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NuHorizons 09: Summary Talk. Amitava Raychaudhuri Harish-Chandra Research Institute Allahabad, India January 2009. Scientist, Visionary, Institution builder. Homi J. Bhabha 1909-1966. Plan. Neutrino Oscillation Mass models High energy neutrinos Supernova neutrinos
NuHorizons 09: Summary Talk Amitava Raychaudhuri Harish-Chandra Research Institute Allahabad, India January 2009
Scientist, Visionary, Institution builder Homi J. Bhabha 1909-1966 Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Plan • Neutrino Oscillation • Mass models • High energy neutrinos • Supernova neutrinos • Dark matter • INO 27 May 2008, Neutrino 08 Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Highlight! Fog! Flight Cancellations Train delays Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Apologies Missed talks by: Rathin Adhikari, Biswajit Adhikary, Zackaria Chacko, Sovan Chakraborty. Sandhya Choubey, Paramita Dey, Pasquale DiBari, Rikard Enberg, Raj Gandhi, Thomas Hambye, Mary Hall Reno, Werner Rodejohann, Sourov Roy, Atsushi Watanabe, Terribly sorry, folks! Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Neutrino parameters • Three masses m1, m2, and m3 • Three mixing angles: θ12, θ23, and θ13 • CP phases δ, α, β • Known at the moment a) Only relative mass splitting b) Sum of the masses c) θ12 and θ23 oscillation experimentsν-mass0νββcosmology/astrophysics Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Status: Δm212 and θ12 Thanks to S. Choubey Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Status: Δm231 and θ23 Thanks to S. Choubey Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
OPERA • OPERA: CERN to LNGS νντ through τ detection • Emulsion Cloud Chamber technique • Emulsion + electronic detection • First results Thanks to A. Paoloni. Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Borexino • 100 Tons • Purity is critical: Po, Kr the last hurdles • Environmental issue: delay • 192-day results consistent with MSW LMA • Get Be flux to 5% Thanks to R.S. Raghavan Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
MIPP • Main Injector Particle Production experiment • Test Non-perturbative QCD, scaling laws, shower simulation, etc. • Relevant for MiniBoone, atmos. nu, nu factories • Data (05-06) analysis on Thanks to R. Raja Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
If 13 is vanishingly small…. atm = 13 - c212 12 normal inverted hierarchy Usually used 13 -13 Correct only for large θ13 Possible to find hierarchy using atm nu For small θ13 one must use two different expts Advantage of Long baseline expt Thanks to P. Ghoshal Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Mass varying neutrinos Neutrino mass changes with epoch Acceleron field contribution to mν besides type I see-saw As neutrino density decreases 2nd term begins to dominate Effect mimics dark energy with weff < -1 Not ghosts or vac instability Rather support for MAVAN Thanks to K. Dutta Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Effective operator for neutrino mass S. Weinberg, Phys. Rev. Lett, 43, 1566 (1979) There are three tree level realizations: E. Ma, Phys. Rev. Lett, 81, 1171 (1998) (I) (II) (III) Replacing in (I) by heavy Majorana fermion triplet Thanks to R. Adhikari 15 Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Post-sphaleron baryogenesis • PS224 Quark-lepton symmetry Δ(1,3,10) Δνν ≡ S • S develops a vev: 10-100TeV • Baryogenesis from S-decay, neutron-antineutron oscillations • Neutrino masses through Type-II see-saw Thanks to B. Dev Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Phenomenology of Type III see-saw • Triplets under SU(2), Σ couples to gauge bosons. LHC production up to 1.5 TeV. • Σ+c can mix with charged lepton. Rare decays, e.g., →e γ, →eee probe up to 200 TeV. • Decay branching ratios are important • L-violation, leptogenesis Thanks to T. Hambye Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
TeV-scale see-saw NMSSM and R-parity violation Sneutrino vev, LSP decay signals Testable at LHC! Thanks to Sourov Roy Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
See-saw models with a Z’ Models with a Z’ under which RH neutrinos (TeV-scale) are charged. TeV scale Z’, when produced, will decay to NRNR which decay to charged leptons (could be same sign) TeV scale Majorana NR carry additional lepton number violation -- flavour dependent -- and erase baryon asymmetry created earlier. Prevention of washout yields an UPPER bound on NR mass. e.g., Type I: 300 GeV for degenerate case and 1 TeV for IH. No bound for NH. Similar (but tighter) constraints for Type III Testable at the LHC Thanks to. Z. Chacko Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Four-zero textures and symmetry • 126 four-zero texture mass matrices possible • Two compatible with symmetry • Predictive: θ23 = π/4, θ13 =0 Parametrised by k,k’, α Thanks to B. Adhikary R = 3.2 x 10-2, θ12 = 34o Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Triplet Higgs, S3 symmetry, Lepton masses • Also add discrete Z3 or Z4 symmetry • 2 Higgs triplets: Type II see-saw for nu mass • Mild breaking of τ symmetry: small θ13 • LHC charged higgs signals? Thanks to M. Mitra Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Two-loop neutrino masses in SUSY • Neutrino masses from R-parity violating SUSY and sqauark non-degeneracy. Large couplings may contradict ν-mass. • Sets of couplings may be chosen so that 1-loop vanishes. • Two loops do the job (one diagram shown) Thanks to P. Dey Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
RG evolution for Type III see-saw Type III see-saw relies on SU(2) triplet fermions They contribute to gauge coupling evolution as well as to Yukawa and Higgs self couplings affecting neutrino mass and mixing evolution. Calculation in Rξ gauge ensures gauge invariance Running of MΣ Is significant. Threshold effects and Majorana phases are important CP phase δ undefined at θ13 = 0. Careful handling using Jarlskog J shows there is no singularity. Thanks to. S. Ray Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Deviations from tri-bimaximal mixing • Deviations from TBM • Different options • Other patterns? θ13≠0? Thanks to W. Rodejohann Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Dark matter from νR mixing Stable right-handed neutrino could be warm dark matter See-saw prefers heavier νR unless Dirac mass is chosen small Consider three RH neutrinos of which one is heavy and the others light. Lightest (TeV scale or more) is long lived and a dark matter candidate. Abundance is a difficulty Can abundance be enhanced through oscillations from the other light state? Yes, through dimension-5 operators Thanks to P. DiBari Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Models with extra U(1) symmetry n1 (n4) is the U(1) charge of (u,d) and (ν,l) doublets. Anomaly cancellation has to be respected If X gauge boson is observed at LHC , then r may be determined from its decay branching fraction Thanks to R. Adhikari 26 Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Rare τdecays Rare lepton decays are interesting Quark sector is suggestive Experiments (e.g, BaBar and Belle) are pushing the boundary Constrain MSSM (slepton mixing)? Neutrino masses (See-saw + MSSM)? Thanks to A. Ibarra 27 Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Neutrino cross sections Low energy νN cross sections have significant uncertainty (next slide) At UHE the cross sections are extrapolation based. Detailed exposition Thanks to M.H. Reno Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
MHR, Phys. Rev. D74 (2006) LO+TMC Low Q extrapolations, from NLO+TMC, with CKMT (and Bodek et al) extrapolation. NLO + TMC, no special low Q extrapolation. Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
High Energy ν New era in high energy neutrino astronomy Neutrino fluxes better estimated through TeV gamma measurements and UHE cosmic ray information UHE neutrinos probe BSM physics: Extra dimensions, black holes, … Neutrino flavour ratios carry important clues Radio detection beyond GSM is a possibility worth exploring Thanks to R. Gandhi Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Prompt neutrinos High energy neutrinos from heavy quark (c, b) decay: a) In atmospheric flux b) From astrophysical sources Smaller cross section Harder spectrum New, improved QCD calculation Thanks to R. Enberg Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Charm decay νfrom supernova • Prompt neutrino from charm decay from supernova • Slow jets: Like GRB but lower Lorentz boost • Resulting diffuse background is small, but individual point sources possible • Boosted from comoving frame to earth frame • TeV energy neutrinos • May be detectable in km3 detectors Thanks to A. Watanabe Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Diffuse supernova nu background DSNB from supernova explosions in the past. Depends on supernova rate. SN neutrino spectrum required. Collective effects – ν-ν interaction driven – are important. Complete swapping for IH, No effect for normal hierarchy. MSW also has to be included farther out Thanks to S. Chakraborty Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
INO site Pushep: 11.5N 76.6E (Near Ooty Hill station) Masinagudi 6.5km Mysore 96.5km Bangalore 350km 1km rock coverage Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Schematic of 50 kton ICAL Large Mass Good tracking and energy resolution Good directionality Charge ID Ease of construction 6cm thick Fe plates 2.5cm gap for RPC trays 2mx2m RPCs interleaved Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Development of large area glass RPCs Thanks to N.K. Mondal Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri 36
Looking ahead Absolute neutrino mass measurement from 0ν2β expts ~ 0.03 eV Determine sign of Δm231. CP-phase δ Pin down θ13. Hints of non-zero value? Sterile neutrinos? Why light, even if they are there? Km3 detectors for UHE neutrinos Much activity in mass models, tribimaximal, testability Supernova neutrinos, Leptogenesis, … Looking forward to NuHoRIzons 2010 Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri
Thank you Summary Talk A. Raychaudhuri