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Objectives : Identify basic properties of water Identify macromolecules

Objectives : Identify basic properties of water Identify macromolecules. Catalyst : Draw a water molecule and label the charges. What does it mean to be polar?. Abiotic – nonliving factors Biotic – living factors. abiotic. biotic.

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Objectives : Identify basic properties of water Identify macromolecules

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  1. Objectives: Identify basic properties of waterIdentify macromolecules Catalyst: Draw a water molecule and label the charges. What does it mean to be polar?

  2. Abiotic – nonliving factorsBiotic – living factors abiotic biotic

  3. What allows this drop of water to hang there without falling?

  4. Water is Magical!!! • Polarity – POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ENDS

  5. Water is Magical!!! • Adhesion – water sticks to other substances (a for adhere) • Cohesion – water molecules stick together (c for couple) • Capillary Action – combination of cohesion and adhesion allow for water to move up plant stems

  6. SOL QUICKIE!!!!

  7. Hydrogen Bonding in Water • Attraction between positive end of one water molecule and negative end of another water molecule

  8. Water as Universal Solvent • Solute – what’s being dissolved (ex: salt) • Solvent – does the dissolving (usually water) • Universal solvent • Due to having positive and negative sides any atom with a positive or negative charge can bond with water • Chemical nutrients can be dissolved and carried throughout the body

  9. Hydrophobic vs. Hydrophile • Hydrophobic – hates water (phobia = fear) • Example – oil and water not mixing • Hydrophile – loves water • Part of the cell membrane • Interesting fact: Soap has a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail which allows it to dissolve in both waters and oils, therefore allowing the soap to clean a surface.

  10. Density of Water • 1 gram per cubic centimeter • Greater than 1 – sink • Less than 1 -- float

  11. Specific Heat • Water has a high specific heat index - can absorb a lot of heat before it begins to get hot. • Water promotes homeostasis by preventing large fluctuations in temperature • This is why water is valuable to industries and in your car's radiator as a coolant. The high specific heat index of water also helps regulate the rate at which air changes temperature, which is why the temperature change between seasons is gradual rather than sudden, especially near the oceans.

  12. pH Scale

  13. An acid is a substance that ionizes in water to give hydrogen ions (H+)

  14. A base is a substance that ionizes in water to give hydroxide ions (OH-)

  15. Review – Drawing a Water Molecule

  16. Capillary action • Capillary Action – combination of cohesion and adhesion allow for water to move up plant stems

  17. SPONCH!!!! • Vital elements • Sulfur • Phosphorous • Oxygen • Nitrogen • Carbon • Hydrogen • We’ve got a little song to remember this

  18. PHOSPHOROUS • If you ain't got no bio love take yo‘ stinky butt homeIf you ain't got no bio love take yo‘ stinky butt homeP-H-O-S-P-H-O-R-O-U-S, yeah P-H-O-S-P-H-O-R-O-U-S • [B-Section:]We're flyin' first classUp in the skyPoppin' notesLivin' my lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeBy the Phosphorous, oh the flossy flossy[Chorus:]The phosphorous,The phosphorous, phosphorousBy the phosphorous, oh the flossy flossy

  19. Carbon Chemistry • Let’s see the sheet!!!

  20. Time for MACROMOLECULES!!! • Carbohydrates • Lipids • Nucleic Acids • Proteins • Chart time! Then LAB!!!

  21. Carbohydrates - Components • Carbon • Hydrogen • Oxygen

  22. Carbohydrates - Examples • Monosaccharides – glucose • Disaccharides – sucrose, lactose • Polysaccharides – starch, glycogen, cellulose • Remember: mono = one, di = two, poly = many • Plants use starch to store glucose, animals use glycogen to store glucose

  23. Carbohydrates - Purposes • Carbohydrates are sugars and are the key to metabolism. • Identify sugars by their ending in –ose.

  24. Carbohydrates – Misc. • Dehydration synthesis – formation of disaccharide from two monosaccharides • Synthesis – brings together • Dehydration – take a water molecule out

  25. Carbohydrates (and beyond …) • Glucose is the preferred energy source for the brain. Brain function drops off sharply if glucose is in short supply. • PET scans can detect areas of glucose usage and can show brain damage following trauma or drug use. • The breakdown of glucose for energy can be traced all the way through glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and electron transport chain.

  26. Lipids - Components • Carbon • Hydrogen • Oxygen • 3 fatty acids and one glycerol molecule

  27. Lipids - Examples • Fats, waxes, and steroids. • Phospholipids make up all cell membranes

  28. Lipids - Purposes • Non-polar and do not dissolve in water. • Lipids store energy and are the basis for steroid hormone synthesis.

  29. Lipids – Misc. • Most common fats • Triglycerides • UnSaturated fats • Usually plant fats (double bonds between carbons) • saturated fats • Usually animal fats (single bonds between Carbons) • Waxes • Steroids • Chlorophyll, estrogen, cortisone

  30. Lipids (and beyond …) • Phospholipids make up all cell membranes and play a large role in determining what gets in and out of the cell. • Hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions give phosopholipids their unique properties.

  31. Proteins - Components • Carbon • Hydrogen • Oxygen • Nitrogen • Linked chains of amino acids • (20 different groups in different orders) • Like alphabet making words

  32. Proteins - Examples • Most abundant macromolecule • Most catalysts are made of protein. • Key structural elements of: • Cells, skin, muscle, blood, fur

  33. Proteins - Purposes • Proteins are the cell’s molecular machinery. • Proteins are synthesized by the ribosome from a code made of RNA.

  34. Proteins – Misc. • Dipeptide – two amino acids • Polypeptide – three amino acids • Proteins are made of one or more polypeptides • Dehydration synthesis again!!!

  35. Proteins (and beyond …) • Proteins gain their function from the way they fold. • Proteins act as catalysts by lowering activation energy. • Hemoglobin transports oxygen to all tissues and is made of 4 dimers. • Many proteins use minerals such as calcium or iron to aid in their function.

  36. Nucleic Acids – Components • Made up of repeating units called nucleotides • Five carbon sugar • Phosphate group • Nitrogenous base

  37. Nucleic Acids – Examples • There are two types of nucleic acids: Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic Acids (RNA).

  38. Nucleic Acids – Purposes • Store genetic information • Code for protein synthesis

  39. Nucleic Acids – Misc. • None

  40. Enzymes • This reaction normally happens (black), but is catalyzed by the enzyme (red). The Activation energy to start the reaction is lowered!!!!!

  41. Endothermic • Energy of products is higher than energy of reactant • Feels Cold!!! It sucks up the heat from environment.

  42. Exothermic • Energy of products is lower than energy of reactant • Feels Hot!!! It gives off heat from the reaction.

  43. Enzymes • Enzymes act as catalysts which speed up the rate of a reaction.

  44. Enzymes • This reaction normally happens (black), but is catalyzed by the enzyme (red). The Activation energy to start the reaction is lowered!!!!!

  45. Lock and Key Theory • SIDEBOARD • SAY HI TO FISH! 

  46. Effects on Enzyme Activity • Rate of Enzyme Activity is influenced by: • Substrate concentration (more substrate = more activity until saturation) • Temperature (higher temperature = more activity until the enzyme’s protein denatures)

  47. Alkaline Intestine Acidic Stomach Effects on Enzyme Activity • Rate of Enzyme Activity is influenced by: • pH (usually in range of 6-8 for humans) • Inhibitors (reduce activity by binding or changing shape of active sites)

  48. Water Activities • Forming PODS • Follow Mr. G’s directions • You must name your POD • Water activities – 25 points credit • Lab Manager Assistance • Petri Dishes distributed • Glass slides • One napkin / paper towel • 2 beakers to everyone

  49. Autrophs vs. Heterotrophs • Autotrophs • Organisms that acquire energy by making their own food. Plants and certain unicellular organisms are autotrophs. • Heterotrophs • Organisms that gain energy by eating other organisms are called heterotrophs. Some unicellular organisms, as well as all animals and fungi, are heterotrophs.

  50. Living things run on batteries.

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