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“The 3 Week Diet” “The 3 Week Diet” Presented By amro Presented By amro
“ “The 3 Week Diet” Presented Presented By amro By amro https://tinyurl.com/m9mm9hq How To Chose A Diet That Really Works? How To Chose A Diet That Really Works? Top Ten Weight Loss Diets Top Ten Weight Loss Diets Click here to see this now Click here to see this now
Best of the Best Diabetes Diet Best of the Best Diabetes Diet - - Biggest Loser and DASH Diet Biggest Loser and DASH Diet Compared Compared So we have in our winners. In a list of 35 popular diets for a study carried out by US News and World Report magazine the expert opinion of assembled experts gave us the verdict of The Biggest Loser diet and the DASH diet as being the best diet for diabetics, in both helping individuals to prevent the disease or for those who already have it, reversing it. But is there really a best of the best? Amongst these two champions, is there yet a champion still? I decided to do a step by step comparison in order to find out. I compared two sample menus used by the panel assembled by and used by the US News experts. Whereas the Biggest Loser diet provided for Breakfast, snack, Lunch, Snack and dinner, the DASH diet only provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A comparison of their nutritional values shows that while the Biggest Loser diet provides 1,489 calories as against the recommended daily intake of between 1600 and 2000 (depending on age) for women and between 2000 to 2400 calories (also depending on age), the DASH diet
provides on its 1500 calories and 2300 calories diet 2037 and 2062 mg respectively. An assessment of which diets calorie provision places it closest to the recommended benchmark allotted to each age grade puts the DASH diet clearly ahead of the Biggest Loser diet. As such, the first point goes to the DASH diet. For the Biggest Loser diet whilst it provides about 25 percent of your days calories, the DASH diets 26 and 27 percent respectively for its 1500 mg and 2300 mg versions. This is against the recommended daily amount of between 20 to 35 percent on these scores. Saturated fat, both diets have down to about 5 percent, although the DASH diets 2300 mg edges further with an additional percentage (at 6 percent). These both fall within the borders of the below 10 percent recommendation. On fats therefore, I score them evenly. Both satisfy the requirement for total carbohydrates to make up between 45 to 65 percent of daily recommended caloric intake. The Biggest Loser diet at 50 percent whilst the DASH diet at 56 and 55 percent respectively. On that note I score these diets evenly also. Both in most part equally meet the standard for fiber, although the Biggest Losers 31g falls short of the 34g recommendation for men ages 19 to 30 years old. Further since, a fiber rich diet has been noted as a key factor in the prevention and reversal and management of diabetes, the DASH diets
higher figures-36 and 37 g to the biggest Loser 31 g in my opinion places the DASH diet on this score, ahead of the Biggest Loser diet. For protein the recommended benchmark is between 10 to 35 percent of daily caloric intake. Both diets make the grade. The Biggest Loser diet at 30 percent whereas the DASH diet at the lower end of the mark at 18 percent. The reason for this latter figure pertaining to the DASH diet may be because of the avowed design of the diet to stop hypertension and thus the reduction of red meat. Nevertheless, one should note that red meat is not the only source of protein. There is white meat and protein rich legumes like beans. In addition, since a diabetic no matter which of the diet s/he is on, to make it effective, will need to complement that diet with exercise, a diet that assisting strength training through muscle health would be more advantageous. In this regard, point... goes to the Biggest Loser diet. On Sodium or salt, the recommendation is under 2300mg and under 1500 mg for persons older than 51 years. Unfortunately, the Biggest Loser diet falls far short of this mark by being at 2904 mg clearly exceeding the limit. The DASH diet however meets it quite well at 1507 mg for its 1500mg menu and 2101 mg for its 2300 mg menu. On that score, the point in this category is awarded it. Next considering Potassium. The Biggest Loser diet fails to meet the recommended daily amount of at least 4700 mg. It stands at 3460 mg as against the DASH diets 4855 mg (1500 mg diet) and 4909mg (2300mg diet). Once again, the DASH diet wins the category.
With regards to Calcium intake the Biggest Loser diet performs better. Slightly edging out the DASH diets performance of 1218 mg and 120 mg for its 1500mg and 2300 mg diet versions respectively, with its own of 1128 mg. However since they both make the grade and the Biggest Losers figure is only slightly better than that for the DASH diet, they shall be awarded even scores for this category. For vitamin B-12 too, both diets meet the mark. The Biggest Loser diet with 6.3 mg to the recommended daily amount of 2.4 mg whereas the DASH diet 4.4 mg and 6.7 mg respectively as it pertains to that diets 1500 mcg and 2300 mcg diet. With regards to Vitamin D however, both diets apparently fail to satisfy the daily recommended amount of 15 mcg. Thus whilst the DASH diet comes in at 11 mcg, the Biggest Loser diet edges it ever so slightly at 4mcg. However this is not enough for us to award the Biggest Loser diet a win for this category, especially since it did not meet the recommended daily amount. As concerns recommended daily amounts, it should be noted that this appellation applies to adults 19 years and over and that it assumes them a sedentary lifestyle. Nevertheless, the results are now all in. Having it that the DASH diet bests the Biggest Loser diet in the categories recommended daily caloric intake, provisions for fiber, sodium and potassium and the BIGGEST Loser diet only winning in the protein category and both being awarded even scores in the rest, it can clearly be seen that the DASH
diet has carried the day. Furthermore, it can honestly be said to be not only the best diabetes diet but all things considered, premised on studies made and the fact that it was actually designed to help stop hypertension, it may just be for now, the best general purpose diet out there.However having said this, it cannot be over-emphasized that diabetics and others should take care to consult their doctors first before embarking on any diet regimen or exercise. On a final note, for Type 2 diabetics, since being overweight is a risk factor for developing diabetes and the BIGGEST Loser diet has an excellent track record for assisting people to lose weight it is my recommendation here that dietary standards of the DASH diet be coupled with the exercise regimen of the Biggest loser diet. As such the best aspects of these best popular diet programs can be synthesized into a program excellently suited for Type 2 diabetics and people in general. Click here to see this now Click here to see this now
Diets Diets - - Weight Loss Success With The Weight Loss Success With The Power Of 2 Power Of 2 How do you rate the difficulty of dieting and losing weight on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 meaning it's very easy for you and 10 meaning it's really hard? The average difficulty rating seems to be around 8. That's an unscientific, anecdotal based estimate. If you "failed" at diets in the past and look at your next weight loss attempt with trepidation, it's most likely because you have a high dieting difficulty self-rating. Unfortunately, diets, of necessity, force you to do things, eat foods, and eat in certain ways that are outside of your norm. Plus, you probably need to eat less than you're used to and if you don't do that right you get hungry and grouchy and hate the whole experience. Dieting means you need to change your routines if not your habits which is always a challenge. When you add it all up, dieting causes a lot of stress and pushes your personal difficulty rating off the charts.
The Power Of 2 One good way to help relieve a lot of the stress and move that difficulty rating from an 8 (or whatever yours is) down in the 3 to 4 range or even less, is to use the Power of 2 by finding a good dieting buddy. Depending on your personal "how-to-diet" preferences, especially if you're socially oriented, finding a buddy or even a group may be the very foundation of your success. Your own personal missing link to weight loss success. And even if you're not ordinarily the social type, at least giving the Power of 2 dieting buddy idea a try can't hurt. As in any good partnership, if you find a good, compatible match for your dieting buddy, you will: Help each other overcome your dieting weaknesses Support each other in maximizing your dieting strengths Give each other both the rational and emotional support needed for success Encourage and "cheer lead" each other during tough times The Power of 2 in dieting, if done correctly, will give you exponential success. How To Choose A Dieting Buddy There are 5 steps to choosing an exponentially powerful dieting buddy:
Pay attention to how you like to do things. You'll discover your natural, inborn, innate preferences, strengths, traits, and characteristics. See how you can use your preferred behavioral style in conjunction with and in support of your diet - regardless of the diet you choose. Make sure your buddy knows, understands, and will support your dieting behavioral preferences. Learn your buddy's traits and characteristics - and his/her dieting behavioral dieting preferences, too. They may be the same as yours or may be radically different. Make sure you know, understand, and will support your buddy's dieting behavioral preferences. Agree with your buddy, in advance, how you are going to help and support each other. Exactly how you do that in reality will evolve over time. It will take some testing, trial, and error. But, if you start with at least a loose agreement on how to help and support each other, it will go a long way to helping both of you reduce your dieting difficulty rating and lead quickly to easier and more successful weight loss. Example Let's say you're the type of person who does everything at a fast pace, you're socially oriented, creative, and love fun, adventure, and being spontaneous. You don't like structure, routine, or boredom. You're also impatient and expect quick results.
You can see right off the bat that any sort of highly structured diet is a challenge for you. That doesn't mean you can't do it. Quite the contrary. You can be successful on a highly structured diet. If you take into account your natural traits, characteristics, and preferences, and, in a sense just plug them into the diet, you can make any legitimate diet work for you. So let's now assume you find a dieting buddy with the same traits and characteristics as you. The two of you can support and help each other find ways to spur each other's creativity, make your dieting fun, and challenge each other to find ways to insert some spontaneity and flexibility without deviating too far beyond the bounds of your diet. Or, maybe you find a dieting buddy who is quite different. Someone, let's say, who has tremendous patience, loves routine and structure, follows rules, is detail oriented, and just likes consistency and stability. As long as the two of you really "get" each other and respect your differences in life and in dieting styles, are willing to admit your own dieting downfalls or weaknesses, and committed to get involved in each other's dieting efforts with openness and honesty, you'd make a great dieting buddy pair...better than someone who is just like you. You'll help your buddy to get motivated...to get moving with the diet...to take some risks. You'll encourage her to stay with the diet when it's hard for her. You'll show her how to have a little fun with it. In turn, she'll help you see that yes, you can have quick results, but "quick" in terms of reality. She'll model some patience for you. She'll
help you stick to your dieting routine when you start feeling it's too restrictive. She'll give you an outlet for your emotional frustration when you start having that inevitable sense of boredom with the whole thing. Finding a random dieting buddy where you don't know and understand each other's traits, characteristics, and dieting behavioral preferences, however, can prove disastrous. If you don't have a good sense of how you should go about dieting or how your buddy should go about dieting, it's impossible to help and support each other in positive and constructive ways. It could easily raise your dieting difficulty. But, when you choose someone and can really get in tune with each other's best and most effective approaches to dieting and losing weight, you'll significantly reduce your dieting difficulty rating and greatly increase the ease and success of your weight loss efforts. The Power of 2 can be quite dramatic.
The 5 The 5 Most Effective Diets This Most Effective Diets This Decade Decade - - A Review A Review Out of the thousands of diets that have been written over the years 5 really stand out as being the most effective. One of them, Weight Watchers, has been around for over 40 years, while the others have been introduced more recently. One of them, the 9th Law Diet, is only a year old. Although each diet has philosophical differences on the best way to lose weight, they all are effective and have shown to be safe. Here is a summary of each diet. Each summary includes information about the general philosophy, type of foods, overall expense of each diet, as well as the most commonly attributed pros and cons. The diets are listed in no particular order. These are just the top five weight loss diets this decade based on the formerly listed criteria. Skinny Bitch: This diet was written by two fiery and passionate best friends who are proud to call themselves skinny bitches. Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin call Skinny Bitch, a no-nonsense, tough- love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous. Skinny Bitch is definitely telling it to you straight. The way your best girlfriend would tell you over a cocktail. These girls make no apologies for the attitude, wit, and even the language found in this colorful guide to basically getting your ass in gear once and for all. They refer to sugar as the devil, and themselves
as pigs, and encourage you to get a sweet ass. They love food just as much as anyone. But, they have also learned a successful way to enjoy food and enjoy eating without depriving themselves and maintaining sexy little bodies. The diet lets you eat all the carbohydrate packed goodness you could ever want including bread, potatoes, pasta, cakes, cookies and muffins. Of course, nothing good ever comes for free, so what is the catch? No dairy. No meat. No sugar or artificial sweeteners. Sound a little vegan? That is because it is, and Skinny Bitch is even endorsed by P.E.T.A. These skinny girls don't like to feel hungry and they don't like to feel like they're being deprived. And they know you're the exact same way. There is plenty to eat when you decide to make the switch to Skinny Bitch. The basic premise is simple: being skinny means being healthy. The two ideas are not independent of one another. They come right out and show the flaws of some of the more popular diets around, probably some you have followed yourself. They say in the end, those diet programs are quick fixes that will never help you get a grip on your overall health and wellness. Skinny Bitch will educate you about the foods you're eating, how and why they have the effects on your body that they do and where you have been going wrong all along. They release you from the constraints of counting calories, but tell you to start reading all of those food labels. The expense is the cost of the book, Skinny Bitch. The book itself is an entertaining, albeit brash, read. The diet is perfect for
vegetarians or vegans. The book can be purchased online and through all major booksellers South Beach: If you are looking for a diet plan that has grown wildly popular over the past few years, gives your eating habits a dramatic makeover, and shares the name of one of the world's favorite beaches, then the South Beach Diet is for you. Dr. Arthur Agatston, a cardiologist, created this friendly contrast to other prohibitive weight- loss plans and offers a chance to achieve success where you might have previously failed. The South Beach Diet differs from its low carbohydrate competitor Atkins, in that it restricts saturated fats, which are linked with health problems like heart disease and high cholesterol. It promises that cravings for sugars, sweets and other carbohydrates will disappear as you go along because the diet is supposed to keep blood sugar levels maintained. The South Beach Diet has three separate phases in which in each phase, you wean yourself away from certain foods and incorporate other South Beach Diet friendly foods. The diet promises that you will lose 8-12 pounds in the first two weeks as long as you adhere to the guidelines. The South Beach Diet supports a clean way of eating that is void of refined sugars and trans fats. It also has thousands of satisfied clients, updated research in the 2008 release South Beach Diet: Supercharged, and a maintenance plan after weight loss goals have been achieved.
A problem is the fact that many South Beach Diet food products contain sugar-alcohols, which may cause diarrhea and other GI tract problems. The best recommendation is to adhere to the diet without consuming all the specially made products. The diet has various phases. The first phase lasts for two weeks and has you remove starches like bread, pasta and rice, potatoes, fruits, milk, yogurt, honey and baked goods. Sugars are completely eliminated. During the first phase of South Beach, you will enjoy three balanced meals and some snacks that should include lean meats and fish, eggs, low-fat cheese, fresh vegetables, beans and nuts. Phase two of the South Beach Diet will allow you to slowly re-introduce fruits, whole-grain breads and pastas. You will choose just one carbohydrate and include that in one meal each day for one week. Phase two will continue until you meet your goal weight. You will begin the maintenance, or third, phase of South Beach once you have met your goal weight. It is here that you will put to practice all that you learned in phases one and two. The cost is the price of the book, South Beach, which is available online as well as all major book outlets. There is also a complete line of South Beach Diet foods that can be purchased in your grocery store from cereals to frozen meals. But many of the nutrition bars and snack items contain artificial sweeteners, which have been known to induce gastrointestinal problems.
The 9th Law Diet: This is a relatively new diet that has been sweeping across the country due to its simplicity and overall effectiveness. The 9th Law Diet was created by a physiology professor out of the St. Louis area. He is well known on the web as Professor Jay, but his real name is Jay Snaric. The diet was formally created after a student of professor Jays lost over 90 pounds following his weight loss guidelines. The student convinced the professor to get it into the hands of so many people who really need it. Professor Jay created a website where he gives the diet away for free, as well as offers on-going email support. The rest is history, as the 9th Law Diet has swept across the country and around the world in record time. Thousands of people have lost major weight and have changed their lives with the 9th Law Diet. The 9th Law Diet emphasizes cutting out what he refers to as negative carbohydrates and fats, and incorporating more positive carbohydrates and fats. Its emphasis on fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and heart- healthy fats is an eating plan that is full of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids Support for this diet comes from the science provided by Harvard Medical school and other predominate members of the medical science community. Professor Jay Snaric himself has studied human physiology, nutrition, and health at New York University, The Medical University of South Carolina, and University of Southern Illinois. The 9th Law Diet does not just promote dieting, but overall behavioral and lifestyle changes. As stated earlier, you can get the 9th Law Diet for
free at secretloss.com. The cost is zero. At the very least this diet is worth a read, and subscribing to Professor Jays mailing list is well worth your time. It's not coincidence that this diet has grown is popularity so fast. Jillian Michaels, The Biggest Loser: The biggest loser background Fitness guru, Jillian Michaels, known for her tough approach for losing weight on NBCs The Biggest Loser, has written a guide on how to drop those pesky last 10 or 15 pounds in 30 days. Making the Cut: The 30- Day Diet and Fitness Plan for the Strongest, Sexiest You sets itself apart from the myriad of fitness and weight loss books at your local bookstore because Michaels' program uses the process of oxidizing as a way to determine what kind of a metabolism your body has in order to lose weight effectively. Michaels takes you through the steps to determine what kind of an oxidizer you are: slow, balanced or fast. Your new body classification then dictates what you will eat supported by Jillian's own menus and recipes. She promises that you will feel comfortable in a bikini if you commit to her disciplined fitness and diet regimen. As part of Making the Cut, you must take a body fat percentage test and a "fit test" before starting the program as a measure to evaluate your pre and post self. Michaels does not under estimate the power of the mind in the battle to lose weight. She includes helpful tips and advice for how to improve self-esteem and confidence. The book is also full of various exercises to improve strength, flexibility and endurance. Michaels also unveils
some well-kept celebrity diet secrets to get your body prepared before a big event. Click Click here to see this now here to see this now
The diet is Inexpensive and personalized. The program focuses on the mental aspect of losing weight in addition to the exercise and nutrition components - Jillian Michaels is a popular weight loss coach with nearly 20 years experience Michaels supplies a list of recipes and menus for each of the three oxidizer classifications. As part of your commitment to the Making the Cut program, you are supposed to adhere to her menu and calorie plan. During Making the Cut, you will take a fit test which is outlined in the book. The test establishes your level of fit-ness and you are then required to exercise about 5 hours each week. Michaels provides you with various exercises to do. She also has her own line of exercise DVDs that can be purchased at an additional cost over the book. The cost is $14.95 for the book. Many online booksellers sell new and used books for discounted prices. There is no refuting Michaels knowledge and training expertise when it comes to getting in shape and losing weight. Her 30-day promise, like any similar promise is no guarantee but it packs a three-pronged approach of diet, exercise and mental awareness to help you to lose those lingering pounds. The clinical science behind her oxidizer theory is scanty but her belief that the road to weight loss is a personal journey that begins with changes in behavior, lifestyle and self- motivation is an important component that many diet plans disregard. Weight Watchers: It has been more than 40 years since Weight Watchers came on the scene and started helping people live healthier
lives. Weight Watchers helps members create a foundation to introduce healthier choices and physical activity into their lives. The original Weight Watchers plan invites members to weekly meetings where they hold group sessions, helping dieters form a network of support with people sharing similar experiences. Upon arrival, each person checks their weight privately. Meetings are conducted by a trained Meeting Leader who motivates and offers the group support through information about nutrition and fitness. Members are also welcome to join the Weight Watchers community online. From the comfort of their homes, members can form virtual support groups, monitor progress and access hundreds of approved recipes, like Blue Cheese Muffins, Sweet and Sour Pork, Grilled Beef Fajitas and even delectable treats like Chocolate Mint Brownies. If it's not convenient to prepare the approved meals at home, they offer a wide variety of frozen meals and point-complimenting menu items at Applebees. Weight Watchers was made popular by a points system called Flex Plan. A point value is assigned to each food on the comprehensive list of more than 27,000 foods. The Flex Plan allows you to eat the foods you like. Just stay within your daily points and you can still enjoy fried chicken and Diet Pepsi. It is an easy plan to follow, offers great flexibility and has proven successful for more than 40 years. Read this full explanation of how Weight Watchers Points work, or use our free Weight Watchers Points Calculator.
Weight Watchers emphasizes eating more wholesome food through its Core Plan. Members don't count points, just choose a balanced combination of whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy. Whether you choose the Flex Points or Core Plans, you can find hundreds of delicious, satisfying and good-for-you Weight Watchers recipes right here at Diets In Review. Weight Watchers Online helps its members with 60 workout demonstrations. There are fitness recommendations for all skill levels. As little as $5 a week with their 3-month plan. Weight Watchers is a trusted diet company with 40+ years experience - Programs to suit men, women and all adult ages - Flex Points or Core Plan programs - Choose one- on-one counseling or the online program for anonymity and convenience - Comprehensive Web site membership - Provides exercise guidance - Thousands of recipes and meals to choose from - Partnership with Applebee's to make dining out more healthful. Counting points can be time-consuming - Web membership detracts from the traditional social aspect of Weight Watchers meetings Weight Watchers is a tried and true veteran of the weight loss industry. With a variety of methods to choose from for both men and women, you're almost certain to find the right path for your weight loss journey. Weight Watchers provides support from every aspect of weight loss- so you're never left without information or support. Food is one of the primary concerns of any dieter and Weight Watchers goes above and beyond most other weight loss programs with thousands of recipes that anyone, dieting or not, will find tempting and delicious. If their style appeals to you, go for it.
Overall, all of these diets have proven to be very successful for many people, and have changed many lives. The key is finding the diet which works best for you. Obesity increases your risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Obesity is an epidemic. We need more diets like these to help people get their health back. Click here to see this now Click here to see this now
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