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Using Pasif in Indonesian. Object Focus Construction Vs Subject Focus Construction.
Using Pasif in Indonesian Object Focus Construction Vs Subject Focus Construction
In Indonesian we need to distinguish between intransitive and transitive verbs – according to whether the verb requires only one or more than one noun to accompany it in order for the sentence to make sense. • Traditionally verbs are ‘doing’ words but some verbs actually describe a ‘state’ or ‘condition’ e.g. verb = to be = is, are; sick = sakit etc.
Intransitive verbs need only one noun (or noun phrase) to accompany it in a sentence. This noun phrase is usually the SUBJECT • Duduk, berlari, tidur, makan, bangun are examples of intransitive verbs • Anto duduk. • Nenek berjalan. • Saya bangun pada jam 6 pagi. • Adik saya menangis.
Anto duduk di kursi • Anto sits on the chair Nenek berjalan ke pasar • Granny walks to the market Ani menangis keras • Ani cries loudly Tono tidur lelap • Tono sleeps soundly.
Subject focus and Object focus = in sentence constructions our attention is focused on the subject or the object of the sentence. • Sometimes called Active or Passive • A SUBJECT = doer, actor or agent of action • An OBJECT = s.o. or s.t. that is affected by the action performed by subject
Subject-Focus • Subject comes before the verb & object • Subject is followed by me-verb transitive verb • May be an auxillary verb before main verb • Object follows the verb directly Nina membaca buku ini Subject Verb Object Nina reads a book
Nina membaca buku ini – Subject-Focus • To change a sentence from subject focus sentence (Aktif) to an object focus sentence (Pasif) we follow these rules. i)First identify the verb - membaca ii) Ask the question Who/what did the action (of verb) – • Quest: Who/what membaca (read) ? • Answer: Nina. • Nina is the subject
iii) Now we identify the object in the sentence by asking • Quest: .Nina read who or what ? • Answer: a book – the object of the sentence is ‘a book’ • Nina membaca buku ini • Subject verb Object • Nina read this book.
Change into Object-Focus or Pasif# 1 Follow these rules: i) Move Object to front of sentence ii) Add Di~ to verb (remove any prefixes e.g. me~ so only base word with suffixes is left) iii) Oleh is optional but it sounds better iv) Put Subject after di~ verb Buku ini dibaca oleh Nina • Object di- verb (optional) Subject This book was readby Nina.
Ayo ! Cobalah ini ! • Kami merayakan Hari Natal di rumahku. • Orangtua menyewa ‘jumping castle’ bagi pesta HUTku. • Mereka akan mengundang teman-teman ke pesta besok pagi.
Tamu-tamu membawa hadiah HUT ke pesta. • Kaum Kristen merayakan Hari Paskah dengan empat hari liburan di Australia. • Ibuku memasak sarapan untuk keluargaku pagi ini.
Doktormemeriksapasien • Subject verb object • To make our sentences a little more interesting we can insert • Auxillary verbs (sudah, mau, harusetc) • Adverbs (pelan-pelan – slowly) • Prepostional phrases (di rumah – at home) Doktoryang mudaharusmemeriksapasienyang sakitsekali di rumahnyapagiini.