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Butterfly Bonanza. For Ms. Hartlaub’s 2 nd grade science class. For Teachers. Okay, Here is the Assignment….
Butterfly Bonanza For Ms. Hartlaub’s 2nd grade science class For Teachers
Okay, Here is the Assignment… • It is ‘Freaky Friday!’ But instead of beingtransformedintoyourmother, anothermetamorphasis has taken place. You are now a butterfly! To turn back intoyoursameol’ body complete the assignedactivities!
And, Hereis the Goal of the Assignment… • Find out as much as youcan about your new life: • Whoyou are • Your new body and all of its parts • Yoursenseorgans • How youprotectyourself • Whatyoueat • Whoislooking to eatyou (yourpredators) • Complete the activities, and create an ‘autobiography’ (journal) to sharewithyourotherbutterflyfriends and classmates. *Remember to use first person. • On the last day, youwillshareyour new-found information withyourclassmates in order to winyour rite back to your normal life thatyouleadnow as a human!
Activity One: Get to Know Yourself • Beforeyou do anythingelse, you have to discoverwhatkind of butterflyyou are. To find out, click on the butterfly image above and have fun with the activitythatisattached. Whenyou have completed the activity, print the page foundunder the tab ‘print.’ Save the printed page! • To find out more about your new body, click on the bottombutterflyabove. If youcannotfindyourbutterflythenchooseanother one thatyou have been fashionedafter.
Activity One (Part 2): Get to Know Yourself • Write about yourdiscoveries about yourself in your journal. Include all threebutterflyspeciesthatyou have been adaptedfrom and alsobe sure not to forget to writewhatspeciesyou chose to be. • Also journal five interestingthingsthatyoufound out about yourself on the second website. Be sure to alsoprint a picture of yourselffrom the second webpage. This will come in handy in lateractivities.
ActivityTwo:Find Out More About Yourself! • Uh-oh! There is a predatorthatiscomingafteryou! Quick! Whoisit? To find out, read the page thatislinked to the butterflyat the topof the page. • And, how do youprotectyourself? Read the linkattached to the bottomMonarchabovewithcareful attention to detail and discernment to how itmay affect yourbutterfly body. • Alsoread all about youramazing and beautiful body thatyou are trying to hidewith the websitethatislinked to the bottombutterfly.
ActivityTwo (Part 2):Find Out More About Yourself! • List three of yourpredators in your journal. • Journal how youwillprotectyourselffrom a predator. Look at the choices of waysthatbutterfliescanprotectthemselves and examine whatyour body looks like. Everybutterfly has at least one way to defend for itself, but for extra precautionmakesure thatyou have listedtwo possible waysthatyoucankeepsafe and stayalive. • Also, be sure to write about every body part thatyou are trying to keepsafe in your journal. All body parts that have to beincluded in the entry willbefoundat the websitethatislinked to the top butterflyabove (game four.) Whileyou are there, take time to take a close look at all the butterfliesthat look justlikeyou.
ActivityThree:Find Out Even More About Yourself! • Lunch time! Whatshouldyoueattoday? Beforeyoueat, you have to first findyourfood. To do so, study the web page thatislinked to the butterflyabove. • Also, in order to eat, youneed to use at least some of your five senses. In order to find out what five sensesyourbutterfly body has, playgamenumber 5 on the linkthatisattached to the bottombutterfly!
ActivityThree (Part 2):Find Out Even More About Yourself! • In yourpersonal journal, writedown four items of foodyouenjoyedeatingtoday. • In addition, be sure to journal the five senses and theirfunctionsthatyoumight have used to preyuponyourmealtoday. • Don’tforget to play the fun gamerelated to a butterfly’s five senseorganswith the attachedlink on the top butterfly!
Activity Four:PrepareAhead for Your Future… • Your body isgettingold and worn down, and youwillsoonbeready to passaway but first you have dropped an egg onto a leaf, which as you know, willbeyourchild. Read the page thatishyperlinked to the top butterflyabove to find out whatkind of life yourchildren are going to have.
Activity Four (Part 2):PrepareAhead for Your Future… • Please journal the exciting life thatyou are hopingthatyouroffspringwill have. Include all four parts of his or her life in your journal entry. Includesomethinginteresting and new in each life stage. • Have fun watching the clip thatisattached to the top butterflypicturedabove!
Butterfly Bonanza For Teachers
Teacher Information • For use in the third grade • Content Area 1.c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues 2.b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats 3.d. process data and report results 4.c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions 5. b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity 6. a. understand and use technology systems
Content Standard F:Students will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics and structures of living things, the processes of life, and how living things interact with one another and their environment F.4.1 Discover how each organism meetsits basic needs for water, nutrients, protection, and energy in order to surviveF.4.3 Illustrate the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their typeF1:2.1 Discover how organisms use their habitats to meet theirbasic needsF3:2.1 Identify the life cycles of various plants and animals
The timeline for this web quest will be a day for each activity (including both part 1 and part 2.) The last day students will spend sharing the information that they found with one another. In all, the unit as a whole should take no longer than 1 week.
Students will be graded on their completed • journal at the end of the unit. Successful journals • must have the following sections in them: • Journal entries for every activity with all needed • material written • 2 pictures, both of the butterfly adapted from the three butterfly species • and the second butterfly picture of the chosen species that the project • was centered on.
Day One http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/butterflies/game/game.htm http://wisconsinbutterflies.org/butterfly Day Two http://library.thinkquest.org/C002251/cgi-bin/ default.cgi?language=english&mode=chapter&outputmode=0&navmenu= 1&javascript=1&chapter=3§ion=4 http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/text/60/play_and_learn.html http://library.thinkquest.org/C002251/cgi-bin/default.cgi?language=english&mode=chapter&outputmode=0&navmenu=1&javascript=1&chapter=0§ion=1 http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/butterfly/allabout/Senses.shtml
Day Three http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/butterfly/allabout/Senses.shtml http://www.butterfly-conservation.org/text/60/play_and_learn.html http://www.whatdobutterflieseat.info/ Day Four http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/brooklyn/butterflies/task3.htm
Butterfly Bonanza ExampleAnswers to Activities
MyAnswers: ActivityOne • I cannot show the butterflythat I created on here. (The websitewill not allow me to copy and paste the image.) • The color pattern of the butterflythat I createdcanbefound on a Hackberry • The wingshape of the butterflythat I createdcanbefound on an Eastern Comma • The body shape of the butterflythat I createdcanbefound on a Morpho
MyAnswers: Activity One (Continued) • Five interestingcharacteristics of the HackberryEmperor are: • They are namedaftertheir host plant, the Hackberry • They have eyespots • Their habitat is in woods or in parkswhereHackberryisfound • They are found in Wisconsin fromJuneuntil August • The tips of theirforewings are dark
MyAnswers: ActivityTwo • Possible correct answers of predators are: • Birds • Bats • Lizards • Ants • Wasps • Parasites • Toads • Lizards • Snakes • monkeys • Parasitic flies • Moths • Humans in some parts of Mexico, Africa, and Southeast Asia
MyAnswers: ActivityTwo (Continued) • Possible defensemechanismscouldbe: • Camouflage • Warning Coloration • False Targets • Mimicry • For the For the Hackberry Emporer, two defense mechanisms are • False Targets • Mimicry
MyAnswers: ActivityTwo (Continued) • The body parts that must beincluded are: • Head • Compound Eye • Antennae • Thorax • Abdomen • Forewing • Hindwing • Proboscis • Legs • ScentScales • Additional notes shouldbeadded to studen’twork
MyAnswers: ActivityThree • What a butterflyeats: • They eat anything that can dissolve in water • They mostly feed on nectar from flowers • tree sap • Dung • Pollen • rotting fruit • They like the sodium found in salt and sweat. • Sodium as well as many other minerals is vital for the butterflies reproduction.
MyAnswers: ActivityThree (Continued) • What a butterfly uses to eat: • Smell: • A butterfly's antennae, palps, legs,and many other parts of the body are studded with sense receptors that are used to smell. • The sense of smell is used for finding food (usually flower nectar), and for finding mates (the female smelling the male's pheromones). • Touch: • Setae (sensory hairs) on the insect's entire body (including the antennae) • They give the insect information about the wind while it is flying • Hearing: • Butterflieshearsoundsthroughtheirwings • Taste: • A butterfly's feet have sense organs • Can taste the sugar in nectar, letting the butterfly know if something is good to eat or not. • Some females also taste host plants (using organs on their legs) in order to find appropriate places to lay their eggs. • Sight: • have compound eyes and simple eyes • These eyes are made up of many hexagonal lens/corneas which focus light from each part of the insect's field of view onto a rhabdome (the equivalent of our retina) • They can see ultraviolet rays (which are invisible to us).
MyAnswers: Activity Four • Lifecycle of a butterfly • Egg • The size of a pin head • Stage lasts 10 days • Larva • When the butterflyis a caterpillar • A caterpillarmoltsits skin 4 times • After 3 weeks, the caterpillaris full grown • Chrysalis (or pupa) stage • In itscacoon • Caterpillar parts are broken down into a thinliquid • Butterfly • Wetat first • Whenitis dry the butterflyfliesaway