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Chapter 9

Chapter 9. Constantinople . Who: R omans & Byzantines, Constantine What: capital city of the Byzantine Empire Where: in between Black & Mediterranean Seas & Asia / Europe; Byzantine Empire When: 330-1453

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Chapter 9

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  1. Chapter 9

  2. Constantinople • Who: Romans & Byzantines, Constantine • What: capital city of the Byzantine Empire • Where: in between Black & Mediterranean Seas & Asia / Europe; Byzantine Empire • When: 330-1453 • Why: the city had an excellent harbor, was guarded on 3 sides by water; Emperors built an elaborate system of walls to protect the city; was the center of key trade routes that linked Asia & Europe; was the connecting point of 2 main seas & 2 continents = everyone wanted it = war

  3. Constantinople • Who: Romans, Byzantines, Constantine • What: capital of the Byzantine Empire • Where: In b/n Black & Med seas; in b/n Asia & Europe; Byzantine Empire, ME • When: 330-1453 • Why: Constantine named the capital of the Byzantine Empire after himself; vital center of the Byzantine Empire; heavily fortified city; key trading & business center- linked trade routes from Asia to Europe; reminder of Roman heritage

  4. Justinian (6th) • Who: Byzantine Emperor • What: leader that wanted to revive ancient Rome by recovering lands that had been lost • Where: Byzantine Empire • When: 527-565 • Why: was unsuccessful in recovering land; after the riots he rebuilt the Empire & his great triumph was the Hagia Sophia; reformed the law (Justinian’s Code); ruled as an autocrat w. complete control

  5. Justinian • Who: Emperor of Byzantine Empire • What: was determined to revive Ancient Rome by recovering land that was taken by Germanic invaders when Rome fell • Where: Constantinople, Byzantine Empire • When: 527-565 • Why: The Byzantine reached its peak in power under his reign; he lost the land he attempted to gain in N Africa, Iberian Peninsula, Italy; his great triumph was rebuilding Hagia Sophia; reformed the law (Justinian’s code); ruled as an autocrat; ruled the church- Christ’s co-ruler on earth; his wife Theodora helped him rule

  6. 313- Constantine made Christianity the legal religion & rebuilt Constantinople • 527- Justinian becomes ruler of the Byzantine Empire • 532- riots & fires swept Constantinople making Justinian want to rebuild

  7. Justinian’s Code (6th) • Who: Byzantines, Justinian • What: a collection of laws, Corpus JurisCivilis “Body of Civil Law”, that included laws passed by Roman assemblies or Emperors, and legal writings of Roman judges; law code of Byzantine Empire • Where: Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire • When: 500s-1100s • Why:

  8. Justinian’s code • Who: Romans, Byzantines, Justinian • What: a massive collection that included laws by Roman assemblies & legal writings of Roman judges; Body of Civil Law for the Byzantine Empire • Where: Byzantine Empire; Eastern Roman Empire • When: 500s- 1100s • Why: this law code impacted WE in that they modeled their laws on this & it helped to strengthen & centralize their power; led to legal thinkers creating international law; Justinian used this to unify his power under one central power

  9. Autocrat • Who: Justinian • What: a sole ruler with complete authority • WherE: Byzantine Empire • When: 500s- 1100s • Why: Justinian used the law to unify the Empire under his control; ruler of both political & religious spheres

  10. Autocrat (6th) • Who: Justinian • What: Sole ruler w. complete authority • Where: Byzantine Empire • When: 500s-1100s • Why: combined both political power & spiritual authority; had control of the church as well as the gov’t

  11. Theodora • Who: Justinian’s wife • What: she was an advisor & co-ruler to the emperor Justinian • Where: Constantinople, Byzantine Empire • When: 497-548 • Why: she constantly challenged the Emperor’s authority to pursue her own authority- she convinced him to stay in Constantinople when it was under siege; very good politician

  12. Theodora (6th) • Who: Justinian’s wife • What: advised her husband & pursued her own policies; was a shrewd politician • Where: Byzantine Empire • When: 497-548 • Why: she helped her husband become a better ruler; she forced Justinian to stay in Constantinople during the riots of 532- he then rebuilt into a great empire after

  13. Patriarch • Who: Emperor & Church official • What: pious church official in the Byzantine Empire; leader of the Eastern Orthodox church • Where: Constantinople, Byzantine Empire • When: 330-1453 • Why: Different from WE’s Catholic church- could marry & didn’t have complete control like the Pope; he controlled church affairs & was the highest church official

  14. Patriarch (6th) • Who: Byzantine Emperor & ruler of the Eastern Orthodox church • WhaT: highest church official of the Eastern Orthodox church in Constantinople • Where: Byzantine Empire • When: 330-1613 • Why: the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire would appoint a leader right under him that would help the Emperor make decisions about the church; this leader was similar to the Catholic Pope in the West except he could marry & didn’t have complete control

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