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Kernelized Value Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning

This study explores kernel-based models for reinforcement learning, focusing on value function approximation techniques using kernels. It introduces new approaches and tools to understand and optimize Bellman errors in model-based VFA. Experimental results and conclusions are discussed.

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Kernelized Value Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning

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  1. Kernelized Value Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning Gavin Taylor and Ronald Parr Duke University

  2. Kernel: k(s,s’) Training Data: (s,r,s’),(s,r,s’) (s,r,s’)… Solve for value directly using KLSTD or GPTD Solve for model as in GPRL Kernelized Value Function Kernelized Model Solve for value function given kernelized model V=Kw Overview

  3. Samples Model VFA Overview - Contributions • Construct new model-based VFA • Equate novel VFA with previous work • Decompose Bellman Error into reward and transition error • Use decomposition to understand VFA Bellman Error reward error transition error

  4. Outline • Motivation, Notation, and Framework • Kernel-Based Models • Model-Based VFA • Interpretation of Previous Work • Bellman Error Decomposition • Experimental Results and Conclusions

  5. Markov Reward Processes • M=(S,P,R,) • Value: V(s)=expected, discounted sum of rewards from state s • Bellman equation: • Bellman equation in matrix notation:

  6. Kernels • Properties: • Symmetric function between two points: • PSD K-matrix • Uses: • Dot-product in high-dimensional space (kernel trick) • Gain expressiveness • Risks: • Overfitting • High computational cost

  7. Outline • Motivation, Notation, and Framework • Kernel-Based Models • Model-Based VFA • Interpretation of Previous Work • Bellman Error Decomposition • Experimental Results and Conclusions

  8. Kernelized Regression • Apply kernel trick to least-squares regression • t: target values • K: kernel matrix, where • k(x): column vector, where • : regularization matrix

  9. Samples Model VFA Kernel-Based Models • Approximate reward model • Approximate transition model • Want to predictk(s’) (not s’) • Construct matrix K’, where

  10. Samples Model VFA Model-based Value Function

  11. Samples Model VFA Model-based Value Function Unregularized: Regularized: Whole state space:

  12. Samples Model VFA Previous Work • Kernel Least-Squares Temporal Difference Learning (KLSTD)[Xu et. al., 2005] • Rederive LSTD, replacing dot products with kernels • No regularization • Gaussian Process Temporal Difference Learning (GPTD)[Engel, et al., 2005] • Model value directly with a GP • Gaussian Processes in Reinforcement Learning (GPRL)[Rasmussen and Kuss, 2004] • Model transitions and value with GPs • Deterministic reward

  13. Samples Model VFA Equivalency : GPTD noise parameter : GPRL regularization parameter

  14. Outline • Motivation, Notation, and Framework • Kernel-Based Models • Model-Based VFA • Interpretation of Previous Work • Bellman Error Decomposition • Experimental Results and Conclusions

  15. Model Error • Error in reward approximation: • Error in transition approximation: : expected next kernel values : approximate next kernel values

  16. Bellman Error Bellman Error a linear combination of reward and transition errors reward error transition error

  17. Outline • Motivation, Notation, and Framework • Kernel-Based Models • Model-Based VFA • Interpretation of Previous Work • Bellman Error Decomposition • Experimental Results and Conclusions

  18. Experiments • Version of two room problem [Mahadevan & Maggioni, 2006] • Use Bellman Error decomposition to tune regularization parameters REWARD

  19. Experiments

  20. Conclusion • Novel, model-based view of kernelized RL built around kernel regression • Previous work differs from model-based view only in approach to regularization • Bellman Error can be decomposed into transition and reward error • Transition and reward error can be used to tune parameters

  21. Thank you!

  22. What about policy improvement? Wrap policy iteration around kernelized VFA Example: KLSPI Bellman error decomposition will be policy dependent Choice of regularization parameters may be policy dependent Our results do not apply to SARSA variants of kernelized RL, e.g., GPSARSA

  23. What’s left? Kernel selection Kernel selection (not just parameter tuning) Varying kernel parameters across states Combining kernels (See Kolter & Ng ‘09) Computation costs in large problems K is O(#samples) Inverting K is expensive Role of sparsification, interaction w/regularization

  24. Comparing model-based approaches • Transition model • GPRL: models s’ as a GP • T&P: approximates k(s’) given k(s) • Reward model • GPRL: deterministic reward • T&P: reward approximated with regularized, kernelized regression

  25. Don’t you have to know the model? For our experiments & graphs: Reward, transition errors calculated with true R, K’ In practice: Cross-validation could be used to tune parameters to minimize reward and transition errors

  26. Why is the GPTD regularization term asymmetric? GPTD is equivalent to T&P when Can be viewed as propagating the regularizer through the transition model Is this a good idea? Our contribution: Tools to evaluate this question

  27. What about Variances? • Variances can play an important role in Bayesian interpretations of kernelized RL • Can guide exploration • Can ground regularization parameters • Our analysis focuses on the mean • Variances a valid topic for future work

  28. Does this apply to the recent work of Farahmand et al.? Not directly All methods assume (s,r,s’) data Farahmand et al. include next states (s’’) in their kernel, i.e., k(s’’,s) and k(s’’,s’) Previous work, and ours, includes only s’ in the kernel: k(s’,s)

  29. How is This Different from Parr et al. ICML 2008? • Parr et al. considers linear fixed point solutions, not kernelized methods • Equivalence between linear fixed point methods was fairly well understood already • Our contribution: • We provide a unifying view of previous kernel-based methods • We extend the equivalence between model-based and direct methods to the kernelized case

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