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Supporting Academic Success at Hazen PTSA

Join Hazen PTSA to support academic success, advocacy for students, and parent involvement at Hazen High School. Get involved today and make a difference in your child's future! Visit www.hazenptsa.org for more information.

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Supporting Academic Success at Hazen PTSA

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  1. www.hazenptsa.org Supporting Academic Success at Hazen

  2. www.hazenptsa.org That’s a bumper sticker that my wife Kate bought me many years ago. Oh, I LOOOVE to bark! I want to bark to all of you that there is a grave danger of your children falling behind academically, that neighboring PTSA’s are outspending us by 5 to 10 times, both in dollars and volunteers. I want to bark that PTSA is becoming culturally irrelevant to the fastest growing populations in America, and that it’s reflected in our steadily declining membership at Hazen

  3. Bark, Bark, BARK !! But barking is annoying, and mostly ineffective, even if it feels good to the barker.

  4. www.hazenptsa.org Wagging feels good to everyone.

  5. www.hazenptsa.org $5,000 in Classroom Grants, $3,00 Student Scholarships I have been given 3 minutes to tell you what PTSA does, why you should support PTSA, and what specific actions I want you to take to improve your student’s experience at Hazen. PTSA’s primary purpose is to support academics. We raise money for Classroom Grants. We provide scholarships to deserving Hazen students. We provide a chance to take a practice SAT and ACT exams for college bound students. We ALWAYS seek to do more academic enrichment and welcome your input. Supporting Academic Success at Hazen

  6. Advocacy for Students Our second function is to advocate and lobby in Olympia for issues that are important to ALL parents and children. Why do we need to lobby? www.hazenptsa.org

  7. Advocacy for Students Because politicians have short memories. PTSA members select five issues to focus on, and make sure they get attention.

  8. Classroom Grants We support PTSA because we ALL want the best possible outcomes for our children. Providing teachers needed tools, supplies, and programs thru Classroom Grants is one important way we can improve our child’s success.

  9. Now, THAT’s Parent Involvement!! Possibly even MORE important is YOUR direct involvement in your student’s high school life, by asking questions, showing up at events, and modeling what it means to be an active citizen in your community by volunteering.

  10. Please join PTSA This is our adopted dog Q. She loves to bark, but with patience and love, I have trained her to bark much less. And wag more. Just like my wife has trained me. Q has one outstanding trick. She begs cuter than any dog I have ever seen. Here’s what I want you to do, today. And yes, I am willing to wag, and beg.

  11. PTSA Membership=$15Bad Movie=$15 Fill out the membership form. The $15 Membership costs less than a Bad Movie (slide 11, Dogzilla), and largely goes to support lobbying for issues important to YOU! Drop it off at the PTSA table outside. Or, you can do it by visiting our website at www.hazenptsa.org.. There is even an option to choose the language of your choice.

  12. Earn $100 plus/year for YOUR SCHOOL Its easy, takes 2 minutes, and costs you nothing

  13. Now, THAT’s Volunteering! Check the Volunteer page for Volunteer opportunities, we welcome everyone’s help, whether you are a member or not. Show up to a PTSA meeting, or visit our Facebook page, to see what is happening, and to say what you’d LIKE to see happening.

  14. Please join PTSAwww.hazenptsa.org Your child’s future depends on our efforts, and all of our futures depend on these student’s success. Let’s do everything we possibly can to ensure that success. Thank you!

  15. www.hazenptsa.org Supporting Academic Success at Hazen

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