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The Theory of NP-Completeness. Chapter 8. 8-1 Concepts. Two categories of problems: Polynomial time algorithm : searching O(log n) 、 polynomial evaluation O(n) 、 sorting O(n log n) 、 string editing O(mn) Exponential time algorithm : TSP O(n 2 2 n ) 與 0/1 knapsack O(2 n/2 )
The Theory of NP-Completeness Chapter 8
8-1 Concepts • Two categories of problems: • Polynomial time algorithm: searching O(log n)、polynomial evaluation O(n)、sorting O(n log n)、string editing O(mn) • Exponential time algorithm: TSP O(n2 2n)與 0/1 knapsack O(2n/2) • 第二類的問題其實也無法證明它們一定沒有 polynomial time algorithm,但是就是找不出來。 • NP-complete 的理論就是要討論哪些問題是屬於前面所說的第二類?這些問題有什麼樣的特性等等。 • 在討論這些沒有 polynomial time algorithm 的問題時,我們再將這些問題分成兩類,一是 NP-complete、另一個是 NP-hard。 • 一個 NP-complete的問題有 polynomial time 的演算法 所有 NP-complete 的問題都有 polynomial time algorithm。兩個互為充份必要條件。 • 一個 NP-hard的問題如果有 polynomial time algorithm 則所有 NP-complete 的問題也都有 polynomial time algorithm。
8-1 Concepts • 目前所講的演算法都有一個前提假設,就是它的每個運算(operation)的結果都是獨一(確定)的。這種性質的演算法可以在實際的電腦上執行,稱為 deterministic algorithms. • 在討論計算理論時,可以將這種限制拿掉,也就是可以假設一個運算的結果不唯一,可能是某 n個結果中的一個,而且一定會是正確的那一個。這樣子的演算法稱為 non-deterministic algorithm。這種演算法無法在實際的電腦上執行。
8-1 Concepts A non-deterministic algorithm terminates unsuccessfully if and only if there exists no set of choices leading to a success signal。只有在不可能有正確答案的情形下, non-deterministic algorithm 才無法成功地完成工作。 • 一個可以執行 non-deterministic algorithm 的機器稱為 non-deterministic machine. (That machine does not exit in the world) • 我們定義下列三個函數來說明這種演算法。 • Choice(S): 從 S中選一個正確的元素出來。 • Failure(): 沒有成功地完成工作。 • Success(): 成功地完成工作 • 這三個函數的執行時間都是 O(1)。
8-1 Concepts • 要如何來看待 non-deterministic algorithm 呢? • 可以用平行處理的角度來看,也就是當作同時有很多很多機器(依據所有可能資料集合)一起作同一個問題,每個機器用不同的 choice 的結果來作,如果有一個成功的話,其他的就不用再作;如果有一個失敗、就自己停下來即可。 • 另外,也可以當作實際上可能有一種方法可以選擇一個正確的答案出來,只是我們還不曉得而已(上帝知道),所以答案可能會存在。
8-1 Concepts • NP: the class of decision problems which can be solved by a non-deterministic polynomial algorithm. • P: the class of decision problems which can be solved by a deterministic polynomial algorithm. • NP-complete: The problems which belong to NP. • Until now, no deterministic polynomial algorithm can solve it. • Such as, the satisfiability problem (the first NPC problem) • NP-hard: • the class of problems to which every NP problem reduces. • An optimization problem if its correspondingdecisionproblem is NP-complete.
8-1 Concept of reduction • Def: Problem A reduces to problem B (A B) iff A can be solved by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm using a deterministic algorithm that solves B in polynomial time.
8-1 Some concepts • Up to now, none of the NPC problems can be solved by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm in the worst case. • It does not seem to have any polynomial time algorithm to solve the NPC problems. • The lower bound of any NPC problem seems to be in the order of an exponential function. • The theory of NP-completeness always considers the worst case.
8-1 Some concepts • Not all NP problems are difficult. (e.g. the MST problem is an NP problem.) • If A, B NPC, then A B and B A. • Theory of NP-completeness If any NPC problem can be solved in polynomial time, then all NP problems can be solved in polynomial time. (NP = P)
8-2 Decision problems • Any problem for which the answer is either zero or one is called a decisionproblem. An algorithm for a decision problem is termed a decisionalgorithm. • Any problem that involves the identification of an optimal (either minimum or maximum) value of a given cost function is known as an optimizationproblem. An optimizationalgorithm is used to solve an optimization problem. • The solution is simply “Yes” or “No”. • Optimization problem : more difficult than Decision problem • E.g. the traveling salesperson problem • Optimization version: Find the shortest tour • Decision version: Is there a tour whose total length is less than or equal to a constant C ?
8-2 0/1 Knapsack Problem • 共有 n個東西,每個東西的價值為 p1, p2, …, pn, 每個東西的重量為 w1, w2, …, wn, 一個袋子的重量限制為 m,重量與價值都至少為 0。 • 其 optimization 的版本是:所能夠裝的東西之最大價值是多少? • decision 的版本為:是否能裝超過某個價值 r? • decision 版本的問題若沒有 polynomial time algorithm,則 optimization 版本的問題也沒有 polynomial time 演算法。
8-2 Solving an optimization problem by a decision algorithm : • Solving TSP optimization problem by decision algorithm : • Give c1 and test Give c2 and test Give cn and test • Decide ci’s by binary search the range 1~K, where K may be selected as the sum of all edges or by some heuristics (approximation algorithm to be described in Chap.9)
8-3 The satisfiability problem • The satisfiability problem • The logical formula : x1 v x2 v x3 & - x1 & - x2 the assignment : x1 ← F , x2 ← F , x3 ← T will make the above formula true (-x1, -x2 , x3) represents x1 ← F , x2 ← F , x3 ← T
8-3 The satisfiability problem • If there is at least one assignment which satisfies a formula, then we say that this formula is satisfiable; otherwise, it is unsatisfiable. • An unsatisfiable formula : x1 v x2 & x1 v -x2 & -x1 v x2 & -x1 v -x2
8-3 The satisfiability problem • Def : Given a Boolean formula, determine whether this formula is satisfiable or not. • A literal : xi or -xi • A clause : x1 v x2 v -x3ci • A formula : conjunctive normal form (CNF) c1& c2 & … & cm
The resolution principle • Resolution principle C1 : x1 v x2 C2 : -x1 v x3 C3 :x2 v x3 • From C1 &C2, we can obtain C3, and C3 can be added into the formula. • The formula becomes: C1 &C2 &C3
8-3 The satisfiability problem • Resolution principle c1 : -x1 v -x2 v x3 c2 : x1 v x4 c3 :-x2 v x3 v x4 (resolvent) • If no new clauses can be deduced satisfiable -x1 v -x2 v x3 (1) x1 (2) x2 (3) (1) & (2) -x2 v x3 (4) (4) & (3) x3 (5) (1) & (3) -x1 v x3 (6)
8-3 The satisfiability problem • If an empty clause is deduced unsatisfiable - x1 v -x2 v x3 (1) x1 v -x2 (2) x2 (3) - x3 (4) deduce (1) & (2) -x2 v x3 (5) (4) & (5) -x2 (6) (6) & (3) □ (7)
8-3 Semantic tree • In a semantic tree, each path from the root to a leaf node represents a class of assignments. • If each leaf node is attached with a clause unsatisfiable.
8-4 Nondeterministic algorithms • Guessing • Checking • If the checking stage of a nondeterministic algorithm is of polynomial time-complexity, then this algorithm is called an NP (nondeterministic polynomial) algorithm. • NP problems : (must be decision problems) • E.g. searching, MST (Final examination, NP algorithm) sorting satisfiability problem (SAT) traveling salesperson problem (TSP)
8-4 Decision version of sorting • Given a1, a2,…, an and c, is there a permutation of ais ( a1, a2 , … ,an ) such that∣a2–a1∣+∣a3–a2∣+ … +∣an–an-1∣< C ? • Not all decision problems are NP problems • E.g. halting problem : • Given a program with a certain input data, will the program terminate or not? • NP-hard • Undecidable • Because it can’t be solved by three functions: Choice, failure, success
8-4 Nondeterministic algorithms • Choice(S) : arbitrarily chooses one of the elements in set S • Failure : an unsuccessful completion • Success : a successful completion
8-4 Nondeterministic searching : j ← choice(1 : n) /* guess if A(j) = x then success /* check else failure • A nondeterministic algorithm terminates unsuccessfully iff there exist no set of choices leading to a success signal. • The time required for choice(1 : n) is O(1). • A deterministic interpretation of a non-deterministic algorithm can be made by allowing unbounded parallelism in computation.
8-4 Nondeterministic sorting • B ← 0 for i = 1 to n do Guessing j ← choice(1 : n) if B[j] ≠ 0 then failure B[j] = A[i] for i = 1 to n-1 do Checking if B[i] > B[i+1] then failure success • Note: • Nondeterministic algorithm: O(n) • Deterministic algorithm: O(nlogn) Generating a list Testing the list
Nondeterministic SAT • Guessing for i = 1 to n do xi← choice( true, false ) if E(x1, x2, … ,xn) is true Checking then success else failure
8-5 Cook’s theorem NP = P iff the satisfiability problem is a P problem. • SAT is NP-complete. • It is the first NP-complete problem. • Every NP problem reduces to SAT. Stephen Arthur Cook Transforming searching to SAT
8-5 Transforming searching to SAT • Does there exist a number in { x(1), x(2), … x(n) }, which is equal to 7? • Assume n = 2, x(1)=7, x(2)≠7
8-5 Transforming searching to SAT i=1 v i=2 & i=1 → i≠2 & i=2 → i≠1 & x(1)=7 & i=1 → SUCCESS & x(2)=7 & i=2 → SUCCESS & x(1)≠7 & i=1 → FAILURE & x(2)≠7 & i=2 → FAILURE & FAILURE → -SUCCESS & SUCCESS (Guarantees a successful termination) & x(1)=7 (Input Data) & x(2)≠7
8-5 Transforming searching to SAT • CNF (conjunctive normal form) : i=1 v i=2 (1) i≠1 v i≠2 (2) x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3) x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4) x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5) x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6) -FAILURE v -SUCCESS (7) SUCCESS (8) x(1)=7 (9) x(2)≠7 (10)
8-5 Transforming searching to SAT • Satisfiable at the following assignment : i=1 satisfying (1) i≠2 satisfying (2), (4) and (6) SUCCESS satisfying (3), (4) and (8) -FAILURE satisfying (7) x(1)=7 satisfying (5) and (9) x(2)≠7 satisfying (4) and (10) Note: ex. i=1 is a literal and i≠1 is its negative
8-5 Searchingin CNF with inputs • Searching for 7, but x(1)7, x(2)7 CNF :
8-5 Searchingin CNF with inputs • Apply resolution principle :
8-5 The semantic tree It implies that both assignments (i=1, i=2) satisfy the clauses.
8-6 NP-Complete • Def: Problem A reduces to problem B (A B) iff A can be solved by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm using a deterministic algorithm that solves B in polynomial time.
8-6 SAT is NP-complete • Every NP problem can be solved by an NP algorithm • Every NP algorithm can be transformed in polynomial time to an SAT problem • [Horowitz and Shani 1998] • Such that the SAT problem is satisfiable iff the answer for the original NP problem is “yes” • That is, every NP problem SAT • SAT is NP-complete
8-6 NP-Complete • A problem L is NP-hard if and only if satisfiability reduces to L ( SAT problemL). • A problem L is NP-complete if and only if L is NP-hard and L NP. • To show that a problem L2 is NP-hard, it is adequate to show L1L2, where L1 is some problem already known to be NP-hard. • To show that an NP-hard decision problem is NP-complete, we have just to exhibit a polynomial time non-deterministic algorithm for it.
8-7 Proof of NP-Completeness • To show that A is NP-complete (I)Prove that A is an NP problem (Find a non-deterministic polynomial algorithm to solve it, such as sorting or searching) (See Sections 3-4 ~ 3-5, Sorting and searching problems) (II)Prove that B NPC, B A • A NPC • Two problems L1 and L2 are said to be polynomially equivalent iff L1L2 and L2L1.
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • Each clause contains exactly three literals. (I)3-SAT is an NP problem (obviously See 3-24 slide) (II)SAT 3-SAT (Transformation rules, Prove its correctness) • One literal L1 in a clause in SAT : in 3-SAT : L1 v y1 v y2 L1 v -y1 v y2 L1 v y1 v -y2 L1 v -y1 v -y2
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • Two literals L1, L2 in a clause in SAT : in 3-SAT : L1 v L2 v y1 L1 v L2 v -y1 • Three literals in a clause : remain unchanged
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • More than 3 literals L1, L2, …, Lk in a clause : in 3-SAT : L1 v L2 v y1 L3 v -y1 v y2 Lk-2 v -yk-4 v yk-3 Lk-1 v Lk v -yk-3
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • Transform to an instance in 3-SAT : x1 v x2 v y1 x1 v x2 v -y1 -x3 v y2 v y3 -x3 v -y2 v y3 -x3 v y2 v -y3 -x3 v -y2 v -y3 x1 v -x2 v y4 x3 v -y4 v y5 -x4 v x5 v -y5 • E.g. an instance in SAT : x1 v x2 -x3 x1 v -x2 v x3 v -x4 v x5 SAT transform 3-SA S S
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • Proof : S is satisfiable S is satisfiable “” 3 literals in S (trivial) consider 4 literals S : L1 v L2 v … v Lk S: L1 v L2 v y1 L3 v -y1 v y2 L4 v -y2 v y3 Lk-2 v -yk-4 v yk-3 Lk-1 v Lk v -yk-3
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • S is satisfiable at least Li = T in this clause of S Assume : Lj = F j i assign : yi-1 = F • yj = T j i-1 yj = F j i-1 ( Li v -yi-2 v yi-1 ) S is satisfiable.
8-7 3-satisfiability problem (3-SAT) • “” If S is satisfiable, then assignment satisfying S can not contain yi’s only at least Li must be true. (We can also apply the resolution principle). • 3-SAT is NP-complete
8-7 Caution ! • If a problem is NP-complete, its special cases may or may not be NP-complete. • The 0/1 knapsack problem is NP-complete • The knapsack problem is not NP-complete
8-7 The knapsack problem • The greedy algorithm: Step 1: Sort pi/wi into non-increasing order. Step 2: Put the objects into the knapsack according to the sorted sequence as possible as we can.
8-7 The knapsack problem • E.g. n = 3, M = 20, (p1, p2, p3) = (25, 24, 15) (w1, w2, w3) = (18, 15, 10) Sol: p1/w1 = 25/18 = 1.32 p2/w2 = 24/15 = 1.6 p3/w3 = 15/10 = 1.5 Optimal solution: x1 = 0, x2 = 1, x3 = 1/2
Note: NP-Complete problem • [0/1 Knapsack].Consider the knapsack problem discussed in the previous section. We add the requirement that xi = 1 or xi = 0, 1≦i ≦n; i.e., an object is either included or not included into the knapsack. We wish to solve the problem One greedy strategy is to consider the objects in order of nonincreasing density pi/wi and add the object into the knapsack if it fits.