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WebShipCost. Principle Investigators: Manuel D. Rossetti, Ph.D. Heather Nachtmann, Ph.D. Research Assistant: Priya Krishnan. Project Abstract. This project addresses the problem of Arkansas’s and other states’ underutilized waterway transportation networks .

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  1. WebShipCost Principle Investigators: Manuel D. Rossetti, Ph.D. Heather Nachtmann, Ph.D. Research Assistant: Priya Krishnan

  2. Project Abstract • This project addresses the problem ofArkansas’s and other states’ underutilized waterway transportation networks. • There exists a need for easy to use and widely available models that can illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of barge transportation within the context of an intermodal transportation network. • This project proposes to enhance prior MTBC research on intermodal transportation by providing a user-friendly, web-based application with enhanced sensitivity analysis capabilities.

  3. Project Description • Prior MBTC research projects (MBTC FR 1036, MBTC FR 1079, MBTC FR 1100-1) contributed to the developmentofShipCost • A PC/Windows implementation of cost models within an intermodal transportation network • Key goals of this research are • To address the limitations of ShipCost • To make the fundamental analysis provided by ShipCost more readily available and more useful to industry.

  4. This project involves three primary modal orientations: highway, maritime, and rail. DestinationLocation Origin Location Intermediate Location

  5. Project Objective • To provide a web-based model that allows for the determination of the shortest time/cost intermodal route for delivering goods from an origin to a destination. • To enhance ShipCost’s algorithms and cost functions for use on realistically-sized shipment problems. • To test the model on problems associated with Arkansas waterway utilization by interacting with industry to ensure that their data, modeling scenarios, and performance metrics are considered.

  6. Project Start Date: 8-1-2001 Project End Date: 6-30-2002 Project Milestones

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