria divide themselves? 4) Examine the next slide and identify the cell parts. 5) How do the 3 types of respiration differ among bacteria? 6) Which archaebacteria love salt? 7) How do Gram + and – bacteria differ? 8) Which beneficial gas do cyanobacteria release into the atmosphere? 9) What did this gas eventually create? Kobe Kuiz

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