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Agenda. Hand in Ch. 10 Lines 1-9 (your HW) Cursus Honorum notes Review imperative and formation of verbs—make flashcards Check “All About Verbs Sheet” Avalanche, time permitting HW: Finish Ch. 10. Cursus Honorum. Latin I October 20, 2007. What is the cursus honorum?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Hand in Ch. 10 Lines 1-9 (your HW) • Cursus Honorum notes • Review imperative and formation of verbs—make flashcards • Check “All About Verbs Sheet” • Avalanche, time permitting • HW: Finish Ch. 10

  2. Cursus Honorum Latin I October 20, 2007

  3. What is the cursus honorum? • Ladder of political advancement during the Roman Republic • Begins with quaestor and culminates, or ends, with the consul • Republic: 509 BC-44BC (assassination of Julius Caesar) or 31 BC (Augustus Caesar proclaimed dictator for life by Senate)

  4. Curule offices: wore toga praetexta: toga with a purple boder. Quaestor: lowest and first office. Treasurer. Eligible to be a Senator. Curile aedile: Second office. In charge of public games, e.g. gladiators. Paid for games themselves.

  5. Praetor: third office. Judges. • Consul: • Chief magistrate or official • Presided over the Senate • Served as generals on military campaigns • IMPERIUM: • the highest political authority • the right to command an army • interpret and carry out the law • and to pass sentences of death

  6. DICTATOR: “Special office” Supposed to serve in times of military emergency. CENSOR: Kept role of senators and magistrates/officers Conducted census and assessed taxes

  7. Tribune of the Plebs To protect plebeians (lower class) from patrician officials Could veto the acts of the other magistrates Sacrosanct: attack them=you die (immediately)

  8. Major External Conflict During Republic: Punic Wars • Begin in 264 BC-146 BC • Rome vs. Carthage

  9. Rome vs. Carthage: Total War Actually a series of three wars (First Punic, Second Punic, and Third Punic) Most famous Carthaginian general: Hannibal Most famous Roman: Scipio Aficanus

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