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Minnesota Department of Education Update . Joel M. Larsen AFNR Program Specialist Center of Postsecondary Success Joel.larsen@state.mn.us. Minnesota Graduation Requirements . Minnesota students are required to complete three kinds of requirements by the time they graduate. Students must :
Minnesota Department of Education Update Joel M. Larsen AFNR Program Specialist Center of Postsecondary Success Joel.larsen@state.mn.us
Minnesota Graduation Requirements • Minnesota students are required to complete three kinds of requirements by the time they graduate. Students must: • Satisfactorily complete the state course credit requirements under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.024. • Satisfactorily complete all state academic standards or local academic standards where state standards do not apply. • Meet graduation assessment requirements.
Academic Graduation Requirements - 4 credits of language arts - 3 credits of mathematics, including algebra, geometry, statistics and probability sufficient to satisfy the standards. Students in the graduating class of 2015 and beyond must complete an algebra II credit or its equivalent as part of the 3-credit requirement. In addition to the high school credits, students in the graduating class of 2015 and beyond must also complete an algebra I credit by the end of 8th grade. - 3½ credits of social studies, including U.S. history, geography, government and citizenship, world history and economics - 1 credit in the arts - 7 elective credits
Science Graduation Requirements • 3 credits of science, including a biology credit. Students are required to meet ALL science standards. In addition, students in the graduating class of 2015 and beyond must complete a chemistry, physics, or Career and Technical Education (CTE) credit as part of the 3-credit requirement. • (The CTE credit must meet the standards underlying the • chemistry physics, or biology credit or a combination of those • standards approved by the district. Meeting biology standards • through CTE does not satisfy the biology requirement.) • An agriculture course may fulfill a general science credit requirement. A CTE course may fulfill a general science, mathematics or arts credit requirement. (see Rule 3505.1150). • School districts may require additional course credits or other • requirements for graduation beyond the minimum required by • the state.
Chemistry – Physics Credit Defined Students who graduate in the 2014-2015 school year or later must complete a chemistry credit, a physics credit or a CTE credit that meets one of the following criteria. • The CTE course fulfills all the life science standards, all of the chemistry standards or all of the physics standards, (Students must also complete a credit in biology through the science department)OR • The CTE course partially fulfills the life science standards, the chemistry standards, the physics standards or a combination of those standards as approved by the district. • Students must satisfactorily complete the balance of the chemistry or physics standards that were not included in the CTE course. They can complete the “missing” standards through other courses (science courses, CTE courses, or other kinds of courses).
Teacher Qualifications • Minnesota Rule 3505.1150 AWARDING SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, OR ARTS CREDITS THROUGH CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION, states: “A career and technical education course may fulfill a mathematics or arts credit requirement or a science credit requirement other than the specified science credit in biology …”, if the district determines that appropriate science standards are met with integrity and the CTE teacher has passed the Subject Assessment and Specialty Area licensure test in the science area in which the credit is given. • Please note that the licensure test requirement above does not apply to teachers of agriculture, who are exempt under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.024(b). (Science only)
Career & Technical Education Levy 2013 • The Career & Technical Levy gets reformulated as an equalized levy to become career and technical revenue. • As such, certain districts who levy to an amount required by law will get state aid if their property value is too low for the levy to generate all revenue allowed under the formula.
Career & Technical Education Levy 2013 • CTE cap 2014 is raised from $15,393,000 to $20,657,000. • $4.3 million of that expected to be state aid and the rest generated by local levy. • The PAY 2014 levy (certified by school boards in late 2013) the formula remains at the lesser of 25% of approved expenditures or $80 per headcount student in grades 10-12.
Career & Technical Education Levy 2013 • The PAY 2015 levy the formula changes to : • 35% of approved expenditures • (eliminating the factor based on number of students in grades 10-12) • and the revenue cap is eliminated. • It is anticipated that the revenue in 2015 will be approximately $24 million. • Proration will occur if exceeds the amount appropriated by the legislature (currently set at $4,320,000 for 2014 and $5,680,000 for 2015).
Teacher Licensure Examinations • Minnesota Statute § 120B.024 allows CTE teachers to deliver math, science or the arts standards for credit in CTE. • Minnesota Rule 3505.1150 states that to do so, the teacher must pass the subject competency test for teacher licensure in that area of math, science or the arts. • MTLE (Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examination) • Basic Skills Test- (Math, Reading, Writing) • Pedagogy: Secondary (Grades 5-12) • Agriculture (Grades 5-12)
Minnesota Teacher Licensure • All persons applying for their initial license must take and pass the MTLE (Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exams) Basic Skills: • Math • Reading • Writing • The candidates must also pass the MTLE for • Education Pedagogy * • Agriculture Education subject matter * • * individuals who do not pass these exams will be issued a limited license and have up to three years to successfully pass these MTLE exams.
Minnesota Teacher Licensure • A teacher who has already been issued a one-year license in Minnesota, an additional one-year license may now be granted for the 2013-2014 school year even if one or more of the MTLE Basic Skills tests (Math, Reading, Writing) have not been passed. • A teacher applying for a first license in Minnesota and who has completed a Minnesota licensure program, a one-year license may be granted for the 2013-2014 school year if the MTLE Basic Skills tests have been attempted but not passed.* Content and Pedagogy tests must also be attempted, with up to three years to pass. • A teacher applying for a first license in Minnesota who completed an out-of-state licensure program, a one-year license may be granted for the 2013-2014 school year to allow time to attempt and pass the MTLE Basic Skills tests during that year.*
Secondary Program Update • 184 AFNR Programs • 224 teachers (216 in 2010; 213 in 2011; 215 in 2012) • 17 Unfilled Positions ( 13.02 FTE’s) • 25 Positions filled Spring 2013 (23.75 FTE’s) • 7 departments – 3 Teachers • 26 departments – 2 Teachers • 129 Full Time Programs – • 22 less than 1.0 FTE (full time equivalents)
Teaching Experience Teaching Experience
AFNR Enrollment 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 2010 - 2011 2011 - 2012 * concentrators
Perkins AFNR Concentrators • Minnesota Enrollment = 21,022 • Student Enrollment Average = 114.9 • Concentrators have completed 240 hours of instruction in the AFNR program. • Female - 2,626 33.2 % • Male - 5,291 66.8 % • Total - 7,917 • 2012 graduation rate for CTE concentrators = 98.27. % (NCLB Grad Rate) • MCA GRAD Reading 10 score = 78.24% (MN Ave. = 80.4%) (72.52% in 2011) • MCA GRAD Math 11 score = 56.49% (MN average = 57.7 %) (37.02% in 2011)
Perkins AFNR Concentrators AFNR Concentrators 7,917 AFNR students identified as CTE Concentrators • 90.9 % White, Non-Hispanic (7,200) • 37.8 % Economically Disadvantaged (2,997) • 28.4 % Non Traditional Enrollee (2,256) • 19.2 % Individual with a Disability (1,521)
Agri Science Credit Agri Science Credit • Agricultural Science 493 • Animal Science 1,322 • Biotechnology 403 • Plant Science 702 • Natural Resource Science 973 Total 3,893 C Perkins data Table C 2011-2012 2011 = 4,248
Minnesota Department of Education Update Joel M. Larsen AFNR Program Specialist Center of Postsecondary Success Joel.larsen@state.mn.us