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Developments in Port State Jurisdiction

Developments in Port State Jurisdiction. Dr. Erik Jaap Molenaar Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS). Structure of Presentation. Introduction Port State Jurisdiction under General International Law Broadening Scope Broadening Rights

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Developments in Port State Jurisdiction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developments in Port State Jurisdiction Dr. Erik Jaap Molenaar Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS)

  2. Structure of Presentation • Introduction • Port State Jurisdiction under General International Law • Broadening Scope • Broadening Rights • Towards Mandatory Port State Jurisdiction and Global Coverage • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • Static standards and behavior • Own maritime zones, those of other coastal States and high seas • Legislation and enforcement • Facultative or mandatory; link with ‘ports of convenience’

  4. Port State Jurisdiction under General International Law • Wide discretion based on territorial sovereignty (Art. 25(2) of the LOS Convention) • No right of access under cust. int. law • Behavior beyond own maritime zones • Restrictions under gen. int. law • Abuse of rights • International trade law (Swordfish case)

  5. Broadening Scope • Immigration, sanitation, customs and national security • Maritime safety and marine environmental protection through CDEM standards (IMO) • Living and working conditions (ILO) • Human element (ISM Code) • Maritime security (ISPS Code) • Fisheries (biodiversity?)

  6. Broadening Rights • Art. 218 of the LOS Convention • Art. 23 of the Fish Stocks Agreement • Legislative jurisdiction • Reconfirmation of residual port State jurisdiction • Departure port State jurisdiction • Swordfish case (extra-territorial jurisd.) • VMS data • False statements in port

  7. Broadening Rights cont. • Enforcement jurisdiction • Punitive/corrective action for behavior beyond port State’s maritime zones • United States Lacey Act • False statements • Flag State consent • Stateless vessels

  8. Towards Mandatory Port State Jurisdiction and Global Coverage • Facultative under LOS Convention • Regional merchant shipping MOUs • Both right and duty under Fish Stocks Agreement • Implemented through RFMOs • 2005 FAO Port State Model Scheme

  9. Conclusions • Rapidly expanding scope • Slow expansion of rights • Gradually moving towards mandatory port State jurisdiction with global coverage • Wider recognition of the ‘responsible port State’

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