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Facebook has recently introduced a new feature dubbed as the ‘Memories.’ Based on the latest situation, the popular social media platform started a new feature on its website that allows users to visit as well as reminisce about the top posts that they have published in the past years.<br>
Basic Features of the New Facebook ‘Memories’ D I G I T A L M A R K E T I N G
Facebook has recently introduced a new feature dubbed as the ‘Memories.’ Based on the latest situation, the popular social media platform started a new feature on its website that allows users to visit as well as reminisce about the top posts that they have published in the past years. According to Facebook, the new “Memories” page is designed to feature the collection of top posts published by users on their accounts from the previous years. This includes text posts, major life events, photos and videos.
When asked to explain the reason behind this latest move, Facebook hinted that they implemented such feature to allow users to reminisce their past posts since this creates a positive impact on the people’s mood. Although most people view this update as an effective way to boost the user’s personal experience in using Facebook, many digital marketers, website owners and SEO experts see this innovation as an opportunity to improve their SEO campaigns from a marketing perspective. This is because the new feature allows them to revisit the top content that they have previously posted on Facebook and allow these to become visible to their audience. Thus, such posts could somehow enable their audience to take note of the worthwhile content that they have posted in the past.
As of the present, it was revealed that the Memories page provided by Facebook would include any of the sections provided below. On This Day: This includes the past posts as well as the major life events that a Facebook user posted a few years ago on the same given date. Friends Made on This Day: This highlights the list of friends that a user has made on the very same date in the past. It also comes with special collage or videos that enables a user to celebrate his or her anniversaries with friends. Recaps of Memories: This feature provides monthly or seasonal recaps of the memories that are introduced using a short video or a bundled message. Memories You May Have Missed: This includes the posts that the user might have missed from the previous week.
SOURCE: h t t p s : / / d i g i t a l m a r k e t i n g j o u r n a l . w e e b l y . c o m / b l o g / b a s i c - f e a t u r e s - o f - t h e - n e w - f a c e b o o k - m e m o r i e s