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Integrating Background Knowledge and Reinforcement Learning for Action Selection. John E. Laird Nate Derbinsky Miller Tinkerhess. Goal. Provide an architectural support so that: Agent uses (possibly heuristic) background knowledge to initially make action selections
Integrating Background Knowledge and Reinforcement Learning for Action Selection John E. Laird Nate Derbinsky Miller Tinkerhess
Goal • Provide an architectural support so that: • Agent uses (possibly heuristic) background knowledge to initially make action selections • Might be non determinism in the environment that is hard to build a good theory of. • Learning improves action selections based on experienced-based reward • Captures regularities that are hard to encode by hand. • Approach: Use chunking to learn RL rules and then use reinforcement learning to tune behavior.
Deliberate Background Knowledge for Action Selection • Examples: • Compute the likelihood of success of different actions using explicit probabilities. • Look-ahead internal search using an action model to predict future result from an action • Retrieve from episodic memory of similar situation • Request from instructor • Characteristics • Multiple steps of internal actions • Not easy to incorporate accumulated experienced-based reward • Soar Approach • Calculations in a substate of a tie impasse
Players must increase bid or challenge. Each player starts with five dice. Players hide dice under cups and shake. Players take turns making bids as to number of dice under cups. Bid 6 6’s Bid 4 2’s
Players can “push” out a subset of their dice and reroll when bidding. Bid 7 2’s
Player can Challenge previous bid. All dice are revealed Challenge! Challenge fails player loses die I bid 7 2’s
Evaluation with Probability Calculation Tie Impasse Bid: 6[4] Challenge = .8 Bid: 6[4] = .3 Bid: 6[6] = .1 Challenge Bid: 6[6] Evaluation = .3 Evaluation = .8 Evaluation Substate Selection Problem Space Evaluation = .1 .1 Evaluate(challenge) Evaluate(bid: 6[4]) Evaluate(bid: 6[6]) Evaluation = .3 compute-bid- probability .3
Using Reinforcement Learning for Operator Selection • Reinforcement Learning • Choosing best action based on expected value • Expected value updated based on received reward and expected future reward • Characteristics • Direct mapping between situation-action and expected value (value function) • Does not use any background knowledge • No theory of original of initial values (usually 0) or value-function • Soar Approach • Operator selection rules with numeric preferences • Reward received base on task performance • Update numeric preferences based on experience • Issues: • Where do RL-rules come from? • Conditions that determine the structure of the value function • Actions that initialize the value function
Value Function in Soar • Rules map from situation-action to expected value. • Conditions determine generality/specificity of mapping -.43 .23 -.31 .04 -.1 .11 .51 -.11 .21 .34 -.54 .08 -.61 .43
Approach: Using Chunking over Substate • For each preference created in the substate, chunking (EBL) creates a new RL rule • Actions are numeric preference • Conditions based on working memory elements tested in substate • Reinforcement learning tunes rules based on experience
Two-Stage Learning # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # • Processing in Substates • Deliberately evaluate alternatives • Use probabilities, heuristics, model • Uses multiple operator selections and • Deliberate Processing in Substates • Always available for new situations • Can expand to any number of players ? Select action RL rules updated based on agent’s experience
Evaluation with Probability Calculation Tie Impasse Bid: 6[4] Create rule for each result adds entry to value function Challenge = .8 Bid: 6[4] = .3 Bid: 6[6] = .1 Challenge Bid: 6[6] Evaluation = .3 Evaluation = .8 Evaluation Substate Selection Problem Space Evaluation = .1 .1 Evaluate(challenge) Evaluate(bid: 6[4]) Evaluate(bid: 6[6]) Evaluation = .3 compute-bid- probability .3
Learning RL-rules Using only probability calculation Bid: 6 4’s? Last bid: 5 4’s Last player: 4 unknown Shared info 9 unknown Pushed dice 3 3 4 4 Dice in my cup 3 4 4 2 4’s out of 9 unknown? .3 Need 2 4’s 4 4’s If 9 unknown dice, 2 4’s pushed and 2 4’s under my cup, and considering biding 6 4’s, expected value is .3
Learning RL-rules Using probability and model Bid: 6 4’s? Last bid: 5 4’s Last player: 4 unknown Shared info 9 unknown Pushed dice 3 3 4 4 Dice in my cup 3 4 4 7 unknown 2 4’s shared 2 4’s under his cup Need 1 4 out of 5 unknown .60 If 9 unknown dice, 2 4’s pushed and 2 4’s under my cup, and previous player had 4 unknown dice and bid 5 4’s, and I’m considering biding 6 4’s, the expected value is .60
Research Questions • Does RL help? • Do agents improve with experience? • Can learning lead to better performance than the best hand-coded agent? • Does initialization of RL rules improve performance? • How does background knowledge affect rules learned by chunking and how do they affect learning?
Evaluation of Learning • 3-player games • Against best non learning player agent • Heuristics and opponent model • Alternate 1000 game blocks of testing and training • Metrics • Speed of learning & asymptotic performance • Agent variants: • B: baseline • H: with heuristics • M: with opponent model • MH: with opponent model and heuristics
Learning Agent Comparison • Best agents do significantly better than hand coded. • H and M give better initial performance than B. • P alone speed learning (smaller state space). • M slows learning (much larger state space).
Nuggets and Coal • Nuggets: • First combination of chunking/EBL with RL • Transition from deliberate to reactive to learning • Potential story for origin of value functions for RL • Intriguing idea for creating evaluation functions for game-playing agents • Complex deliberation for novel and rare situations • Reactive RL learning for common situations • Coal • Sometimes background knowledge slows learning… • Appears we need more than RL! • How recover if learn very general RL rules?