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Tomtebogård skola och förskola Sjöfruskolan

Tomtebogård skola och förskola Sjöfruskolan. Tomtebogård Älvans väg 266, 907 50 Umeå 090-16 58 37 www.umea.se/tomtebogard. Long process. Long process It started with outdoor education and now it is education for sustainable development. Nature in the neighbourhood. The lake of Nydala.

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Tomtebogård skola och förskola Sjöfruskolan

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  1. Tomtebogård skola och förskola Sjöfruskolan Tomtebogård Älvans väg 266, 907 50 Umeå 090-16 58 37 www.umea.se/tomtebogard

  2. Long process Long process It started with outdoor education and now it is education for sustainable development.

  3. Nature in the neighbourhood The lake of Nydala The schools at Tomtebohas its own school-forest.

  4. School garden for planting and growing

  5. RecyclingEvery Child from age 1 to 16 work with recycling.

  6. Award that led us to development Green Flag, we use this method to work on issues related to sustainable development. http://www.eco-schools.org/brochure_eco.pdf

  7. Council for Sustainabeldevelopment The Council consists of teacher and pupils, representatives from all preschool and school groups. They meet weekly in Tomtebogård school, and every second week in Sjöfruskolan. Democracy Pupilscouncil Pupils Council meets every two weeks. The principal is Chairman. All school and preschool groups have both a regular representative and one alternate. They meet every second week in Tomtebogård school and Sjöfruskolan.

  8. Democracy • CLASS COUNCIL • Pupils are chairman and secretary • Agenda • Opening of the meeting • Minutes from the previousmeeting • Cases from pupilscouncil • Cases from Council for Sustainabeldevelopment • Friends, social • Closing the meeting

  9. Council for Sustainabeldevelopment carry forward the flag to hoist it for the first time . We celebrated that we had achieved the first five environmental goals and received the Green Flag.

  10. Participation in Earth Hour Renewable energy resources such as solar and wind energy and alternative fuels.

  11. Factors of sucess • The principals must be a veryactive, driving force • Organisation which enables the development • Professional development for teachers • Students impact • Cooperation with others, such as Eco-Schools and WWF


  13. Future Give the students belief in the future. Give the students knowledge to meet the future. !! I can be part of change!!

  14. Christine Jokijärvi christine.jokijarvi@umea.se Tomtebogårds skola Älvans väg 226 90750 Umeå

  15. Källförteckning: Eco –schoolshttp://www.eco-schools.org/ Håll Sverige Rent – Grön flagg http://www.hsr.se/gronflagg Utmärkelsen skola för hållbar utveckling http://www.skolverket.se/skolutveckling/hallbar_utveckling/utmarkelsen Tomtebogårds skola och förskola http://www.skola.umea.se/tomtebogard.4.13c1b69101a982ca2a8000102860.html Sjöfruskolan http://www.umea.se/sjofruskolan.4.13c1b69101a982ca2a800088398.html

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