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Cutting-Edge Developments in Ultra-Supercritical Cycles and Feedwater Heating Systems

Explore advancements in ultra-supercritical power plants, including double reheat cycles and modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactors with supercritical Rankine cycles. Learn about optimizing feedwater heaters for increased efficiency and performance enhancements in steam power plants.

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Cutting-Edge Developments in Ultra-Supercritical Cycles and Feedwater Heating Systems

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  1. Generation of Most Eligible Steam for Rankine Cycle P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Means to AchieveQualities of Working Fluid Preferred by Sir Carnot …..

  2. Super Critical Cycle ~ 1990

  3. Ultra Supercritical Installations of The World

  4. Double Reheat Ultra Super Critical Cycle 8

  5. Reheater Pressure Optimization forDouble Reheat Units 97bar 69bar 110bar

  6. 21st century Rankine Cycles Improvement in Efficiency, %

  7. Super Critical Cycle of Year 2005

  8. Double Reheat Super Critical Plants Net efficiency on natural gas is expected to reach 49%. Net efficiency on coal is expected to reach 47%.

  9. Advanced 700 8C Pulverised Coal-fired Power Plant Project


  11. Nuclear Super Critical Cycles

  12. Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor

  13. Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor with Supercritical Rankine Cycle

  14. Model – 2 :MHTGR

  15. Special Features • Steam Generator (SG) for the Live Steam Supplier : The SC steam parameters at SG outlet are 25.4 MPa/571°C. • For the helium side of SG, the inlet temperature is kept at 750°C to maintain 179°C temperature difference between the helium and the SC steam for effective heat transfer. • The outlet helium temperature is designed to 330°C to maintain effective heat transfer between the helium and the feedwater. • Although high steam pressure and temperature involves modifications of the once-through SG and relevant pipes, no additional difficulties in design and manufacture are expected.

  16. Reheat Exchanger for Reheat Steam Supply • The steam parameters at the inlet of the reheat exchanger are 4.38 MPa/311°C and 4.19 MPa/569°C at the outlet. • For the helium side of reheat exchanger, the helium temperature at both inlet and outlet should be 350°C/750°C.

  17. Deployment mode of MHTGR SC plant with live steam reheat cycle

  18. h Steam Generation : Explore more Causes for Wastage x=s

  19. Look for More Opportunities to Reduce Wastage

  20. Follow the Steam Path : Early Stage

  21. Follow the Steam Path : Middle Stage

  22. Follow the Steam Path : End Stage

  23. Follow the Steam Path : The End

  24. Save Wastage thru Recycling !?!?

  25. Regeneration Cycle with Mixer (Open Feed Water Heater)

  26. 6 4 6’ 3 2 Synthesis of Rankine Cycle with OFWH 5 T p2=p6 1 7

  27. Analysis of mixing in OFWH y h6 1-y h2 Constant pressure mixing process Consider unit mass flow rate of steam thru the turbine h3 Conservation of energy:

  28. Analysis of Regeneration through OFWH

  29. Optimal Location of FWH

  30. Performance of OFWH Cycle ~ 12MPa htotal pbleed, MPa

  31. Performance of bleed Steam ~ 2 Mpa hbleed pbleed, MPa

  32. Comparison of Performance of Bleed & Condensing Steams hcond hbleed Pregen, MPa

  33. Gross Workoutput of bleed Steam ~ 12MPa wbleed pregen, MPa

  34. Workoutput of bleed Steam wbleed y pregen, MPa

  35. More Work output with more bleed Steams wbleed y pregen, MPa

  36. Progress in Rankine Cycle Power Plants

  37. Open (Direct Contact) Feed Water Heater

  38. An Impractical Efficient Model for Power Plant A Turbine B SG Yj-11,hbj-1 yj, hbj Yj-2,hbj-2 C OFWH OFWH OFWH C 1- yj hf (j-1) 1 ,hf (j) 1- yj –yj-1 hf (j-2) 1- yj –yj-1- yj-2 hf (j-3) n number of OFWHs require n+1 no of Pumps….. The presence of more pumps makes the plant unreliable…

  39. Closed Feed Water Heater (Throttled Condensate)

  40. Closed Feed Water Heater (Throttled Condensate)

  41. Control of Entropy Generation due to Liquid Heating

  42. Effect of no of feed water heaters on thermal efficiency and work output of a regeneration cycle Thermal Efficiency Specific Work Output

  43. Heater Selection and Final FeedwaterTemperature • In order to maximize the heat rate gain possible with ultra-supercritical steam conditions, the feedwater heater arrangement also needs to be optimized. • In general, the selection of higher steam conditions will result in additional feedwater heaters and a economically optimal higher final feedwater temperature. • In many cases the selection of a heater above the reheat point (HARP) will also be warranted. • The use of a separate desuperheater ahead of the top heater for units with a HARP can result in additional gains in unit performance.

  44. Typical Single Reheat Heater Cycle with HARP

  45. Effect of Final Feedwater Temperature and Reheat Pressure on Turbine Net Heat Rate

  46. Double Reheat Cycle with Heater above Reheat Point

  47. More FWHs for a Selected Bleed Points

  48. New Circuits of Desuperheater for Preheating of Feedwater in Steam Power Plants

  49. New Circuits of Desuperheater for Preheating of Feedwater in Steam Power Plants

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