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Readout /DAQ for BGV: an inventory and cost

Readout /DAQ for BGV: an inventory and cost. I try to give here an overview of what will have to be purchased (by BE) some update on planning. Reminder. Zero suppression. VME 9U. TELL1. copper, analog. x8. ADC. 50m. ADC. Gbit nw to CPUs. ADC. ADC. x8. CTRL. TTC. fast

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Readout /DAQ for BGV: an inventory and cost

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  1. Readout/DAQ for BGV:an inventory and cost I try to give here an overview of what will have to be purchased (by BE) some update on planning

  2. Reminder Zero suppression VME 9U TELL1 copper, analog x8 ADC 50m ADC Gbit nw to CPUs ADC ADC x8 CTRL TTC fast repeater ?? RPT board x2 SPECS slave drv drv drv drv LVreg LHC clock READOUT SUPERVISOR L0 det signals L0 trig ECS VME 6U TTCtx 4 Beetles per drv 1m control PC ? SPECS MASTER patch LV Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle SiPM SiPM SiPM SiPM SciFimattress SciFimattress SciFimattress SciFimattress voltage supply ctrl/trig data Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle SiPM SiPM SiPM SiPM HV 1 per SiPM ? x8 Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle SiPM SiPM SiPM SiPM Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle SiPM SiPM SiPM SiPM ~kGy tubes «no radiation»

  3. Signalcables: 16 indivshieldedtwistedpairs • Need at least 25m*32 = 800m ABSOLUTE MINIMUM!!! • available in CERN store for 4000 CHF • if 50m*32 = 1600m => must order! Min = 3000m => 12 kCHF • Offer from Tecnikabel, jun 2013 (fluctuates with Cu price!) • Codice Tecnikabel 518E0066 • CERN SCEM Nr. • Cavo FEsp[16x(2xAWG24)SN]ST/M  Grigio • Diametro est. nominale 15,6mm • Quantità Minima Ordinabile 3000 metri • Prezzo di vendita: • ex Works EURO 3,14/m rame incluso a EURO 5,40/kg • DAP Meyren EURO 3,25/m rame incluso a EURO 5,40/kg • Consegna: 8 settimane dalla data di ricevimento dell'ordine. Ferie estive sett. 32 + 33 • Imballo: bobine a perdere con pezzature di produzione • Trasporto: ex Works Torino o DAP Meyren • Pagamento: bonifico bancario a 30 gg data fattura

  4. Signal cableconnectors • We need at least 32 (order 50 ?) • 13CHF x 50 = 650 CHF

  5. CTRL cables • Simplest/safest solution seems to have a small custom made fast signal repeater betwen 2x25m cables: • Then, the CTRL board can stay in the same crate as the TELL1s (50m from BGV). • Did a similar thing in the PS booster (VELO zap test) • CTRL cables needed length: 8x2x25m = 400m • available from CERN stores, now, 900m • scem, 5.2 CHF/m => 2.1 kCHF • same connectors as for data signal cables ... ODIN TELL1 CTRL CTRL ctrl cable 25m ctrl cable 25m BGV signal repeaters RPT board power line

  6. 9u VME Crate • Tell1 crates: see EDH 2780681 DAI • Not available from ePool • Can be ordered end of June or end of Sep (every trimester) • Delivery time : 4 months • Cost Total :  8500 CHF (email Bobillier 13/jun/2013) • Card cage type: 0B06.020WK (9U VELO (TELL1) with sysreset, 400mm FT)  Prix : 3264.26 CHF. • Fan tray type : 0F00.070A (9U FM (400mm)) Prix : 835.91 CHF • Power supply type : 0P06.1176 (9U (+3.3V/200A, +5V/100A, 48V/12A, +5VA/100A, -5VA/100A) LHCb Velo) Prix : 4398.42 CHF

  7. Orders / BE kCHF • othercables not shownhere (lesscostly)

  8. Cables (PRELIMINARY)

  9. Rough time line (Readout) • July/August: collect all parts for a complete minimal chain (1 TELL1, 1 RPT board, 1 ODIN, 1 CTRL board,... ) • September/October: develop minimal system • 31-October-2013: minimal system works, reads out a VELO module • dd-mm-2013: minimal system works with a SciFi module (4 SiPM) • November/December: upgrade to full 8xTell1 system • December: long cables ready for testing / QA • January => June: test full system, finalize control/monitoring • dd-mm-2014: long cables installation in Pt4 • 15 June 2014: Full readout chain ready to move to Pt4 • 15 Dec 2014: Readout/DAQ commissioned w/o beam

  10. DAQ/nw/storage first thoughts

  11. DAQ/nw/storageMilestones ? • define event size and rate • data format and occupancy and noise • different types: NZS, full ZS, nano... • define dimensions of switch/farm/storage • set up test bench at Pt8 • develop (copy) software • event builder • HLT • data writer • ctrl&mon • DAQ system ready for installation at Pt4

  12. Event size PRELIMINARY • Data format • 27 = 128 channels => nch bits , nch = 7 • cluster finding in TELL1: 2 thresholds, Tseed is seed threshold, and Tincl is the inclusion threshold for neighbour channels. • take highest ADC and add up to Nnbr neighbour ADCs • ADC bits = nADC . How many ? Check resolution. nADC = 6 OK ? • Example 1: Lite Clusters • Cluster position bits: ncl = nch + ninter = 7 + 3 = 10 (within a Beetle) • nB = bits to encode which Beetle, say nB = 7 (128 Beetles) • Absolute space position: ncl + nB = 17 bits • Example 2: Full Clusters • «Channels per cluster» bits: ncpc = 3 (max 8 channels per cluster) • Cluster position bits: ncl = nch (first cluster channel) • nB = bits to encode which Beetle, say nB = 7 (128 Beetles) • Cluster data size: ncpc + nch + ncpc nADC + nB = 3 + 7 + (1...8) 6 + 7 = 23...65 bits • Example 3: NZS avge = 35 bits ? BCID to beadded ? other header data ?

  13. data rate PRELIMINARY xx = 10 ? UTC = 64 bits ? BCID = 12 bits DAQ must copewith • Input data rate given by: • 8 Tell1’s, fullyloaded (128 Beetle chips) • ZS data LiteClusters+FullClustersat full rate (1MHz), all Tell1’s: (UTC + BCID + (17 + 23...65) bits/cl * xx cl/evt ) * 106evt/s = ~600 Mb/s • Supersparified NZS: add 16384*10bits attunablelow rate (prescaling) • Output rate: • about 1 evt/s per bunch and up to 2500 bunches=> max 2500 evt/s • sum of three rate types: • full rate: vertex position and cov matrix (12 floats ?), BCID, cl and trackmultiplicities (3 integers) => ~60 bytes / evt => 150 kB/s • sparsified: full clusters => (UTC + BCID + 35 bits/cl * xx cl/evt ) * 103evt/s = ~ 60 kB/s • supersparsified: NZS data => (UTC + BCID + 16384 * 10 bits) * 100evt/s = ~ 20 kB/s ~250kB/s

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