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VOCABULARY UNIT 2. Kassi Cervantes Michelle Morris Michele Ramos Marisa Garcia. MAELSTROM [ meyl -str uh m ]. (noun)- a whirlpool of great size and violence; a situation resembling a whirlpool in violence and destruction.

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  1. VOCABULARY UNIT 2 Kassi Cervantes Michelle Morris Michele Ramos Marisa Garcia

  2. MAELSTROM [meyl-struhm] • (noun)- a whirlpool of great size and violence; a situation resembling a whirlpool in violence and destruction. • Cassandra is in the middle of the maelstrom of war, trying to make sense of the chaos that surrounds her.

  3. MYOPIC [mahy-op-ik, -oh-pik] • (adjective)- nearsighted; lacking a broad, realistic view of a situation; lacking foresight or discernment • The myopic foreign policy of the last administration has led to serious problems with our allies.

  4. OVERT [oh-vurt, oh-vurt] • (adjective)- open, not hidden, expressed or revealed in a way that is easily recognized • In order for Congress to declar war, the President must demonstrate an overt threat.

  5. PEJORATIVE [pi-jawr-uh-tiv] • (adjective)- tending to make worse; expressing disapproval or disparagement, derogatory, deprecatory, belittling • The lawyer was accused of making a pejorative remark when referring to the defendant’s background.

  6. PROPRIETY [pruh-prahy-i-tee] • (noun)- the state of being proper, appropriateness • (pl.)- standards of what is proper or socially acceptable • The social worker questioned the propriety of the police’s request to see confidential records.

  7. SACRILEGE [sak-ruh-lij] • (noun)- improper of disrespectful treatment of something held sacred • The anthropologist was accused of committing a sacrilege when she disturbed an ancient burial ground.

  8. SUMMARILY [suh-mair-uh-lee] • (adverb)- without delay or formality; briefly, concisely • As soon as there was evidence of criminal wrongdoing, the official was summarily ousted from his post.

  9. SUPPLIANT [suhp-lee-uhnt] • (adjective)- asking humbly and earnestly • (noun)- one who makes a request humbly and earnestly, a petitioner, a suitor • He made a supppliant address to the parole board.

  10. TALISMAN [tal-is-muhn, -iz-] • (noun)- an object that serves as a charm or is believed to confer magical powers, an amulet, fetish • Most people do not believe that rabbit’s feet and other talismans actually bring good luck.

  11. UNDULATE [uhn-juh-leyt] • (verb)- to move in waves or with a wavelike motion; to have a wavelike appearance or form • The baseball fans began to undulate as they cheered, so that they appeared to move in a wave.

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