1. Economics 11General Economics University of the Philippines
Los Banos
2. Our Schedule
3. Lecturer Dr. Tirso B. Paris, Jr.
Rm. 3, Dept. of Economics
Consultation Hours:
10:00 am to 12:00 am: TTh
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Office: 536-2505
Home: 536-2528
Cell: 0917-323-7294
4. Our Website Click on Economics 11
Check this site for:
Power Point Presentations
Class Exercises
Other Useful Materials
6. Other References Samuelson, P.A. and W.D. Nordhaus, Economics, McGrawHill Book Co., various editions
7. Other References Sicat, Gerardo P., Economics,
new edition,
Anvil Publishing Company.
8. Class Policies Strict implementation of the University rules on absences (not to exceed 20%)
3 Long Exams. No make-up exams. If an exam is missed, student has to take the finals. If two exams are missed, student has to drop the course.
Long exams held during regular lecture hours.
Passing Grade: 60%
Prefinal Grade: Lecture: 70% - Recitation 30%
Exemption Grade: 3.0 (60 pts/100 pts)
Final Grade: 60% Pre-final, 40% Final Exam
Observe proper classroom behavior
No cheating
Cell phones in silent mode
Minimize conversation during lecture
9. Learning Resources Class Website: http://www.tbparis.com/Econ11
Visit often for: announcements, powerpoint presentations, class notes, exercises, etc.
Hard copies of powerpoint presentations and class notes: will be available at School Mates (Skul Meyts) Copy Center
Copies of textbooks are available at the CEM and Main Libraries.
Definition and Scope
The Basic Economic Problem: Scarcity
Demand, Supply and Market Equilibrium
Elasticities of Demand and Supply
First Long Examination (before Christmas break)
11. Course Outline II. MICROECONOMICS
Theory of Consumer Behavior
Theory of Production aid Cost
The Perfectly Competitive Market
Imperfect Market
Second Long Examination
12. Course Outline III. MACROECONOMICS
Overview of the Macroeconomy
Consumption, Savings and Investment: The Level of Income and Output
Money, Banking and Monetary Policy
Third Long Examination
13. Good Luck!!