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Installation and Commissioning Status Report for DT & RPC

Detailed report on the progress and challenges faced during the construction and installation of DT and RPC systems, including commissioning activities. Critical elements, certification, and actions taken to streamline installation processes are covered.

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Installation and Commissioning Status Report for DT & RPC

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  1. STATO BARREL MU: DT & RPC Costruzione e installazione fgasparini SW,commissining e analisi ugasparini Elettronica e Cosmic challenge mdallavalle fgasparini Roma 4/4/06 • SOMMARIO DT: • HVB e il ritardato avvio di Torino e della produzione dei MC non hanno introdotto • ritardi che si siano ripercossi su sequenza e tempi di installazione. • Tutte le finestre di installazione disponibili sono state utilizzate. • Commissioning e test di settore (vedi Ugo e Marco) senza problemi. • Notevole mobilitazione di personale. • Elementi critici per installazione dopo Mag.Test: • -Certificazione camere agli ISR (dipende da DT) • Disponibilita’ dei cavi (solo parzialmente dip. da DT) • Disponbilita’ di personale fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006

  2. TORINO Torino rate 6 SL/month fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 Stato 14/3/2006 Inst. 22 Assemblaggio DT finito in tutti I siti (To in Maggio) : ultime camere (Aachen 8,LNL 5,To 8) attese al CERN a meta’ maggio. MINICRATES 203/250 Minicrates al CERN al feb 6/06 135 installati fine prod. Maggio/Giugno 152 da Giu a Feb = 17/ mese ( 6 in Agosto) 18/mese escludendo Agosto 18,5/mese da ottobre a fine anno (nom. 12~16) Produzione nuove HVB finita in Settembre. Sostituzione agli ISR completata 24 installate

  3. Sector commissioning INSTALLAZIONE E COMMISSIONING DI DT+RPC YB+1 is complete 42 stations DT+RPC installed 12 MB4 To. YB+2 has 40 stations installed ,feet chambers missing (A. Benvenuti, M, Benettoni ,A Colaleo, A. Clemente and crew) All DT commissioned before Xmas (with MCrates) (E.Conti.M.Zanetti,K.Hoepfner +…) 31 DT tested after cabling in YB+1 : only one problem (a disconnected pin ) (3/4/06) fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006

  4. Test for Inst. In UX Installation in YB0 2 ch/day in the cavern 51 DT+RPC (10 MB4 To) (+ 2 feet ch. in YB+1) installed before Mag.Test (31 ch) fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 4 ch./day YB0 chambers commissioning before Mag. Test. 3 sectors commissioned up to now : no problem (3/4/06)

  5. SX 5 Thursday March 2 nd fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 Festa in SX5 per 135 DT+ RPC installati, (115 da installare) fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006

  6. AB 14/3/06 115 DT+RPC fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 AB 14/3/06

  7. Might be mid august AB 14/3/06 fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 15

  8. Local tech.board DT+RPC+Align AB chair Una serie di azioni e’ stata intrapresa ad inizio anno per far fronte a questo piano di installazione Tutta l’attivita’ e’ stata divisa in 12 settori ,con uno o piu’ responsabili/settore Settori critici sono stati rinforzati,con immissione di personale e/o nuovi strumenti ELEMENTI CRITICI >> trasp. seguenti

  9. Jesus Puerta Pelayo March CMS Week CERTIFICAZIONE DT AGLI ISR The main source of uncertainties is the identification of HV problems (chambers are “new” after HVB replacement). Some of them appear after a long time under HV, some cannot be cured by simple replacement, some are due to single Cells hence very difficult to localize . HV test and Cosmic test must be repeated after any intervention. There are ideas and actions to improve the procedure………….. fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 AZIONI INTRAPRESE: Cordero da Torino a tempo pieno a ISR , rinforzo del team di tecnici a rotazione (da inizio Marzo)

  10. = done CERN 7800 3600 CERN Other forks achen STRUMENTI PER RIDURRE I TEMPI DI INSTALLAZIONE DT+RPC ABenvenuti CERN (20?) Amedeo TORINO AZIONI INTRAPRESE: Motorizzazione di culle di inst. Extra telai di trasporto Extra elementi di fissaggio culle. Piu’ persone per installazione TORINO fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006

  11. YB0, YB-1 and YB-2 DT +RPC : Integrazione YB0, cavi, cablaggi Montecassiano/Dattola A lot of missing items needed to finalize cutting lengths • YB-1 and YB-2 • Peripheral paths are almost the same as in the positive wheels. No major work is required there. I can adapt what I already done for positive wheels. • Radial layouts (ZmL and ZmR) has still to be designed and verified • YB0 • it is not yet defined from the point of view of peripheral paths. D. Dattola is working on this subject. • also radial layout ZmL and ZmR are needed • Also there are many other urgent work pending • Cables in the chains :PRR, procurement, cutting lengths • cable chain patch panels • racks layout update (LV/RPC/ALIGN requested changes in the last months) • Detailed design of each single rack with cables .... fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006 AZIONI INTRAPRESE: in collaborazione con RPC rinforzato il team Dattola/Montecassiano (Colonna (RPC), Abajiev(RPC), + disegnatori Pd e Na, P.Checchia resp. per cablaggio nei racks e balconate)

  12. Personale per installazione/cablaggi/commissioning (DT) (Crew= physicists for commissioning and MC test after cabling) fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006

  13. Sblocchi SJ richiesti su CA Bologna 40 KE ( new HVB >>> hired mp) (Accordo di compensazione con la Germania) Padova 20 KE (cavi) 32 KE (crate& ctr >>> cavi + fibre+ connettori + montaggio) (accordo con Spagna) NO EXTRACOSTI CORE (salvo sorprese) Maggiori,non drammatiche,spese per tools e hired manpower ( M&O B ) Missioni estere insufficienti : a settembre sblocco SJ + …………….) fgasparini INFN roma 30/3/2006

  14. Server Board Link Board Detector in UXC55 DT front end Barrel Trigger Boards ReadOut Boards C C B DT station (minicrate) LVDS copper link Towers in UXC55 Sector Collector ROS Opto link Counting room in USC55 DT Track Finder D D U WedgeSorter Barrel Sorter GLOBAL MUON TRIGGER M Dallavalle 1. RO/trigger electronics Global view --responsibilities FEB Padova TRB Padova,Bologna ROB Ciemat SB Bologna LB,CCB Padova LVDS link Bologna DCS,TTC link Padova Trig SC Bologna ROS Ciemat Optolink Bologna DDU Torino DTTF Vienna WS Bologna BS Bologna

  15. Barrel Sorter Wedge Sorter PHTF ETTF TIM SBS 4. trig Sector Collector board • Slow control Master: • Final prototype ready • Crates and Controllers • 1 procured for the magnet test • VME controllers • First prototype working • Must be tested for radiation tolerance PHTF-ETTF-WS-BS integration test trig Sector Collector opto-rx

  16. Inst/Commission Trigger crates Apr. 06- Sept. 06 Integrate detector electronics May 06- Oct 06 Integrate Central Trig.&DAQ Oct. 06 – Mar. 07 System commissioning Apr. 07- Aug. 07 Ready for Data Aug. 07 5. DDU (FED) TRIGGER INSTALLATION SCHEDULE G.Dellacasa, V.Monaco INFN-Torino 29/3/2006 • 1 pre-production board has been debugged in the previous months. • The DDU functionalities required for the Magnet Test have been tested • The DDU board is now (mid March) in Legnaro to be integrated with the DT DAQ. • It will be moved to CERN in the first half of April for the preparation of the • Magnet Test. in order to validate the design and start the final production • (5 DDU boards+spares) Final system: 1 VME 64x crate with 5 boards (1 per DT wheel)

  17. 9. Production-installation-commissioning(production after validation in the Mag.Test Cosmic Challenge • Production Critical items: • Trigger sector collector : ~8 months from start • UXC55 fibres and cables: • Cut and connectorize as soon as cutting lengths become available • USC55 fibres (slow control + TTC) • Finalized during Q4-05 • ROS25 : ~6 months from start (CIEMAT) DCS production Schedule • Slow control Master: • Production to be started in April-06 • VME controllers • 2nd prototype ready in April-06 • Radiation test in June-06 • Production launched in June/July -06

  18. MTCC workplan -- LNL-tests Inst/Commission Trigger crates Apr. 06- Sept. 06 Integrate detector electronics May 06- Oct 06 Integrate Central Trig.&DAQ Oct. 06 – Mar. 07 System commissioning Apr. 07- Aug. 07 Ready for Data Aug. 07 TRIGGER INSTALLATION SCHEDULE

  19. Sector commissioning M DallaValle • DT MTCC project ramp-up in steps: Sector Commissioning • goal: autotrigger on one chamber and acquire data from 4 chambers, DAQ synchronisation, first look at cosmics traversing a sector • Sector Test –local mode • goal: final tower electronics, local autotrigger logic with 4(5) chambers, read ROS25 with local DAQ (no FED) Sector Test –regional mode \ • goal: provide trigger to CMS, integrate regional trigger, use final TTC system • Sector Test • goal: cosmics trigger with three sectors • FED Integration • goal: data flow from ROS through DDU to global DAQ Two sectors

  20. U Gasparini Stato del software - Il software generale di simulazione/ricostruzione/analisi di CMS e’ nel mezzo di una fase di transizione al nuovo Framework (CMSSW) - Come per gli altri sub-detectors, e’ in corso il “porting” del codice ObjectOriented di simulazione (OSCAR, basato su Geant4) e ricostruzione (ORCA) , • il porting delle varie componenti e’ prevista per l’ analisi dei dati del “Magnet test/cosmic challenge”(Maggio-Luglio 2006) [ slides/materiale dal DT sw group: - F.Cavallo (Bologna) - A.Meneguzzo, S.Lacaprara, P.Ronchese, M.Zanetti ( Padova) - N.Amapane, R.Bellan, G.Cerminara (Torino)]

  21. r-f view r-z view Evento ricostruito in CMSSW e visualizzato dal pacchetto grafico di CMS (IGUANA) MB3 Muon DT Software m Esempio: - analisi dati del primo “test di settore” compiuto con 4 camere nel Dicembre 2005 (auto-trigger dato da MB3 )

  22. DT software: Data Quality Monitoring La parte piu’ avanzata riguarda il DQM degli oggetti di ‘basso livello’ (raw data/digi), gia’ attualmente inserita nel software generale e utilizzata nel commissioning delle camere con i cosmici DT clients for DQM application Developed in CMSSW: - Digi client - TestPulse client - Data integrity Oggetti di ‘alto livello’ (tracce…)per l’ analisi delle prestazioni del rivelatore sono tuttora in costruzione…

  23. Analisi dati del “DT commissioning” Sono stati analizzati i dati di cosmici relativi a 82 camere installate (42 Wheel+1 , 40 Wheel +2) commissionate (delle 134 installate in CMS): SL1 2 99,9% SL2 SL3 Celle morte (10 MB1 ruota +1) 18/6500 ~ 0,27 % Effic. per cella

  24. Con una correzione temporale off-line evento per evento (il tempo dei MU e’ casualei…e l’elettr. funziona a 40 MHz) si ottiene una risoluzione spaziale, mediata su tutta la camera e su tutti gli angoli di 230 ~ 280 micron (il valore nom.e’ 250) compatibile con quella osservata nei testbeam ( ~ 200 mm ) (Mu sincroni, localizzati & ad alto momento) Hit residuals: not 0 correction t0correction applied s=540mm s=230mm mm

  25. “Internal geometry” MB1 • Extrapolations • of segments built • in single SL’s: • Sensitive to • displacements • between SL’s • - depend also • on internal mis- • alignments between • single layers <>=-124  14 mm <>=0.4  0.1 mrad MB2 <>=568  12 mm <>=-0.1  0.1 mrad

  26. Analisi del primo “sector test” MB1 vsMB2 Slope Difference, R-f view: MB2 vsMB3 <>=0.20.1 mrad <>=0.70.1 mrad F1-F2 <>=2.40.1 mrad MB3 vsMB4

  27. Track reconstruction efficiency MB1 • Selection: • MB3 auto-trigger • (HH+HL); • - 1 clean track • reconstructed in • both • r-phi & r-z views • in MB3, predicted to • be inside • MB1 (MB2) • geometrical • acceptance Nhits  3 Nhits>5 MB2 Nhits>5 Nhits  3

  28. Sector test: extrapolation to individual layers <>=-1210  30 mm <>=-1240  30 mm MB1  MB2/SLf1 MB1 <>=-1260  40 mm <>=-1360  40 mm MB2

  29. Sommario Il Software del DT detector e’ in continuo sviluppo; sostanzialmente “on track” per l’analisi del rivelatore nel test col magnete e l’ integrazione nel sw generale di CSM L’ analisi dei dati del Commissioning delle camere e la ricostruzione (parziale) nei primi test di settore mostrano risultati sulle prestazioni compatibili con le attese e notevoli potenzialita’ per la comprensione dettagliata del comportamento del rivelatore nel suo complesso (utili anche in vista della comprensione del comportamento in campo magnetico , (prima e unica possibilita’durante il Mag.Test.) La preparazione per il Cosmic Challenge e’ a buon punto

  30. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Chamber construction SG & DG Production About 3000 Single gaps built: production ended 1080 DG produced ~60 DG more, end production April-May 06 420 Chamber produced : 60 chamber more, end production June 06 Total lot 480 Double gap Chamber

  31. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC ISR storage and test area Long term test/coupling • Detector control • Gas leak • Gas input overpressure test • Threshold setting and reading • Current vs HV • Long stability test (15-20 days @ 9200 V) • Performance • 15 chambers can be tested at same time • Single rate (hits count.) vs. HV • Noise rate (cluster count.) vs. HV • Cluster size vs. HV 117 chambers now at ISR. 254installed After DT+RPC COUPLING DT-RPC coupling. The following functionality tests are performed: gas leak, HV integrity, threshold setting/reading/ strips connectivity. The cooling circuit (RPC, DT FE, MC) is checked at 20 bar overpressure.

  32. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Commissioning In SX5 Activities • HV/LV test • Noise • Current stability for 48 hours • Commissioning the final gas distributor • Gas line equalization • Each CMS gas line supplies in parallel 2 chambers in same station. Very important to equalize the gas flow between the chambers • Gas mixture monitoring and HV interlock system Sector test

  33. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Ordinata: micro amp/2 gaps/ Ascissa 48 ore. Limiti di rigetto 5 micro. Richiesta di stabilita della corrente Commissioning Current stability and noise Current HV 9200 V Noise/strip HV 9200 V Hz/strip Strip = 420 cm2 100/420 cm2=0,25 Hz/cm2 Limite qualche Hz/cm2

  34. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Cabling Status • Cables on the detector • trigger cables 4720 (average length 15 mt, total length 75 km) • HV cables 480 (total length 10 km) • LV cables 360 (total length 7 km) • DCS cables 420 (total length 8 km) • Cables between detector and counting room • Long HV cables 60 (total length 6 km) • LV controls about 20 (total length 2 km)

  35. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC HV/LV/DCS Status HV LV • 10% boards, 50% crates available • Total 60 boards A3512, 14 EASY crates • HV cables in production • System for cosmic challenge ready at 904 • 25% board, 50% crates available • Total: 60 boards + 20 EASY crates • LV cable in production • System for Cosmic Challenge in test at building 904

  36. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC HV/LV/DCS DCS/Monitoring • Control and monitoring of HV-LV system OK • Control and monitoring of gas system, cooling, temperature in progress • Front-end configuration (threshold and width) ex-warsawin progress • Detector monitoring ( current, HV) OK • Detector monitoring (noise, occupancy…) ex-warsawin progress • Integration with CMS DCS OK • Integration with Run Control to be started Gas monitoring planned • Gas system monitoring • Control and monitoring of the for mixture analysis devices ( gas-chromatograph • Control, monitoring and read-out of the gas calibration system

  37. LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC RBC LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox LBBox Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Technical trigger Introduction Local trigger (RBC): based on 1 Sector, will be used to test RPCs (and DTs) during Commissioning and Cosmic Challenge Goal of this project is to produce an RPC-based cosmic ray trigger for the Commissioning of RPCs, the Cosmic Challenge and later running of CMS as Technical Trigger Global trigger (RBC + TTU): based on the whole Barrel, will be used during the off-beam periods for the detector calibration UXC area USC area Fiber TTU TTU GLOBAL TRIGGER Barrel Wheel TTU TTU 6 Fibers/wheel TTU RBC (RPC Balcony Collector) Technical Trigger Unit

  38. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Technical trigger Status • The RBC is housed in the Link Board Boxes around the detector and produces 2 Sector Triggers, making coincidences among OR signals of 96 strips (half RPC) received by the Link Boards • 3 prototypes of RBC were produced last autumn and recently tested. They are ready to be used during the Cosmic Challenge RBC + TTU • The Technical Trigger will be implemented in the Technical Trigger Unit (TTU), housed in the Trigger Crate in Counting Room • It will receive the ORs from 1 Barrel Wheel and find cosmic patterns, providing Wheel-level Trigger • These features can be exploited by the Trigger Board (Warsaw), loading the cosmic patterns in the Pattern Comparator

  39. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Gas system Commissioning the gas system at SX5 • Wheels +2 and +1 completed • Currently working on: • Flux entire wheels +2 and +1 (need careful equalization at the channel level) • Set up of wheel 0 distributor rack • Check flow cells (found sometimes mis-calibrated ,CERN responsibility) • Sectors under flux (and test) for 3-4 days each • Monitoring of the gas mixture • Mass flow-meters read out by ADC + T and RH probe • Interface with the HV kill system

  40. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Gas system Design of the gas quality monitoring system 2 lines (up. and lw. part) × Wheel (or Endcap) on the output … multiplexed µGC µG Cromatog. µGC F- specific electr. F- specific electr. F- specific electr. pH-meter pH-meter pH-meter HPLC HPLC HPLC General purpose sampling point General purpose sampling point General purpose sampling point In addition, T and RH sensors on the input lines and close to some RPCs In addition, T and RH sensors on the input lines and close to some RPCs In addition, T and RH sensors on the input lines and close to some RPCs

  41. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Gas system Design of the gas calibration system Very similar to the DT gas control made by small drift chambers(Aachen)

  42. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Organization and manpower Manpower Production 2 physicist + 2 technicians at Bari* 1 physicist + 1 technicians at Pavia 1 physicist + 1 technician at GT * 1 physicist funded with FAI 1 technician funded with ex 2222 Certification ISR 4fte 2 physicist + 2 technicians 2 physicist funded by CERN Installation 1fte 1 physicist + 2 technicians Commissioning detector 2 sect/week 2 fte 2 physicist + 2 technicians 1 physicist funded with FAI Commissioning gas 0,5 fte 2 physicist HV/LV/DCS 1 fte 3 physicist + 1 technician Cabling 2,5 fte 1 physicist + 1 technician 2 engineers 11 fte tot. for inst./commiss

  43. Roma 30/3/2006, meeting with INFN referees CMS Barrel RPC Conclusion RPC Manpower • Production end by June 2006 • ISR test and Installation on schedule (254 RPC) (4+1 FTE) • Commissioning without relevant problems (2 FTE) • Big effort on Cabling (new people from Frascati) (2.5 FTE) • HV-LV in production (20% under test blg 904) (0.5 FTE) • DCS ready for Cosmic Challenge (0.5 FTE) • Gas system: 3 wheels are ready (CERN resp.) • But need a permanent overview from RPC side (0.5 FTE) • Gas monitoring system under design (Frascati) • Technical trigger ready for MTCC • 11 FTE needed for Installation/Commissioning/Cabling..ONLY NOT INCLUDED: Cosmic Challenge, Control Room inst., Trigger, DAQ and DCS Integration and commissioning, Underground work (since sept 06)..etc etc

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