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Satanic and Cult Related Murders

Dive into the dark world of Satanic and Devil Worship to understand types of involvement, rituals, beliefs, and the history behind these practices. Explore the influence of media and society on these crimes.

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Satanic and Cult Related Murders

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  1. Satanic and Cult Related Murders Charles L. Feer, JD, MPA Bakersfield College Department of Criminal Justice

  2. Satanic and Devil Worship • Does Media Reflect Society; or, does Media Influence Society? • 30 years ago there were two movies that seemed to create a popularity of Devil/Satan Worship: Rosemary’s Baby and The Exorcist. (It raised a consciousness of the occult to “pandemic proportions.”) • The Church of Satan was in the 1966.

  3. Satanic and Devil Worship • Why do people follow and have involvement on such a thing?(Cry for attention? Interest in Myths of the past, Werewolves & vampires? The Devil?) • Typical crimes committed by “Satanists” are vandalism: Cemetery Desecration, Graffiti. • But there are a small number of animal killings and a smaller number of human murders under the aspect of “Sacrifice.”

  4. Satanic and Devil Worship • Many faiths and religions seem to follow several principles: A Fear of Dying (either for ourselves or those near to us). Looking for support in the here and now (comfort and guidance). Seeking knowledge of the future. (This seems to be a root of Satanism, using super-natural powers, magic, spells and curses.)

  5. Satanic and Devil Worship We have developed Types of Involvement in Satanism: Type I Type II Type III

  6. Satanic and Devil Worship • Type I • Resembles a Church • Larger and stable membership. Hierarchy. • Formalized Rituals, Official holy days. • Fiscal organization.

  7. Satanic and Devil Worship • Type II • “Cult” • Charismatic Leader accepted by the members. • Limited Members, leader has personal authority, total control over the members finances. • Informal rituals.

  8. Satanic and Devil Worship • Type III • Personal self-styled type. Individual (Loner) dimension or a small group. • Younger (anti-social) people are attracted to this type. • Heavily involved in animal sacrifice. • May be engaged in human sacrifice.

  9. Satanic and Devil Worship • Not all Satanist believe in the same thing and do not “practice” the same liturgy. • Some are more immersed in Satanism. (i.e. Drinking of blood.) • Most will believe in God. (Can there be a Satan without God?)

  10. Satanic and Devil Worship • Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan. • He was an actor (Rosemary’s Baby) a rock musician, and at some point in his life was a Photographer for S.F.P.D. • As a youth, he ran-away from home, worked in a circus, a hypnotists and organ player for a stripper. • The “Church” an estimated membership of 20,000 (2008).

  11. Satanic and Devil Worship • LaVey was “raised” in the Catholic Church. • The Church of Satan has a “Satanic Bible” • They believe that “the strong shall inherit the earth.” • There is the “Trinity of Satanism” Lucifer, Satan and the Devil (three different parts of one being). • Lucifer has power over Satan. Satan has power over the Devil. • Lucifer can take any form (animal or human).

  12. Satanic and Devil Worship • Lucifer was once the “shinning angel” of God who was cast out of Heaven with his wife, Lilith. • Lucifer demands human and animal sacrifices. • Satan is the “son” of Lucifer. • He is the leader of the “wasteland” – the spiritual realm that surrounds earth. • The Devil is to serve as the liaison between the people and Satan. • His role is to tempt people to do the work of Lucifer.

  13. Satanic and Devil Worship • Rituals – are repetitive, traditional and has a prescribed set of behaviors. They are to symbolize and reinforce beliefs. • A Ceremony – is a unique happening. It is intended to mark an important event.

  14. Satanic and Devil Worship • There are Satanic Masses • Each mass has accompanying rituals. • Initiation Mass – New Member participates as an acolyte, passes through the “rite of initiation” and “sworn to secrecy.” (So, I cannot tell you what is involved.) • Gnostic Mass, Mass of Angels, Mass for the Dead, and Black Mass.

  15. Satanic and Devil Worship • Black Mass: • A “sacrament” by satanic worshipers. • Men wear black robes, women wear black sexually erotic dress. Presided over by a “priest.” • There is an Alter facing west. A nude female lays on the alter head facing south and feet facing north. • All of the males of intercourse with her. • After which, all of the members insert a bread wafer into her vagina and then ingest it.

  16. Satanic and Devil Worship • The Satanic Bible does not have this practice. • LaVey denied this as a ritual of the Church of Satan. • According to our text book, this practice was confirmed by members of Type I members who were interviewed by the authors. (It was mainly a sexual ceremony.)

  17. Satanic and Devil Murders • Two types of Human Sacrifices: • Blood and Burned Ceremonies: • Burned Sacrifice is a vengeance killing. It is destructive so that the victim cannot be reincarnated. It is for those who have done something against the church.

  18. Satanic and Devil Murders • Blood Sacrifice • Cut from the upper part of the chest to just above the public bone. • Heart is removed and mixed with blood, urine, feces, (sometimes the eyes and tongue, and other internal organs) to mix and be consumed. • Victim will be reincarnated. • Each “sacrificed soul” goes to Lucifer to make him stronger.

  19. Satanic and Devil Worship • Night of the Beast Ceremonies: • Last three weeks. • Commences on the third full-moon of the year. • A goat is slaughtered and then hung over the alter. • 13 Priests walk counter-clock wise around a “inverted” pentagram drawn on the alter. • The first drop of blood to drip on a priest is designated the high priest. • He is too be “martyred.”

  20. Satanic and Devil WorshipCrime Scene Elements: • Depending on Type (I, II or III) • Two circles of salt that surround the ritual scene. • May be bowls of salt of different colors around the alter. • Banners and other symbols. • Candles – black and one white one. • Mockery and Desecration of Christian Symbols. (Inverted cross, broken pieces of statutes, crosses.) • Blood found at the alter.

  21. Satanic and Devil WorshipCrime Scene Elements: • Satanic Symbols • Inverted Pentagram • Satanic Alphabet • “Number of the Beast” (666) • Goat’s head. • Goat and other small numbers.

  22. Satanic and Devil Worship • Cult Murders

  23. Questions

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