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Global Group (Philippines, India, Fiji, Egypt, Indonesia, Nepal)

Global Group (Philippines, India, Fiji, Egypt, Indonesia, Nepal) . Names of Group Members. Kamel Khedr, Egypt Arun Timilsina, Nepal Nicandro , Phillipines Jotika, Fiji Parulian Sianturi, Indonesia. Major Changes. Globalisation Privatisation of services & Liberalisation of foreign trade

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Global Group (Philippines, India, Fiji, Egypt, Indonesia, Nepal)

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  1. Global Group(Philippines, India, Fiji, Egypt, Indonesia, Nepal)

  2. Names of Group Members • Kamel Khedr, Egypt • Arun Timilsina, Nepal • Nicandro , Phillipines • Jotika, Fiji • Parulian Sianturi, Indonesia

  3. Major Changes • Globalisation • Privatisation of services & Liberalisation of foreign trade • Sweeping Labour Reforms • Positive Impact of Globalisation - Increase in FDI (increase in employment) - development of infrastructure (roads, ports, housing, water services, etc) - Special economic zones (employment opportunities, large investments) - Market choice for consumer (cheaper goods, variety or range)

  4. Negative Impact • Exploitation of labour (deregulation of labour laws, restriction of workers right to form trade unions, etc) • Non-security of jobs • Social dimensions/responsibilities (profit oriented) • Govt. insensitivity towards workers. • Decrease in employment due to increase in contractual employment, casual/ part-time, downsizing, restructuring, etc

  5. Impact on Trade Unions • Decline in membership • Weakening of trade unions • Individual contracts (avoidance of unions)

  6. Trade Union Actions • Intensive organising in unorganised sector workforce. (Right to Form Unions and Organise) • Lobby for Labour law reforms (pro-labour) • Raising awareness/education programmes on workers basic rights, health & safety etc • Seek parity in wages by negotiations • Unity in membership (many small unions to amalgamate or unite) • Demonstrations, strike, campaigns.

  7. Changes Proposed by Govts and Employers • Deregulation of labour markets/labour laws by govt. • Non-compliance of labour laws by employers. • Declaration of industries as essential services, eg: tourism, banking, hotel services, etc • Greater benefits to employers: concessional lands, tax relief, etc • Privatisation of public services

  8. Trade Union Priorities • Participation in decision-making and influence in policy changes • Employment generation (local investment levels, amount of investment by MNC in local markets) • Demand for Social security benefits eg; unemployment benefits, etc • Ensure protection of regular jobs • Govt assistance in up-skilling workers through incentive schemes

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