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For something as important as choosing which Kindle book market or niche to enter – which can have drastic effects on the difficulty or breaking into Amazon’s vaunted Top 1,000 – you certainly wouldn’t know it from the lack of information about it across the Net.
What Type of Niches? • The best Kindle markets or niches are: • The ones that have plenty of consistently active buyers who either want to know as much as possible about a certain topic (in regards to non-fiction) • or are just extremely passionate about the genre niche in question (in regards to fiction) http://amydebcreations.com/
What Type of Niches? • In Kindle book Market • You don’t have to worry about always striving to keep abreast of your competition and use them to motivate you to be the best of your peer grouping http://amydebcreations.com/
What Type of Niches? • For non-fiction-based niches • The more multi-faceted and complex your niche topic is the better http://amydebcreations.com/
Not Your Typical Strategy • As long as the niche in question isn’t overly saturated • A simple creative brainstorming session should net you several different ideas to approach the actual content of your Kindle book. http://amydebcreations.com/
Importance of Rankings • Identify the likelihood of breaking into a particular niche’s Top 1,000 rankings list • Once accomplished, Amazon will recommend your Kindle book to readers • The traffic and visibility you’ll receive from breaking into these Top 1,000 lists is simply astronomical http://amydebcreations.com/
A Piece of Advice • Don’t let any of this strategic aspect of market or niche research steer you away from writing • Sometimes the very best Kindle books are written by the authors who have a sincere and passionate love for writing http://amydebcreations.com/
Finding a comfortable balance of a topic that you enjoy writing about is what it’s all about. As with most things, it takes a bit of practice but you’ll most certainly get better at researching and discovering certain markets or niches as you gain direct on-the-job experience doing so. http://amydebcreations.com/
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