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We all are aware of what cataract is, but few of us are aware of how cataract is affecting our lives. Hereu2019s a list of statistics related to cataract, that will explain how exactly is this chronic eye disorder affecting Americans.
HEALING THE EYE STATISTICS RELATED TO CATARACT Cataracts are a standard age-related vision issue. It causes vision difficulties for 94 million people worldwide. Women are somewhat more likely to develop cataracts compared to men. Cataracts are connected to nearly half the world’s cases of blindness. The older a person gets, the greater the risk for developing cataracts. Many people develop cataracts during their 40s and 50s, however, these cataracts tend to be quite small. After age 60, cataracts are most likely to affect vision. Cataract development in diabetics will be significantly linked to high levels of blood sugar (hyperglycemia). According to Prevent Blindness America, there are more instances of cataract worldwide than there are of macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy united. Smoking a pack of smokes in a day may double the risk of developing cataracts. Smokers are at particular risk for cataracts located at the nuclear part of the lens, which limits vision more seriously than cataracts in other sites. Cataracts are not caused by overusage of eyes and it’s not contagious as well. It can’t be spread from one eye to another. S O U R C E :H T T P S : / / W W W . H E A L I N G T H E E Y E . C O M