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Get Your Skin Treatment with Best dermatologist in Mumbai, For appointment call us immediately at 022-28860900/9106183902 or visit our site online - https://www.amiskinhairclinic.com/
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ALL ABOUT POLYMORPHOUS LIGHT ERUPTION(PLE) Polymorphous Light Eruption is a skin condition in which there is development of rashes caused by exposure of the sun in the people who have developed sensitivity to the sunlight, these rashes are usually reddish in color and appears tiny inflammated bumps and are usually seen as slightly raised patches of this skin. This is most commonly seen during spring or early summer when the exposure of sunlight increases it can be caused due to reaction. It is likely to be repeated as the summer gets hotter and hotter and is progressive. This condition is also known as sun poisoning , sun allergy or the polymorphic light eruption. This usually goes away by its own within 10 to 15 days, people with severe persistent rashes may require medications. This condition is mainly triggered by sunlight and artificial UV exposure this can be scene in people with geneticalsuspectablility, the term polymorphous is used as interchangeably due to its many clinical appearances.
Signs & Symptoms:- The first episode develops in this spring or the summer season which includes exposure to the intense sunlight after the few days of subsequently exposure of the sunlight irritable rash starts occurring in several hours of the day. The rashes that appears are usually quite symmetrical and characteristic for each and every individual, appearing similar with each recurrence but they can look dissimilar in different people. Dres me persist for a couple of weeks resolving spontaneously without scaring as long as further sunlight exposure is avoided for a longer time.
The severe symptoms include:- • Dense clusters of small blisters and bumps • Bleeding from rashes • Inflammated raised or rough patches • Itching and burning sensation • Rare this is off fever fatigue and headache Causes:- Since the exact cause of PLE is not yet understood but there are several factors that may be involved, it can be caused due to delayed type hyper sensitivity to any allergen produced in the body following the exposure of sunlight, r in a genetically suspectible person.
Common causes include:- • UV exposure- this is the most common cause of PLE, these rashes can be triggered very easily by UV rays, UV rays are the major constituent of sunlight that can cause light eruption without sunburn. Any person with photosensivity can react to ultraviolet radiations, exposure to sunlight through any window or even sunscreen protected skin can cause reaction in some people with photosensivity. • Photosensitivity- bit b l e d sensitivity to the sunlight lessons with repetitive exposure. • Photosensitizer- it has been suggested that an undefined exogenous or endogenous photoelegine can trigger a delayed immune response against delight eruption that can result in PLE. • Genetics- genetic factors play an important role in causing PLE, half of the suffers of PLE have a family history demonstrating a clear genetic influence.
Prevention:- Prevention is better than cure , In case of PLE it is quite obvious that it will come back again but here are certain prevention types that can help you to decrease its outbreak. • Always apply sunscreen before leaving your house • Use a good sun protection factor and also good protection against UV rays • Try to wear full clothes to avoid sunlight exposure How is PLE treated:- In some cases b l e results by its own without any treatment, however there are more severe cases that require medications such as- • Topical steroids • Tropical tacrolimus • Antistamines • Oral corticosteroids • Hydroxychloroquine
People having PLE should avoid direct exposure to sunlight especially between 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. when the ultraviolet radiations are the strongest. To save yourself by sunlight using sunscreen and wearing protective clothes that helps in covering.
Outlook:- Many people with PLE recovers and find their skin improves over the time and years, There might be skin hardening during the summer season which means more sunlight can be tolerated without skin reacting. All directions may eventually clear up by their own, The hiding of the skin does not happens every time and some people with very sensitive skin can also get the same rashes in winter season. Get Your Skin Treatment with Best dermatologist in Mumbai, For appointment call us immediately at 022-28860900/9106183902 or visit our site online - https://www.amiskinhairclinic.com/
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Contact Us Address: Aangan Row House no. 4, 120 Feet Road, near suburban diagnostics, Thakur village, kandivali- (E), Mumbai- 400101 Phone: 022-28860900/ 9106183902 E-mail: Info@amiskinhairclinic.com