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Chapter 14

Chapter 14. Pages 287-296. The Westward Movement. The U.S. marched quickly toward the West which proved to be very hard with disease and loneliness. In fact, life on the frontier was downright grim for most frontier families .

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Chapter 14

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  1. Chapter 14 Pages 287-296

  2. The Westward Movement • The U.S. marched quickly toward the West which proved to be very hard with disease and loneliness. In fact, life on the frontier was downright grim for most frontier families. • Frontier people were individualistic, superstitious and ill-informed of current matters. • Unfortunately, the West was taken for granted, and “ecological imperialism” – the aggressive exploitation of the West’s natural bounty, ensued to an alarming degree.

  3. Shaping the Western Landscape • The westward movement molded the environment. • Tobacco overuse had exhausted the land forcing settlers to move on, but “Kentucky bluegrass” thrived on it. • Settlers trapped beavers, sea otters, and bison for fur to ship back East. • The spirit of nationalism led to an appreciation of the American wilderness. • Artist George Catlin pushed for national parks and later achieved it with Yellowstone in 1872.

  4. The March of the Millions • In the mid-1800s, the population continued to double every 25 years. • By 1860, the original 13 states now had become 33 states; the American population was 4th in the world (behind Russia, France, Austria). • Urban growth continued explosively. In 1790,only New York & Philadelphia had more than 20,000 people, but by 1860, 43 cities had. • With growth came poor sanitation and disease. Later, sewage systems and piped-in water solved much of this problem. • A high birthrate had accounted for population growth, but by the 1850s, millions of Irish and Germans came.

  5. The appeal of the U.S. was for cheap land, freedom of religion, no aristocracy, and the potential for jobs - 3 meals a day! • Also, transoceanic steamships were now in service, meaning travel time might drop to 12 days! Plus, it was safer. • In short, a more dynamic, market-oriented, national economy arose in the early 19th century because of: • cheap land out west • The vast number of European immigrants settling in the cities • Newly invented machinery • Better roads, faster steamboats, further-reaching canals, and tentacle-stretching railroads.

  6. The Emerald Isle Moves West • The Irish potato famine in the mid-1840s led to the death of 2 million and saw many flee to the U.S. • “Black Forties”—they mainly came to cities like Boston and especially New York (biggest Irish city). • Because they were too poor to move West and buy land, most were forced to stay in the large seaboard cities. • They were illiterate, discriminated against by other Americans, and received lowest-paying jobs (railroad-building). The Emerald Isle

  7. The Irish were hated by many Protestants because of their Catholicism. • Certain American groups hated the Irish (such as “NINA”—No Irish Need Apply); in turn, the Irish often showed no love for blacks because of competition with them for low-paying jobs. • The Ancient Order of Hibernians was established to aid the Irish. • Gradual property ownership came about, and their children earned an education. • The Irish were attracted to politics, and often filled police departments as officers. • The politicians tried to appeal to the Irish by yelling at London (“Twisting the Lion’s Tail”).

  8. The German Forty- Eighters • 1 million Germans poured in between the 1830s-1860s because of crop failures and the German revolution of 1848. • Liberals such as Carl Schurz (below) contributed to their elevation in the U.S. political scene. • When German immigrants came to the U.S., they prospered with astonishing ease. • They had more money than the Irish, so they were often able to buy land in the West, especially in Wisconsin and locally here in the Cincinnati area.

  9. Their votes were crucial, so they were wooed by U.S. politicians, yet they lacked potency, like the Irish, because they were rather spread out by comparison. • The Germans contributed to the U.S. culture (i.e. the Christmas tree) and isolationism. • They urged public education (started kindergarten) and freedom (they were enemies of slavery). • They faced resentment from many Americans because the Germans grouped themselves together, were aloof, clung to their old ways, kept speaking the German language, clung to their religion, and brought beer to the U.S.

  10. Cincinnati in the Mid-1800s

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