Zaafran moroccan restaurant & takeaway
Colourful platters, pungent odours, unique textures and complicated spicy flavors are a few synonyms of Moroccan foods. Authentic Moroccan dishes are associated with many stories as well as taste. It is believed that you can enjoy the taste of Moroccan dishes by eating them slowly. The secret which will be revealed to you is cooking pattern of these dishes by doing this. They are prepared without any preservative, and with locally grown products and fresh foods, which give them fresh flavor. Moroccan cuisine includes soups and salads as starter dishes, soup is cooked with tomato, lentils and blended chickpeas and the salad dishes like Harira is simply a combination of chopped onion, tomato and spices like parsley and turmeric is sprinkled on that. The main dish can be savory and sweet like Bastilla, Cous Cous. At last mint tea is served and the dessert like Pastries covered in karfa is very much popular among Moroccans.
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