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Data Gathering Techniques: Job Analysis, Survey Method

Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job.

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Data Gathering Techniques: Job Analysis, Survey Method

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  1. Data Gathering Techniques: Job Analysis, Survey Method By Dr.Amol Ubale

  2. Job Analysisव्यवसाय विश्लेषण Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. नौकरी विश्लेषण एक विशिष्ट नौकरी के संचालन और जिम्मेदारियों से संबंधित जानकारी का अध्ययन और संग्रह करने की प्रक्रिया है।

  3. Component of Job Analysis Job Description Job specification A Written Summary Of Tasks, Duties And Responsibilities Of A Job. The minimum skills, education, and experience necessary for an individual to perform a job.

  4. Component of Job Analysis Job Description Job specification Job Title Working Hours Duties & Responsibilities Working Conditions Salaries & Incentives Qualifications Qualities Experience Family Background Training

  5. Uses of Job Description & Specification Personnel planning Performance appraisal Hiring Training and development Job evaluation and compensation Health and safety Employee discipline Work scheduling Career planning

  6. Job Analysis Steps • Collecting and recording job information. व्यवसाय जानकारी का संग्रह • Checking the job information for accuracy. सटीकता के लिए व्यवसाय जानकारी की जाँच करना। • Writing job description based on information. सूचना के आधार पर नौकरी का विवरण लिखना। • Using the information to determine the skills, abilities, and knowledge that are required on the job. कौशल, क्षमताओं और ज्ञान को निर्धारित करने के लिए जानकारी का उपयोग करना जो कि व्यवसाय के लिए आवश्यक हैं। • Updating the information from time to time. समय-समय पर जानकारी अद्यतन करना।

  7. Job Analysis Methods • Interview method साक्षात्कार विधि • Technical conference method तकनीकी सम्मेलन विधि • Questionnaire method प्रश्नावली विधि • Observation method अवलोकन विधि • Diary डायरी

  8. Advantages of Job Analysis Assists in delivering appropriate training उचित प्रशिक्षण देने में सहायता करता है Present Immediate Information वर्तमान सूचना तत्काल Helps in performing evaluation and appraisal processes. प्रदर्शन मूल्यांकन और मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया में मदद Assists in Deciding Compensation Package for a Specific Job मुआवजा पैकेज तय करने में सहायता Assist in the hiring process

  9. Disadvantages of Job Analysis Subjective matters Unqualified Job Analyst Mental Abilities Cannot be Directly Observed Lengthy projects Source of Data is Extremely Small Require lots of human efforts

  10. Data Gathering Techniques: Survey Method

  11. What is Survey ? A systematic method for gathering information from (a sample of) individuals for the purposes of describing the attributes of the larger population of which the individuals are members.

  12. What is Survey ? Survey Research is a new technique for Social Science Research. It is used to study opinions, attitudes and social facts.

  13. TYPES OF SURVEY Personal Interview Questionnaire Telephone Survey Panel Technique

  14. Personal Interview It is a one to one interaction between two people. One is an INTERVIEWER ( who asks the questions) and the other one is the INTERVIEWEE (or respondent, who answers the questions). THREE FACTORS Accessibility Cognition Motivation

  15. Questionnaire It’s one of the most simple, versatile and low cost self reporting method. Questionnaire is used for collecting demographic info,attitudes, knowledge etc. • Types of questions used in a survey : 1. Open Ended : E.g. What is friendship to you? 2. Close Ended : E.g. Friendship is a) Love b)Family 3. Rating method : From most preferred to the least

  16. Telephone Survey E.g., TV Programmes asking you to send your views through sms. • ADVANTAGES : Time saving. • DISADVANTAGES : Uncooperativeness Superficial Answers

  17. Panel Technique • Successive interview of the same sample. • • Purpose is wide and expensive. • • ADVANTAGE: • 1. Helps the investigator to know the various • factors leading to the change • 2. More Accuracy and consistency. • • DISADVANTAGE: • 1. Loss of sample : Urgent work, death,relocation, igration. • 2. Social Desirability. Advantages of survey research

  18. Advantages of survey research • Wide Scope, Great deal of information can be obtained. • Inter- disciplinary value. • Can study topics like – Attitude, Beliefs, values etc. • Maximal Accuracy at Economical rate Advantages of survey research

  19. Disadvantages of survey research • Practical Problems- Time Consuming • Prone to sampling errors: Minor fluctuations of chance. • Survey research demands- Expertise, • Knowledge on part of the Researcher to conduct a survey, Technical know how.

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