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G.12 Enrichment Programme. Lesson 1 Writing Effective Argument. Introduction to the course. Writing Effective Arguments Writing Introduction & Conclusion Paragraphing Introduction of exemplification Describing graphs and tables Compare and Contrast Descriptive writing
G.12 Enrichment Programme Lesson 1 Writing Effective Argument
Introduction to the course • Writing Effective Arguments • Writing Introduction & Conclusion • Paragraphing • Introduction of exemplification • Describing graphs and tables • Compare and Contrast • Descriptive writing • Paraphrasing and summarizing
Little reminders before we start… Be punctual
Little reminders before we start… 100% Attendance
Little reminders before we start… Ask if you don’t understand
Little reminders before we start… Speak English
Little reminders before we start… Don’t be shy
What’s on your mind when we talk about ‘Argument’?
Argument • Argument is an attempt that you used to persuade someone of something by giving reason and evidence. (Wikipedia) • Argument is an attempt to convince an audience that the author’s opinion is correct or to move them to take action. (P.286, Four in one) • Argument is an oral disagreement; a discussion involving differing points of view; a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point; an address or composition intended to convince or persuade; persuasive discourse. (Dictionary.com) • Argument is a set of reasons that show that something is true or untrue, right or wrong. (Longman online dictionary) • Argument is a discourse intended to persuade. (Merriem-Webster online dictionary)
Key words from the definitions _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Argument = Main Idea Argument = Your Persuasion • The main idea of which you support or oppose a topic • Back up with evidence that supports the idea
Example DoesHKDSE benefitstudents?
Example Main Idea • HKDSE exerts relatively less pressure on students when students now only have to take one public examination. Before HKDSE is launched, there are HKCEE and HKAL. Students need to sit in two public examinations to strive for a place in university. Even if students succeed in HKCEE, that doesn’t guarantee a place for them in university. ………… Evidence
Questions for discussion Are the following paragraphs effective? Justify your answer. (Hint: Find the main idea!)
(A) “Club Palm Resort's beaches are beautiful, and the surrounding countryside is quite scenic. The quality of the food leaves a lot to be desired. Many vacationers enjoy the variety of outdoor activities and the instruction available in sports such as sailing and scuba diving. Unfortunately, security is poor; several vacationers' rooms have been broken into and their valuables stolen.” (Source: Writers’ Corner )
(B) “For vacationers sick and tired of the frozen north, a week at Club Palm Resort can provide just the midwinter thaw they need. Club Palm Resort's beaches are beautiful, and the surrounding countryside is quite scenic. Many vacationers also enjoy the variety of outdoor activities and the instruction available in sports such as sailing and scuba diving.” (Source: Writers’ Corner )
Types of argument • Two types of argument: • Logical argument • Highly rational evidence • Evidence with logic • objective evidence • Persuasive argument • Strongly emotional evidence • Evidence appeal to reader’s feelings • Selective language used
Example – Logical Argument • Drink-driving should be banned as it puts other road users into risk. According to the National Drunk Driving Car Crash Statistics of the United States in 2009, 10,839 people died in an alcohol-related crash, let not mention the numbers who were not dead.
Example – Persuasive Argument • Drink-driving should definitely be banned before all other road users’ lives are ignored. A closest friend of mine died last month. He was a teacher and he walked to work. One day, there was a drunk driver crashed onto the pavement and my friend died from that car accident.
Counterargument • Counter = Opposite • Counterargument = Argument from the opposite side • A good argumentative essay always has counterargument.
Example Outline • Introduction: Children cannot be left alone at home • Argument 1 • Accidents may happen. • Counterargument 1 • Both parents need to work to support the family. • Argument 2 • Seek help from others • Conclusion: Children should not be left alone.
Writing Practice • Write ONE argument on the following topic: “Is it good or not to have one more free newspaper, Sharp Daily, in the market?” • You can either be in favor of the motion or against it! • Write 60~100 words! Don’t write too much! • More doesn’t mean better!~Less is more!~Be precise and focus!
Writing Practice ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion • What is an argument? • What types of arguments do we have? • What is a counterargument?
Before you go… Proofreading Practice!!