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UCERF3.2: Hazard Implications. Hazard comparison metrics Inversion testing C onvergence and eqn. set weighting Hazard maps Influence of logic tree branches Contributions to changes in hazard Hazard curves at sites. Hazard Evaluation: Metrics. Ground motion values:
UCERF3.2: Hazard Implications • Hazard comparison metrics • Inversion testing • Convergence and eqn. set weighting • Hazard maps • Influence of logic tree branches • Contributions to changes in hazard • Hazard curves at sites 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Evaluation: Metrics • Ground motion values: • 2% in 50 years (Prob. Exceed.) • 10% in 50 years (Prob. Exceed.) • RTGM (1% Prob. Collapse in 50 yr.) • Frequencies • PGA • 5Hz • 1Hz • Curves: NEHRP (2009) Test Cities Other WGCEP, PBR • Maps: Full logic-tree for PGA (1440 branches) Partial tree for 1Hz (40 branches) 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Metrics: RTGM • Risk Targeted Ground Motion (RTGM) • Adopted by BSSC in conjunction with 2009 NEHRP provisions • Ground motion for 1% probability of collapse in 50 years • Computed at frequencies: 5Hz and 1Hz • Scalar valued • Considers entire hazard curve 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Inversion Convergence • Examine variation over repeated inversion runs • Single “reference” branch • 100 runs San Diego PGA San Francisco 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Inversion Eqn. Weights • Examine effect of varying inversion equation weights • 11 weight variants San Diego PGA San Francisco 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Maps: UC2 vs. UC3 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratios: Grid vs. Fault Sources 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratios: Grid Source Comparison 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratios: Smooth Seis. Comparison 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: Fault Models 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: Deformation Models 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: Magnitude Scaling Rel. 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: Dsr (slip along rupture) 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: M≥5 rate 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: Off-fault Mmax 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Branch Ratios: Smoothed Seis. models 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratio: Sources of Change • Explain all non-yellow areas • Smoothed seismicity model • New faults, slip changes, or Mo rate changes • Methodological changes
Sources of Change: Mmax & M≥5 rate UCERF 3.2 / NSHMP08 Grid Sources Only (and using only U2 Smoothed Seis.) Shows influence of Mmax & total M≥5 rate increase for gridded seismicity
Sources of Change: Artifacts UCERF 3.2 / NSHMP08 Grid Sources Only (using both U2 & U3 Smoothed Seis.) Artifact of “Deep seismicity” being excluded from denominator map Shows influence of tighter U3 Smoothed Seis. Model
Sources of Change: Grid Sources UCERF 3.2 / NSHMP08 Grid Sources Only (using both U2 & U3 Smoothed Seis Map) Influenced by UCERF3 smoothed- seismicity branch Shows influence of tighter U3 Smoothed Seis. Model
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Big Lagoon-Bald Mtn: Extended N ~60 km, and moment rate ~8 times higher on ABM Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate New faults: Klamath Falls Lake E & W Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Gillem and Cedar Mtn.faults have lower slip rates Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Four new faults Likely Fault (moment rate doubled) Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Maacama(20% increase in moment rate) 8 new faults (ABM rates high due to block boundary) West Napa (factor of 3.5 increase in Mo rate, ABM about 4 times higher than others) Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Great Valley 07 (Orestimba) moment rate went down by ~60% New Great Valley faults Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Calaveras (So) - Paicinesextension Complex combination of new faults and geometric and rate changes Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate New fault: Oceanic – West Hausna (NeoKinema rate more than 4 times higher than others) 3 new faults Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Mix ofnew faults & gridded sources New fault: Lost Hills New faults in Mojave Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate New Fault: Cerro Prieto New faults: San Clemente San Diego Trough Santa Cruz Catalina Ridge San Pedro Basin Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Death Valley Faults (North, South, and Black Mtn. Frontal): moment rates went down ~40% Cucamonga:biggest methodological change Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Sources of Change: Fault Sources UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate AnacapaDume:moment rate down by factor of 3 Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
UCERF3/UCERF2 Mo Rate Addition of, or moment rate change on faults Log10(Mo ratio); new faults are black
Hazard Analysis Sites 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Analysis Sites 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: • Blue: Logic tree weighted mean hazard curve (UC3) • Light Blue: Logic tree min max hazard curve range • Red:UC2 logic tree weighted mean(solid), min and max (dashed) hazard curves • Green: NSHMP reference value • Ground motion histogram of logic tree branches summed over weights • Tornado diagram 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Los Angeles PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: San Francisco PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Sites with changes > 10% 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Redding (x3) PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Grid & Fault Conributions: Redding 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: San Diego (140%) PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Vallejo (120%) PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: San Bernardino (88%) PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Oakland(82%) PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Curves: Cucamonga (50%) PGA 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratios: PGA vs. 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratios: PGA vs. 1Hz 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Hazard Ratios: Logic-Tree Weight Variation 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II
Continued UCERF3 analysis… • Branch averaged solutions • Deaggregation • Stacked histograms of ground motion distribution at sites for each logic tree node (branch correlations) • Repeat convergence and equation weight tests • Higher resolution maps around San Francisco and Los Angeles • Hazard analyses online: • http://opensha.usc.edu/ftp/pmpowers/UCERF3.2/ 2013 USGS NSHMP CA Workshop II