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Ethical Hacker Course <br>Altamatyu Center For Global Language
CertifiedEthicalHacking -Introduction -Footprinting andReconnaissaince -ScanningNetworks -Enumeration
CertifiedEthicalHacking -SystemHacking -TrojansBackdoors+ -VirusesWorms+ -Sniffer
CertifiedEthicalHacking -SocialEngineering -Denial ofSevices -Sessionhijacking -HackingWebServers -HackingWebApps
CertifiedEthicalHacking -SQLInjection -WirelessHacking -EvadingIDS,Firewalls,Honeypots -BufferOverflow -Cryptography -PenTesting
Introduction-CEH -Nolegaladvice • The legal framework is not very clear aboutwhat is actually lawful or not • Be authorized in advance by those in power. • Demonstrate and highlight how you can access the data without accessing it. • In Italy, use a document created with the help of Indemnity of Legal possibly -Itmaybeillegal tomakePenTestonpropia network • No prior authorization • Access to sensitive data -Mostareunsuccessful Hack -ExpansiveExam
Introduction-CEH -Current Situation • News Suglia cyber attacks • Criminal activities -AnonymousActivities -Cyber Terrorism -Companiesmustnecessarilyhaveandimplement securitypolicies • Management of utilities • Access Management • Authentication and security levels • Delegation: rules for delegation • Authoritative sources of data
Introduction-CEH -Overviewoflegislation • ComputerMisuseAct1990(UK) • CANspamAct(2003) -InItaly • Law48/2008:EuropeanConventionon Cybercrime. • Law196/2003 • DPS(DocumentSecurity) • Measuresofprotectioncommissioner27/11/2008 • TheIndemnity
Introduction-CEH -Terminology • Hacking • Hackers • Black Box Testing • White Box Testing • GrayBoxTesting • Security • Vulnerability • Exploit / Proofof concept • Zero Day • Vulnerability Scan • Penetration Test
Introduction-CEH -Originthreats • Withinthecompany a. Licensedphysicalaccess b. Loginsviathenetwork c. Directors d. Employees • Outsidethecompany a. ExternalConsultants b. ExternalCollaborators c. Itsaffiliates,subsidiariesofcompany d. Externalmaintenance,visitors,etc..
Introduction-CEH -WhoisaHacker?(1/2) • BlackHats /Crackers/Malicious Individualswithhigh computerskillsused formaliciousactivityor destructive • WhiteHats /EthicalHacker/pentester Individuals with expertise in the field ofcomputer hackingwhouse theirknowledgeto improvethesafety ofthe environment and are often identified with the term Security Analyst
Introduction-CEH -WhoisaHacker?(2/2) • GrayHats Individualswith highcomputerskills used,asappropriate,bothfor business "offensive", and "defensive" • SuicideHecker Individualsthat use their computer skills tocreate inefficiencies in companiesvictimsorcritical infrastructure,notcaringifpossible iripercussioni of legal they face. •Hactvism / Script Kiddie / Phreak / Red Team
Introduction-CEH -HowdoesaHacker?(1/3) • Step 1: Patrol a. Research information about the victim b. Connections on a large scale for possible points of attack c. Looking for any information aboutcustomers,employees, networks, systems employed, etc.. • Step 2: Scanning a. Port Scan b. Networks scan c. Extract useful information onwhich versions and service
Introduction-CEH -HowdoesaHacker?(2/3) • Step 3:Obtain access a. Exploit b. WeakPassword c. BufferOverflow d. Denialofservice • Step 2:Maintain access a. Keylogger b. Backdoor c. Rootkits d. Trojan/ Worm
Introduction-CEH -WhydoyouneedtheEthicalhacking? • Vulnerability Testing and Security Audit does not ensure that our infrastructure is safe • Need to implement defense strategies takingadvantage of targeted Pentest • The Ethical Hacking is necessaryin order toanticipate the moves of any malicious people who would compromiseour systems
Introduction-CEH -BenefitsEthicalHacking? • Risk Assessment • Auditing • Mitigate fraud • Best Practies • Good infrastructure management
Introduction-CEH -BenefitsEthicalHacking • RiskAssessment • Auditing • Mitigatefraud • BestPracties • Goodinfrastructuremanagement -Disadvantages EthicalHacking • Despitetheintentionsofcompaniesinhiringexternalpeople totesttheirsystems,doesnotguaranteethatthisleadstoa positivecontributioninraisingthelevelofsecurityofthe company. • An EthicalHackercanonlyhelptounderstandthelevels ofsecurityinplaceinthecompany.Itwillbethelatter thatmustbeputinplacepropercountermeasures
Introduction-CEH -WhatisanEthicalHackers? • Sniffing out Vulenaribilità • Verify the effectiveness of the strategies implemented safety • Head found in any vulnerbilità systems and network • Test the ability to access sensitive data
Introduction-CEH -Thetriangleofsafety, functionality,easeofuse Safety Functionality Ease of use
Introduction-CEH IntroductionVirtual Lab+Linux
Introduction-CEH Questions?
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Informationgathering -RatingSizeofattack -Exposure
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Informationgathering • Searchtechnicalinformation a. Registered domains b. IP range used c. Services Provided • AdditionalInformation a. ITadministratorsof groups,forums,etc.. b. Instrumentsused,andsoftwareversions c. Hardwaredevicesandtechnologies
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -AttackSurface • Discoverthemachinesandservicesused • Discoveranyopenwirelessnetworks • Othertypesof networkaccess: a. Waiting Rooms b. Chiosci c. Shared networks • Abilitytouse intheattackmalware
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Exposure • Check for services found and the cars reach: a. Exploit for the optional field b. Potential for abuse services • Organize the information collected • Create a plan of attack a. An attack can 'beperformed usingmore' weaknesses in a coordinated manner • Testing diving the posture (position) before the attack
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Footprinting • Delimit thescopeof attack a. DNS / WHOIS b. Internic c. Physical location d. RF (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth) monitoring - WarDriving • Analysis Traceroute • Mirroring the site of the target company • Trackingemail communications • Using Google Hacking • NessusScan • Nikto Scan
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH • Analysis ofDNS records a. IP Assigned b. MX Record c. etc. .. • Sniffing out the company's website a. Public or restricted WebSite • Search information via search engines (eg google, bing, yahoo, etc..), Job sites, financial services, etc.. • Research staffonSocial Networks, Chat services, etc.. • Physicallocation of the office -Perimeterattack
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH • Identification devices routers, firewalls, etc.. es. # traceroute traceroute to,64 hops max,52 byte packets 1 ( ms 1.160 ms 0956 ms 2 (,266ms 34.849 ms 33,298 ms 3 * * * * ... • By correlating the information obtained it is possible to draw the network topology • Traceroute Tools a. VisualRouteTrace (http://viualroute.visualware.com) b. VisualIPTrace(http://www.visualiptrace.com) c. vTrace(http://vtrace.pl) -AnalysisTraceroute
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Mirroringthecorporatewebsite • Createacopyoftheentiresiteazinedaleinordertoobtain information on the structure as CSS, images, flash files, video, html code, etc.. • Website mirroring tools: a. Wget (http://www.gnu.org) b. BlackWidow (http://softbytelabs.com) c. WinWSD (http://winwsd.uw.hu) d. etc..
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Trackingemailcommunications • The Tracking ofEmail is a valid method for monitorand spy on the emails sent to recipients a. When an email has been read or received b. Possibility to send email destructive c. Phishing attack d. Find the endpoints of e-mail communication e. Tracking ofdocuments, etc. • E-mails Tracking tool: a. Trout (http://www.foundstone.com) b. 3d Visual Trace Route (http://www.3dsnmp.com) c. etc..
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -UsingGoogleHacking(1/2) • What a hacker can do with the techniques of Google Hacking a. Find errors that contain sensitive information b. File containing password c. Warnings or safety vulenrabilità d. Pages containing the login form e. Pages containing data regarding the configuration or network vulnerabilities • Examples of some operators used for advanced searches of google: a. [Cache:] - shows the version of the site that is cached by google b. [Inurl:] - restricts the search of the given string only if present in the URL c. [Intitle:] - narrows the search to documents that contain the specified string in the title d. etc ...
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Using GoogleHacking(2/2) • GoogleHacking Tool: a. MetaGoofil (http://www.edge-security.com) b. SiteDigger (http://www.foundstone.com) c. GoogleHacks(http://code.google.com)d. GMapCatcher (http://code. Google.com) e. Goolink Scanner (http://www.ghacks. Net) f. etc ...
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -Nessus Scan • Nessus isa tool thatallows offind andpossibly identify theservices exposed by a particularserver Picture of nessus • Nessus Site (http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus)
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH • Nikto isa toolthatallows ofIdentify a webserverand makecrowling ofthe sites configured in it. • Nikto is in degrees also identify any known vulnerabilities presenton that webserver on thebasis of its own internal DB Picture of Nikto • Nikto Site (http://www.cirt.net/nikto2) - NiktoScan
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -CountermeasuresFootprinting(1/2) • Secure destruction of documents • Configuring Router / IDS a. Reject any suspicious traffic b. Identify patterns of footprinting c. Close access to the ports that are not strictly necessary for the provisionof theservice and filter any unused protocols from their applications. • Configure the web server sothat it does not provide useful information • Perform tests to verify footprinting countermeasures
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH -CountermeasuresFootprinting(2/2) • Removal of any sensitive data on the DMZ • Prevention of spider and loading of copies cache (robots.txt) • Split - DNS • Honeypot
Footprinting and Reconnaissaince - CEH Questions?
Scanning-CEH -CEH scanning methodology -Types of Scan -Firewalking -3 way handshake -ClosingSessions -Scanning techniques -War Dialing -Scan tool
Scanning-CEH - CEH scanning methodology 1) Check the Live systems 2) Check open ports on the system 3) Identify the types of services and versions 4) Vulnerability Scanning 5) Design diagram network 6) Using Proxy
Scanning - CEH -TypesofScan • Networkscanning a. ICMPscanning b. PingSweepscanning • Portscanning a. Checkopenportsonasystem • Vulnerabilityscaning a. Identificationofservices b. Identifyingversionsofapplications c. IdentificationApplications
Scanning - CEH -Firewalking • Identifies the ACL (Access Control Lists) configured on the Firewall • It uses the TTL (Time ToLive) of apackage to find "hop" • Forwarding packets tothe open services a. Icmp_time_exceded b. Drop Package • It is not necessaryto reach the destination
Scanning - CEH -3wayhandshake Computer3-way Computer SYN =1, SEQ # 10 SYN =1, ACK = 1 ACK # 11 ACK = 1, SEQ # 11 Time Time A B
Scanning - CEH -Chiusirasessions Computer Computer Computer Computer A B A B FYN, ACK RTD FIN ACK, ACK ACK Time Time
Scanning - CEH -Scanningtechniques • TCP Connect Scan • Stealth Scan • XMAS Scan • SYN / ACK / FIN Scan • NULL Scan • IDLE Scan • UDP Scan
Scanning - CEH -TCP ConnectScan • Indicates whether theport isopen only aftercompletingthreeway handshake - Sequence packages: SYN SYN, ACK, ACK, RST • TCP Connect scan uses a RST packet to terminate the communication
Scanning - CEH -Stealth Scan • Used to bypass firewall rules, logging mechanisms or hide their activities as normal traffic SYN SYN RT DRTD OpenDoor Closed Door SYN,ACK
Scanning - CEH -XMAS Scan • forge a packet with the URG, ACK, RST, SYN and FYN settati • The FIN flag works only for systems that have implemented the TCP stack according to RFC 793 • Often does not work for some systems Microsoft Windows FIN, URG, PUSH FIN, URG, PUSH None RTD OpenDoor Closed Door reply
Scanning - CEH -NULLScan • The FIN flag works only for systems that have implemented the TCP stack according to RFC 793 • Often does not work for some systems Microsoft Windows No Flags settati No Flags settati None RST, ACK OpenDoor Closed Door reply
Scanning - CEH -FIN Scan • Send packets with the FIN flag set • The FIN flag works only for systems that have implemented the TCP stack according to RFC 793 • Often does not work for some systems Microsoft Windows FIN FIN None RST, ACK OpenDoor Closed Door reply
Scanning - CEH -IdleScan • To verify an open door just send a SYN packet • The target responds with SYN, ACK, RST if it is open or closed if • A PC receives a response to SYN, ACK, it did not send any request will respond with RST • Each RTD is not required ignored • Each packet on the network contains a number of "fragment identification" (IPID) • The Idle scan + is a scanning technique that spoofed packets are sent to check the status of the ports on a target.