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Air Pollution Control Engineering. Prof. Jiakuan Yang Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Questions for the Last Lecture. Please explain how global warming generates. 2 How Ozone Holes are formed?. Answer. Greenhouse gases are transparent for sunlight, but absorb
Air Pollution Control Engineering Prof. Jiakuan Yang Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Questions for the Last Lecture • Please explain how global warming generates. • 2 How Ozone Holes are formed?
Answer Greenhouse gases are transparent for sunlight, but absorb longer wavelength radiation. When the amount of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, CH4 etc, increase to a high value, the global temperature increases.
Green house effect Sunlight in the day Outgoing radiation in the day Outgoing radiation in the night
Lecture 3Air Pollution Control Laws and regulation, Control Philosophies Ⅰ U.S. Air Pollution Control Laws and Regulations Ⅱ Units of Air Pollutants Ⅲ Air Pollution Control Philosophies
Ⅰ U.S. Air pollution control laws and regulations • Impacts of Laws and regulations Most air pollution control activities in the United States take place in response to or in anticipation of air pollution laws and regulations. First laws and regulations, then control activities
Air Pollution Control Local regulations U.S EPA regulations state regulations federal regulations The flow of legal authority leading to Air Pollution Control Clean air act Basic legal structure, Common laws
Common Abbreviations of Air Laws and Regulations EPA: Environmental Protection Agency SIP : State Implementation Plan (州执行计划) NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality Standards (美国室内空气质量标准) PSD: Prevention Of Significant Deterioration NSPS: New Source Performance Standards NESHAP:National Emission Standard For Hazard And Air pollutions ACGIH:American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
NAAQS and ACGIH ( Page 28) Table 2.3 Air Quality standards and industrial exposure standards Permitted industrial C (TWA and STEL) Permitted ambient C (NAAQS) Substance 2ppm, 8-h average SO2 80 μg/m3 (0.03ppm)
Ⅱ Units of Air Pollutants • Many EPA regulations are based on a standard temperature of 25°C. • Throughout this book, air and process gases are assumed to be at 1 standard atmosphere and 20°C. • In chemistry, standard atmosphere conditions, 0°C, 1atm.
Ⅱ Units of Air Pollutants • ppm a concentration expressed in parts per million (ppm ) • For a concentration in a gas, by volume or by mol. • For a concentration in a liquid or solid, by mass or weight . • ppb parts per billion, μ g/kg
Ⅱ Units of Air Pollutants • 1ppm = 10-6 For example: • When expressing the concentration of SO2 in the air , • 1ppm SO2 means 1m3 SO2 in 106 m3 air . • When expressing the concentration of Hg in the • polluted water , 1ppm Hg means 1mg Hg in 1L • waste water .
SO2 0.03ppm C = 0.03×40.87 ×64 =78.5 µg/m3 Ⅱ Units of Air Pollutants • Conversion between ppm and µg/m3 At 1 atm and 25°C , 1 m3 of any perfect gas contains 40.87 moles . C (μg/m3 )= ppm×40.87 ×(molecular weight, g/mol) For example:
Number of mol Ⅱ Units of Air Pollutants For perfect gases at 1 atm and 25°C, 1 m3 (molecular weight)
Ⅲ Air Pollution Control Philosophies A perfect air pollution philosophy and implementing regulations are cost-effective, simple, enforceable, flexible, and evolutionary. • Emission standards philosophy • Air quality standards philosophy • Emission taxes philosophy • Cost-benefit standards philosophy
1) Emission standards philosophy The basic idea of the emission standard philosophy is that there is some maximum possible (or practical) degree of emission control . • Cleanest possible air philosophy • Best practical means philosophy Cost is very bad.
2) The Air Quality Standard Philosophy The air quality standard philosophy is logically a“zero-damage” philosophy. The air quality standard philosophy is based on the assumption that the true situation for most major air pollutants is the threshold value situation. Suitable Air pollution control means (or techniques) will be used in order to decrease the pollutant concentration values under the threshold value.
3) Emission Tax Philosophy Laws based on emission tax philosophy would tax each emission of major pollutants according to its emission rate . For example: X cents per pound of pollutant Y for all emitters.
4) Cost-benefit Philosophy The cost-benefit approach accepts some amount of air pollution damage to human health .This philosophy suggests that we attempt to decide, in as rational a manner as possible , how much damage we should accept and corresponding how much we should be willing to spend to reduce damages to this level.
Minimization of the sum of two costs d (sum of two costs ) = 0 d c 4) Cost-benefit Philosophy Higher concentration , higher damage cost. Higher concentration , lower control cost. Total Pollution damage cost Pollution control cost (or pollution control expenditure ) Total = damage + control Concentration of air pollutants
环境空气质量控制标准的种类和作用 环境空气质量控制标准按用途分: • 大气环境质量标准 • 大气污染物排放标准 • 大气污染控制技术标准 • 大气污染预警预报标准 按其适用范围分 • 国家标准 • 地方标准 • 行业标准
环境空气质量标准 环境空气(Ambient air)质量标准是以保障人体健康和一定的生态环境为目标,而对大气环境中各种污染物的允许含量所作的限制规定,是最基本的大气环境标准,是进行大气环境科学管理,制定大气污染防治规划和大气污染物排放标准的依据,是环境管理部门的执法依据。
大气环境污染物排放标准 大气污染物排放标准是为实现大气环境质量标准,对污染源排入大气的污染物允许含量的限制规定。 是控制大气污染源的污染物排放量和选择设计净化装置的重要依据,也是环境管理部门的执法依据。大气污染物排放标准可分为国家标准、地方标准和行业标准。
大气污染控制技术标准 是根据污染物排放标准引申出来的辅助标准,如燃料、原料使用标准,净化装置选用标准,排气囱高度标准及卫生防护距离标准等。 是为保证达到污染物排放标准而从某一方面做出的具体技术规定,目的是使生产、设计和管理人员容易掌握和执行。
警报标准 大气污染警报标准是为保护大气环境不致恶化,或根据大气污染发展趋势预防发生污染事故而规定的空气中污染物含量的极限值。超过这一限值就应警报,以便采取必要的预防措施,尽量减少对人们的危害。
中华人民共和国国家标准 环境空气质量标准 Ambient air quality standard GB3095-1996 (代替GB3095-82)国家环境保护局1996-01-18批准 1996-10-01实施 • 主题内容与适用范围 • 本标准规定了环境空气质量功能区划分、标准分级、污染物项目、取值时间及浓度限值,采样与分析方法及数据统计的有效性规定。 • 本标准适用于全国范围的环境空气质量评价。
环境空气质量功能区的分类和标准分级 • 环境空气质量功能区分类 • 一类区为自然保护区、风景名胜区和其它需要特殊保护的地区。 • 二类区为城镇规划中确定的居住区、商业交通居民混合区、文化区、一般工业区和农村地区。 • 三类区为特定工业区。 • 环境空气质量标准分级(环境空气质量标准分为三级) • 一类区执行一级标准 • 二类区执行二级标准 • 三类区执行三级标准
各项污染物的浓度限值 注: ①适用于城市地区; ②适用于牧业区和以牧业为主的半农半牧区,蚕桑区; ③适用于农业和林业区。
This Lecture and the Next Lecture • This Lecture: • Chapter 3 Page 40~62 • Chapter 1 Page 9~10 • Conversion factors Page 587~540 • The Next Lecture: • Chapter 4 Page 63~82
Homework 1、The concentration of the three air pollutants are shown as the following: SO2: 0.03ppm, O3: 157 µg/m3, CO: 9 ppm Please finish the units conversion between ppm and µg/m3? 2、查阅最新的环境空气质量标准,与GB3095-1996比较有何区别?
DISCUSSION • Topics about Air Pollution: • Introducing yourself • Interesting news or information about air pollution your having read or heard • Your opinions on this Air Pollution course • Your suggestions for Chinese Air Pollution • Other familiar issues about Air Pollution