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ADORN Cosmetic Surgery | LASER | Hair Transplant clinic

WELCOME TO #1 CENTRE for COSMETIC SURGERY IN AHMEDABAD | INDIA <br><br>WHY COSMETIC SURGERY? <br> Opting COSMETIC SURGERY can be a LIFE CHANGING DECISION you make. <br><br>Cosmetic Surgery can HELP you <br>1) Look younger - FACE LIFT | NECK LIFT | DOUBLE CHIN | MASTOPEXY | BLEPHAROPLASTY | HAIR TRANSPLANT | Thread Lift | Facial Fillers | Botox <br>2) Get in shape - BREAST AUGMENTATION ( IMPLANT ) | CHIN IMPLANT | TUMMY TUCK | RHINOPLASTY | Thigh BUtt lift | ARM LIFT | Otoplasty | Breast Reduction / Lift <br>3) Get a feature you always desired - DIMPLE CREATION | SIX PACK ABS | BRAZILIAN BUTTOCK LIFT | Eyebrow MICROBLAADING <br>4) Get rid of a Feature - MOLE / WART / CYST | TATTOOu200b | ACNE - SCAR | Cheek Fat Reduction <br>5) Boost Career - BODY SCULPTING , Liposuction in Ahmedabad <br>6) Boost Self Esteem / Self Confidence - MOMMY MAKE OVER | HAIR TRANSPLANT in Ahmedabad | GYNECOMASTIA in Ahmedabad <br>7) Feel secure in Relationship - HYMENOPLASTY | VAGINOPLASTY | LABIAPLASTY<br><br> Dr. HARSH Amin | M.Ch plastic & COSMETIC surgeon director and owner on ADORN cosmetic clinic hon.cosmetic surgeon at BJMC ( civil hospital ) ahmedabad consultant cosmetic surgeon at CIMS hospital , ahmedabad ADORN Cosmetic Clinic is one of the best cosmetic clinic in ahmedabad India which caters exclusive cosmetic services under one roof. We always are focused on improving our quality of services to make sure that our clients get Best makeovers and value for money. People from all across the world travels to adorn to get their plastic surgery done and always go back with a great experience to remember for life. This makes adorn a preferred destination for medical tourism in India . <br>https://www.adorn-me.com/ <br>https://www.hairtransplantgujarat.com/ <br>http://plasticsurgeryindia.co/<br>

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ADORN Cosmetic Surgery | LASER | Hair Transplant clinic

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WHY COSMETIC SURGERY... ur o Y • e B • O p tin g co sm e tic su rge ry can b e a life a ch an gin g d e cisio n yo u m ad e . B e s t It m ay h e lp yo u ge ttin g Se lf C o n fid e n ce Fe e lin g se cu re in re latio n sh ip . G e ttin g in sh ap e . L o o k yo u n ge r. “ADORN” is my small step towards a larger dream of making "World Best Cosmetic Services" available to "All" Dr. Harsh Bharat Amin M.Ch Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon FACS Fellowship in Advanced Cosmetic Surgery WHY ADORN... 1st Ex clu sive C o sm e tic C lin ic in G u jarat. P rim e L o catio n . D e d icate d co sm e tic su rge o n /p h ysician te am . State -o f-art o p e ratio n th e atre fo r b e st & safe st o u tco m e . B e st Se rvice . • Hon.Cosmetic Surgeon at BJ Medical College,Ahmedabad MEMBER • Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon (IAAPS) • Association of Plastic Surgery India (APSI) • Association of Surgeons India (ASI) harsh.plasticsurgery@gmail.com 070 4800 4800 079 4800 4800 • Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons India 1st Floor, A-Wing, Gold Coin Complex, Jodhpur Cross Road, Satellite Road, Ahmedabad. • Association of Facial Aestheticians & Aesthetic Surgeons of India (AFAASI) • Indian Medical Association (IMA) www.adorn-ME.com

  2. FACE BODY SKIN H air T ran sp lan t FU T FU E • T u m m y T u ck M o m m y M ake O ve r Scar M an age m e n t M o le / W art / C yst R e m o val M u ltip le L ip o m a R e m o val • L ab ia R e d u ctio n H ym e n R e co n stru ctio n V agin al T igh te n n in g D im p le C re atio n C h e e k Fat R e d u ctio n Fat In je ctio n (C h in , L ip , C h e e k) B o to x (fo r skin w rin kle s) Fille r In je ctio n (fo r skin w rin kle s) C h e m ical P e e lin g T h igh & B u tt L ift A rm L ift (B rach io p lasty) B razilian B u tto ck L ift B e lt P lasty Face L ift N e ck L ift L ase r T atto o R e m o val D ark C ircle A ro u n d Eye B irth m ark • • • B ro w L ift (En d o sco p ic) B le p h aro p lasty B ariatric Su rge ry • H air R e d u ctio n (P e rm an e n t) C h in Im p lan t (Face Im p lan t) R h in o p lasty (N o se Jo b ) L ip o su ctio n Six P ack A b s L o ve H an d le s T u m m y • • • • • A cn e T re atm e n t P h o to Facial O to p lasty (Ear R e sh ap in g) Ear L o b e R e p air BREAST • • • • Skin R e su rfacin g M o le Scar P igm e n tatio n • • • • Sad d le B ags B u tto cks T h igh s C alf B re ast A u gm e n tatio n (Im p lan t) B re ast R e d u ctio n B re ast L ift (M asto p e x y) N o n -Su rgical L ip o su ctio n • A rm • D o u b le C h in M ale B re ast Su rge ry (G yn e co m astia) w w w .ad o rn -M E.co m w w w .h airtran sp lan tgu jarat.co m w w w .b re astim p lan tin d ia.co m • B u ffalo H u m p N ip p le C o rre ctio n B re ast A ssym e try C o rre ctio n

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