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IE-2450 Work Methods 2-2-3. IE-100 Intro. to IE 2-2-3. IE-193 Comp Appl 2-2-3. IE-203 Appl Stat 2-2-3. MA-262. IE Program. IE-391. MA-262. IE-383. IE-348 Quality (SPC) 3-0-3. PH-2020 PH-2030 EE-201 ME-205 ME-206. Mathematics. MA-235 Differential Equations 4-0-4. MA-136
IE-2450 Work Methods 2-2-3 IE-100 Intro. to IE 2-2-3 IE-193 Comp Appl 2-2-3 IE-203 Appl Stat 2-2-3 MA-262 IE Program IE-391 MA-262 IE-383 IE-348 Quality (SPC) 3-0-3 PH-2020 PH-2030 EE-201 ME-205 ME-206 Mathematics MA-235 Differential Equations 4-0-4 MA-136 Calculus I 4-0-4 MA-137 Calculus II 4-0-4 MA-231 Calculus III 4-0-4 MA-232 Calculus IV 3-0-3 Co-req MA-262 Prob & Stat 3-0-3 ME-207 (MA-120) IE-203, IE-2450, IE-331, IE-340, IE-348, IE-382 Co-req Co-req PH-2010 Mechanics 3-3-4 PH-2020 Elect.,Mag. & Optics 3-3-4 PH-2030 Thermo & Quantum 3-3-4 HS Physics or PH-090, MA-136 Physics/Chemistry MA-137 CH-200, MA-137 Co-req CH-200 Chemistry I 3-2-4 CH-201 Chemistry II 3-2-4 IE-426 (CH-090 or equiv) IE4773 IE347 ME-206 Engineering Dynamics 4-0-4 ME-207 Mech. of Materials 3-2-4 AE-1311 Intro to CAD 1-1-1 ME-205 Engineering Statics 4-0-4 MA-137, HS Physics MA-231 MA-137 EE-201 SS Linear Networks 4-0-4 EE-253 Electro-mech devices 3-2-4 EN-132 Technical Composition 3-0-3 MA-137 EN-241 Speech 2-2-3 Other EN-131 Composition 3-0-3 ME-1601 Intro to Engr Design 2-2-3 HU-100 Contemp. Issues 3-0-3 IE4773 MS-221 Microecon 3-0-3 HU-494 Creative Thinking 3-0-3 MS-354 MS-327 Math/Sci Elective x-x-3 Electives Credits per Quarter/ Cumulative Credits 15 17/32 18/50 18/68 17/85 17/102
V6.2 Effective Fall 2013 Revised 8/16/13 CAY IE-381 Optimiz. 3-0-3 IE-382 Stochastic Processes 3-0-3 IE-383 Simulation 3-2-4 IE-193 MA-127 Jr. Standing MA-262 Jr. St. IE-391 Jr Project 2-2-3 IE-4901 IE-347 Facilities Design 3-2-4 IE-3621 Ergonomics 3-2-4 IE-440 Fac & Leadership 2-2-3 AE-1311 Jr. St. Jr. Standing Jr. Standing + two of IE348, IE3621, IE381 Co-req Jr. Standing IE-331 PP & InvCtrl 3-0-3 IE-340 Proj. Mgmt 3-0-3 IE-423 Engineering Economics 3-0-3 MA-262 IE-4773 CAM/CNC/RP 2-2-3 Soph. Standing MA-262, Jr. Standing ME-1601 or AE-1311; IE-426 or ME-323 IE-4773 IE-426 Materials & Processes 3-2-4 IE-4901 Senior Design I 2-2-3 IE-4902 Senior Design II 1-3-3 ME-207 IE-336 Contemp. Mfg Systems 2-2-3 Most Jr. IE courses, EN-132, EN-241, Sr. Standing or Instr. Consent Jr. Standing MS-331 Business Law 3-0-3 SS-461 Org. Psychology 3-0-3 HU-432 Ethics 3-0-3 MS-327 Intl Busn 3-0-3 Jr Standing Soph. Standing MS-221 MS-354 Accounting 3-0-3 MS Elective 3-0-3 ELECTIVES (11 Total): 4 Humanities/Social Science 4 IE Technical Electives (with IE Prefix) 1 Math/Science Elective 1 MS Elective 1 Free Elective MS-221 OR-402 Prof. Guidance 1-0-1 HU/SS Elective 3-0-3 HU/SS Elective 3-0-3 Jr Standing HU/SS Elective 3-0-3 HU/SS Elective 3-0-3 Free Elective x-x-3 IE Elective x-x-3 IE Elective x-x-3 IE Elective x-x-3 IE Elective x-x-3 17/119 16/135 17/152 15/167 15/182 15/197