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Dynamical Spring-slider (Lattice) Models for Earthquake Faults. Jeen-Hwa Wang, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica. Earthquake Fault and Seismic Waves (An Example of the Chelungpu Fault along which the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake happened). Viewpoints about a Fault Zone.
Dynamical Spring-slider (Lattice) Models for Earthquake Faults Jeen-Hwa Wang, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Earthquake Fault and Seismic Waves(An Example of the Chelungpu Fault along which the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake happened)
Viewpoints about a Fault Zone • Geologists: A narrow zone with complex cataclastic deformations • Rock Scientists: A narrow zone with gouge and localized deformations • Seismologists: One or several double couples of forces exerting on a well-defined ruptured plane • Physicists: A domain of first-order phase transition • Mathematicians: ? (I do not know.)
Ingredients and Capability of Models Simulating Earthquake Faults A Minimal Set of Ingredients: Current Capability: 1. Model: modest (e.g. spring-slider model and crack model ) 2. Constitution law of friction: incomplete 3. Initial condition: unknown • 1. Plate tectonics: to restore energy dissipated in faulting and creeping • 2. Ductile-brittle fracture rheology • 3. Stress re-distribution after fractures • 4. Thermal and fluid effects • 5. Healing process • 6. Non-uniform fault geometry
Models for Earthquake Faults A Comprehensive Set of Models: Basic Models: Crack model (Griffith, 1922) (the most commonlly used model) One- to many-body dynamical spring-slider (lattice) models (Burridge and Knopoff, 1967) Crustal-scaled model(Sornette and Sornette, 1989) Granular mechanics model(Moral & Place, 1993) 1. Statistical Model: Verse-Jones (1966) 2. Stochastic Model (Knopoff, 1971) 3. Stochastic/Physical Model: (a) M8 Algorithm (Keilis-Borok et al., 1988) (b) Pattern Dynamics (Rundle et al., 2000) 4. Physical Model: A. Crack Models: (a) Quasi-static Model (Stuart, 1986) (c) Quasi-dynamic Model (Mikumo & Miyatake, 1978) (d) Crack Fusion (Newman & Knopoff, 1982) B. Dynamic Models: (a) Spring-slider (Lattice) Model (Burridge & Knopoff, 1967) (b) Block Model (Gabrielov et al., 1986 ) (e) Crustal-scaled Model (Sornette and Sornette, 1989) (d) Granular Mechanics Model (Moral & Place, 1993) C. Statistical Physics Models: (a) SOC Model (Bak & Tang, 1989) (b) Percolation Model (Otsuka, 1972) (c) Fluctuation Model (Rundle & Kanamori, 1987) (d) Renormalization Model (Katz, 1986; Turcotte, 1986) (e) Fractal Model (Andrews, 1980) (f) Growth Model (Sornette, 1990) (g) Traveling Density Wave Model (Rundle et al., 1996)
1-D N-body Spring-slider Model The equation of motion at the i-th slider (Burridge and Knopoff, BSSA, 1967): m(d2ui/dt2)=Kc(ui+1-2ui+ui-1)-Kl(ui-Vpt)-F(qi,vi) where ui=the slip of the i-th slider, measured from its initial equilibrium position (m) vi(=dui/dt)=the velocity of the i-th slider (m/s) m=the mass of a slider (kg) Vp=the plate moving speed (m/s) Kc=the strength of a coil spring (coupling between two sliders) (nt/m) Kl=the strength of a leaf spring (coupling between the plate and a slider) (nt/m) F(qi,vi)=a velocity- and state-dependent friction force (nt) qi=the state parameter of the i-th slider.
Classical Friction Law Fo F (friction force) Fd v Velocity Fo: the static frictional force (Breaking strength) Fd: the dynamic frictional force
(a-b)>0: strengthening or hardening (a-b)<0: weakening or softening Velocity- and State-dependent Friction Law Direct Effect Evolution Effect The factor a-b is a function of sliding velocity, temperature, loading rate etc. 5 cm/year
Commonly-used Velocity- and State-dependent Friction Law One-state-variable Velocity- and State- dependent Friction Law: m=mo+a(v/vo)+bln(voq/d) The laws describing the state variable, q: Slowness law: dq/dt=-(vq/d)ln(vq/d) Slip law: dq/dt=-(vq/d)
Shear Stress (or Friction) versus Slip due to Thermopressurization (Wang, BSSA, 2011)
Simplified Velocity-weakening Friction Law Fo F (friction force) rw rh gFo vc Velocity Fo: the static frictional force gFo: the minimum dynamic frictional force (0<g<1) vc: the characteristic velocity with F=gFo rw: the decreasing rate of friction force with velocity rh: the increasing rate of friction force with velocity (healing of friction)
Boundary Conditions • Periodic BC: u1=uN • Fixed BC: u1=uN=0 • (Stress-) Free BC: du1/dx=duN/dx=0 • Absorption BC: several ways • Mixed BC
Main Model Parameters 1. s=KL/KC: stiffness ratio (coupling factor) s>1: weakly coupling between the plate and the fault s<1: strongly coupling between the plate and the fault 2. rw=the decreasing rate of friction force with velocity rh=the increasing rate of friction force with velocity 3. g: the friction force drop factor (0<g<1) 4. Vp: the plate velocity (10-9 m/sec) 5. D: fractal dimension of the distribution of the breaking strengths (or static friction), Fs 6. R: roughness of fault strengths [=(Fsmax-Fsmin)/Fsmean] 7. m: the mass of a slider ( inertial effect)
Some Properties of the Spring-slider Model 1. There is no characteristic length. (=> a good model for SOC) 2. The system becomes unstable when a small perturbation is introduced. (Two ways to arrest a rupture: a. inhomogeneous frictional strength; b. velocity-weakening-hardening friction force.) 3. Intrinsic complexity a. Nonlinear friction (Carlson and Langer, 1989) b. Heterogeneous frictional strengths (Rice, 1993) h: the size of a nucleation size h*=2mdc/p(b-a)max Lc: the characteristic size h>h*=> chaotic behavior h<h* => periodic behavior For the spring-slider models, h*=0 => chaotic behavior 4. Nearest-neighbors effect (=> Short-range effect) 5. Two time scales: a. inter-event time (several hundred or thousand years) b. rupture duration time (several ten seconds)
Three Rupture Modes in the 1-D Model(Wang, BSSA, 1996) C2=Co2+[Kl/m-(rw/2m)2]/k2 C: the propagation velocity of motions of sliders Co: the propagation velocity of motions of sliders in the absence of both Kl-spring and friction (This is the P-wave velocity.) (1) rw<2(mKl)1/2 => C>Co (Supersonic ruptures) (2) rw=2(mKl)1/2 => C=Co (Sonic ruptures) (3) rw>2(mKl)1/2 => C<Co (Subsonic ruptures)
S=50 rw=1 g=0.8 S=100 rw=1 g=0.8 S=50 rw>>1 g=0.6 S=100 rw>>1 g=0.6 D=1.5; R=0.5 Wang (1995)
Need a Two-dimensional Model • A 2-D dynamic model, with a more realistic constitution law of friction, is strongly needed for the studies of earthquakes and seismicity. Ma et al. (2003)
2-D N×M-body Dynamical Model(Wang, BSSA, 2000, 2012) The equations of motion of the (i, j) slider are: m2ujk/t2=K[u(j+1)k-2ujk+u(j-1)k]+eK[uj(k+1)-2ujk+u]+eK[(w(j+1)(k+1)-w(j-1)(k+1)) -(w(j+1)(k-1)-w(j-1)(k-1))]-L(ujk-Vxt)-Fxjk(1a) m2wjk/t2=K[wj(k+1)-2wjk+wj(k-1)]+eK[w(j+1)k-2wjk+w(j-1)k]+eK[(u(j+1)(k+1)-u(j+1)(k-1)) -(u(j-1)(k+1)-u(j-1)(k-1))]-L(wjk-Vyt)-Fyjk(1b) where xi=the position of the i-th slider, measured from its initial equilibrium position vi=the velocity of the i-th slider Vp=the plate moving speed m=the mass of a slider K=the strength of a coil spring L=the strength of a leaf spring Fo(qi,vi)=a velocity- and state-dependent friction force (with a fractal distribution of breaking strengths) qi=the state parameter of the i-th slider.
Main Model Parameters 1. s=K/L: stiffness ratio (coupling factor) s>1: weakly coupling between the plate and the fault s<1: strongly coupling between the plate and the fault 2. gs=the decreasing rate of friction force with slip gv=the decreasing rate of friction force with velocity 3. g: the friction force drop factor (0<g<1) 4. Vp: the plate velocity (10-9 m/sec) 5. D: fractal dimension of the distribution of fault strengths 6. R: Roughness of fault strengths [=(Fsmax-Fsmin)/Fsmean] 7. m: the mass of a slider (inertial effect) (kg) 8. Density: volume density (kg/m3) and areal density (kg/m2)
Boundary Conditions • Periodic BC: u1j=uNj (j=1, …, M); wi1=wiM (i=1, …, N) • Fixed BC: u1j=uNj=0 (i=1, …, N); wi1=wiM=0 (j=1, …, M) • (Stress-) Free BC: du1j/dx=duNj/dx=0 (j=1, …, M); dwi1/dy=dwiM/dy=0 (j=1, …, M); • Absorption BC: several ways • Mixed BC
Incompleteness and Weakness of 1D and 2D Spring-slider Models 1. No seismic radiation term. (Exception: Xu and Knopoff (1994) used a radiation term like -aut) 2. How to exactly quantify the coupling effect? 3. How to exactly define the boundary condition? 4. Existence of finite-size effect (a finite number of sliders) 5. Numerical instability 6. The spring-slide model cannot be completely comparable with the classical crack.
The Differential Equations Equivalent to the Difference Equations Dividing Eqs. (1a) and (1b) by dxdy leads to r2ujk/t2=K[u(j+1)k-2ujk+u(j-1)k]/dx2+eK[uj(k+1)-2ujk+uj(k-1)]/dy2+4eK[(w(j+1)(k+1)-w(j-1)(k+1))-(w(j+1)(k-1)-w(j-1)(k-1))]/4dxdy -L(ujk-Vxt)/dxdy-Fxjk/dxdy (2a) r2wjk/t2=K[wj(k+1)-2wjk+wj(k-1)]/dy2+eK[w(j+1)k-2wjk+w(j-1)k]/dx2+4eK[(u(j+1)(k+1)-u(j+1)(k-1))-(u(j-1)(k+1)-u(j-1)(k-1))]/4dxdy -L(wjk-Vyt)/dxdy-Fxjk/dxdy (2b) where r=m/dxdy is the areal density. Letting L=L/dxdy, fx=Fxjk/dxdy, and fy=Fyjk/dxdy and taking the limitation of dx and dygive 2u/t2=K2u/x2+eK2u/y2+4eK2w/xy-L(u-Vxt)-fx(3a) 2w/t2=K2w/y2+eK2w/x2+4eK2u/xy-L(w-Vyt)-fy(3b)
General Forms of Solutions u(x,y,t)=u1e(ikr+Wt)+[Vxt-fx(0)]/L (4a) w(x,y,t)=w1e(ikr+Wt)+[Vyt-fy(0)]/L(4b) where k =<a, b>=vectorial wavenumber, w=angular frequency, and i=(-1)1/2. The scalar wavenumber is k=|k|. Inserting Eqs. (4a) and (4b) with r=<x, y> into Eqs. (3a) and (3b), respectively, leads to (W2+Ka2+eKb2+L-zW)u1+eKabw1=0 (5a) eKabu1+(W2+Ka2+eKb2+L-zW)w1=0 (5b) Eqs. (5a)–(5b) => Mx=0, where M is a 22 matrix of the coefficients, x is a 21 matrix of u1 and w1, and 0 is the 21 zero matrix.
The condition for confirming the existence of solutions of Eq. (4) is |M|=0, i.e., (W2+Ka2+eKb2+L-zW)(W2+Ka2+eKb2+L-zW)-e2K2a2b2u1w1=0. This leads to 2W4-2hrW3+{[(1+e)Kk2+2L]+2z}W2-[h(1+e)Kk2+2Lz]W+eK2k2+(1+e)LKk2+L2=0. => W4+q3W3+q2W2+q1W+q0=0, where q3=-2h/, q2={[(1+e)Kk2+2L]+2z}/2, q2=-[h(1+e)Kk2+2Lz]/2, and q0=[eK4k4+(1+e)LKk2+L2]/2. On the basis of the Routh-Hurwitz theorem (cf. Franklin, 1968), four key parameters, i.e., n1, n2, n3, and n4, are taken to transform the expression R(W)=(W4+q2W2+d)/(q3W3+q1W) into the form R(W)=n1+1/[n2W+1/(n3W+1/n4W)].
Im[W] Re[W] Mathematical manipulation leads to n1=1/q3, n2=q32/(q3q2-q1), n3=(q3q2-q1)2/q3(q3q2q1-q12-q32q0), and n4=(q3q2q1-q12-q32q0)/q0(q3q2-q1). The roots of R(W) all lie in the left half-side of the plane of Im[W] versus Re[W] if and only if all ni are positive. Obviously, n1>0. Since q3q2-q1=-z{[[(1+e)Kk2+2L]+2z2}/3<0, we have n2<0. This means that there is, at least, a root (say W*) of Eq. (5), whose real part appears in the right half-side of the plane of Im[W] vs. Re[W], that is, Re[W*]>0. Hence, u and w diverge with time in the form exp(Re[W*]t). Consequently, any small perturbation in the positions of the sliders, no matter how long or short its wavelength, will be amplified.
Meanings of Model Parameters When L=0, and fx=fy=0, Eqs. (3a) and (3b), respectively, become 2u/t2=K2u/x2+eK2u/y2+4eK2w/xy (6a) 2w/t2=K2w/y2+eK2w/x2+4eK2u/xy (6b) The related wave equations in the 2-D space are rv2u/t2=(+2)2u/x2+2u/y2+(+)2w/xy (7a) rv2w/t2=(+2)2w/y2+2w/x2+(+)2u/xy(7b) where rV is the volume density with a dimension of mass per unit volume (e.g. kg/m3).
From Eq. (7), the common P- and S-type wave velocities are [(+2)/rV]1/2 and (/rV)1/2, respectively. A comparison between Eq. (6) and Eq. (7) suggests that the P- and S- type wave velocities are (K/r)1/2 and (eK/r)1/2, respectively. Hence, related parameters are K=(+2)(r/rV), eK=(r/rV), e=(r/rV)/(+2), 4eK=(+)(r/rV), and e=(r/rV)(+)/4(+2). Obviously, L is not a function of elastic parameters of fault-zone materials.
Areal Density • The mass of the cylinder is m=rVAh (rV=volume density). • The area density is defined to be r=m/A. This gives r=rVh. • Therefore, for the subsurface rocks the areal density increases with depth. m A h
Conditions of Stable and Unstable Motions from One-body Single-degree-freedom Model Equation of Motion: m(d2d/dt2)=m(dv/dt)=te-tf. m: mass of the slider te(d)=k(do-d): elastic traction k: spring constant Vp: speed of loading point do: slip at the loading point (do=Vpt) tf : frictional stress v=dd/dt: Sliding velocity • A straight line with a slope of -L represents te=L(do-d) and crosses the t axis at t=to=LdL and the d axis at d=dL. • The te–d function with -L<-Lcr (or L>Lcr) cannot cross tf–d function, and thus te<tf. => a stable motion. • The te–d function with -L>-Lcr (or L<Lcr) crosses the tf–d function. From d=0 to the d at the intersection point, te>tf. => an unstable motion. • Hence, Lcr is the critical stiffness of the system. • For unstable motions, the inequality of gs >Lcr must hold. Hence, L<gs is the condition of generating an earthquake.
logN=a-bM Homogeneous friction logN (N=Single frequency) Inhomogeneous friction Ml Ms Mc Md 0 Magnitude Physical Terms: x=s1/2= =(K/L)1/2 a=wpDo/2v1 wp=(L/m)1/2 Do=Fo/K u=v/wpDo v1=a characteristic velocity Carlson and Langer (Phys. Rev., 1989): Ms<M<Ml: microscopic events (sub-critical) M1<M<Mc: localized events (critical) Mc<M<Md: delocalized events (super-critical) Characteristic Magnitudes: Ms=ln[2pu(2s)-3/2] Mc=ln(2x/a) Md=ln(2L) => L=exp(Md)/2
Seismic Coupling Coefficient, c • Definition: c=Mos,t/Mog,t where Mos,t is the seismic moment release rate of earthquakes and Mog,t is the moment rate estimated from geologically (or geodetically) measured fault slip rate (Peterson and Seno, JGR, 1984; Scholz and Campos, JGR, 1995) • For the Mariana arc: c=0.01 (weakly coupling=>smaller Mmax) • For the Chilean arc: c=1.57 (strongly coupling=>larger Mmax)
Estimate of s from c • Mos=mfdfAf (mf=rigidity, df=slip, and Af=area in a fault zone) => Mos,t=mfAfdf,t • Mog=mgdgAg (mg=rigidity, dg=slip, and Ag=area around a fault zone) => Mog,t=mgAgdg,t • Since Af=Ag, c=Mos,t/Mog,t =mfdf,t /mgdg,t. • On the basis of the spring-slider model, df=-K(x-xo) and dg=-L(x-xo), and thus df,t~-Kvf (vf=slip velocity) and dg,t~-Lvg (vg=regional plate moving velocity). • This gives c=(mfKvf /mgLvg)=(mfvf /mgvg )s. • Hence, we have s=(mgvg/mfvf)c
Angular Frequency and Phase Velocity The trial solutions are u~exp[i(kr-wt)] along the x-axis and w~exp[i(kr- wt)] along the y-axis. Since k=<a, b> and r=<x, y>, we have u~exp[i(ax+by-wt)] and w~exp[i(ax+by-wt)]. Inserting Eq. (6) the trial solutions results in (rw2-Ka2-eKb2)u-4eKabw=0 (8a) -4eKabu+(rw2-Kb2-eKa2)w=0 (8b) Eq. (8) => Mu=0, where M is a 22 matrix of coefficients and u is a 21 matrix of u and w.
The condition for the existence of a non-trivial solution is |M|=0, i.e., 2w4-(1+e)K(a2+b2)rw2+eK2(a2+b2)2+K2[(1-e)2-16e2]a2b2=0 (9) Since k2=a2+b2 and (1-e)2-16e2=0, Eq. (9) becomes (w2)2-(1+e)Kk2(w2)+eK2k4=0 (10) The solution of Eq. (10) is w2=[(1+e)Kk2±(1-e)Kk2]/2 (11) For the “+” sign, let w=w1p and thus w1p2=Kk2. This leads to w1p=(K/)1/2k. The related wave velocity is C1p=w1p/k=(K/)1/2=[(+2)r/rV]1/2, which is constant and shows the P-type waves. For the “-” sign, let w=w1s and thus w1s2=eKk2. This leads to w1s=(eK/r)1/2k. It is obvious that w1p>w1s due to e<1. The related wave velocity is C1s=w1s/k=(eK/r)1/2= (r/rV)1/2=e1/2C1p, which is constant and exhibits the S-type waves.
Types and Velocities of Propagating Waves LVxt and LVyt are only the loading stresses on a slider to make the total force reach its frictional strength. When they are, respectively, slightly higher than fox and foy, the slider moves and LVxt-fox and LVyt-foy are almost null and can be ignored during sliding. Hence, Eqs. (3a) and (3b) become, respectively, 2u/t2=K2u/x2+eK2u/y2+4eK2w/xy-Lu+gsu (12a) 2w/t2=K2w/y2+eK2w/x2+4eK2u/xy-Lw+gsw (12b) for slip-weakening friction, and 2u/t2=K2u/x2+eK2u/y2+4eK2w/xy-Lu+gvu/t(13a) 2w/t2=K2w/y2+eK2w/x2+4eK2u/xy-Lw+gvw/t (13b) for slip-weakening friction.
Case 1: Coupling without friction For this case, L≠0 and fx=fy=0, Eqs. (8a) and (8b) or Eqs. (9a) and (9b), respectively, become (rw2-Ka2-eKb2-L)u-4eKabw=0 (14a) -4eKabu+(rw2-eKa2-Kb2-L)w=0 (14b) Eq. (14) =>Mu=0, where M is a 22 matrix of coefficients. The condition for the existence of a non-trivial solution is |M|=0, i.e., r2w4-[(1+e)K(a2+b2)+2L]rw2+{eK2(a2+b2)2+(1+e)KL(a2+b2) +K2[(1-e)2-16e2]a2b2+L2}=0 (15) Due to k2=a2+b2 and (1-e)2-16e2=0, Eq. (15) becomes r2w4-[(1+e)Kk2+2L]rw2+[eK2k4+(1+e)KLk2+L2]=0 (16)
The solution of Eq. (16) is rw2={[(1+e)±(1-e)]Kk+2L}/2. Remarkably, coupling results in a constant increase in angular frequency and thus behaves like a low-cut filter. The related wave velocity, C, is C2=(w/k)2={[(1+e)±(1-e)](K/r)+2L/rk2}/2. For the “+” sign, let C=C2p and thus C2p=(C1p2+L/rk2)1/2 (17) The additional amount of wave velocity decreases with increasing k. When k>>1, C2p≈C1p. For finite k, C2p>C1p. Thus, this inequality and k-dependence of C2p show supersonic, dispersed P-type waves. When L=0, C2p=C1p. For the “-” sign, let C=C2s and thus C2s=(C1s2+L/rk2)1/2 (18) The additional amount of wave velocity decreases with increasing k. When k>>1, C2s≈C1s. For finite k, C2s>C1s. Thus, this inequality and k-dependence of C2s show supershear, dispersed S-type waves. When L=0, C2s=C1s.
Case 2: Coupling and slip-weakening friction with a decreasing rate of gs exist L≠0 and fx=fy≠0 make Eqs. (12a) and (12b), respectively, become [rw2-Ka2-eKb2-(L-gs)]u-4eKabw=0 (19a) -4eKabu+[rw2-eKa2-Kb2-(L-gs)]w=0 (19b) Eq. (19) => Mu=0, where M is a 22 matrix of coefficients. The condition for the existence of a non-trivial solution is |M|=0, i.e., r2w4-[(1+e)K(a2+b2)+2(L-gs)]rw2+{eK2(a2+b2)2+(1+e)K(L-gs)(a2+b2) +K2[(1-e)2-16e2]a2b2+(L-gs)2}=0 (20)
Due to k2=a2+b2 and (1-e)2-16e2=0, Eq. (15) becomes r2w4-[(1+e)Kk2+2(L-gs)]rw2+[eK2k4+(1+e)K(L-gs)k2+(L-gs)2]=0 (21) The solution of Eq. (21) is w2={[(1+e)±(1-e)]Kk2+2(L-gs)}/2r. Remarkably, coupling together with slip- weakening friction result in a constant change in angular frequency: an increase for L>gs, null for L=gs, and a decrease for L<gs. The related wave velocity is C=(w/k)2={[(1+e)±(1-e)](K/r)+2(L-gs)/rk2}/2. For the “+”sign, let C=C3p=[C1p2+(L-gs)/rk2]1/2. (22) The additional amount of wave velocity is dependent upon the difference between L and gs: positive for L>gs, null for L=gs, and, negative for L<gs. Its value decreases with increasing k. When k>>1, C3p≈C1p. It is noted that , L must be smaller than gs for producing faulting, and thus I have C3p<C1p. This inequality and k- dependence of C3p show subsonic, dispersed P-type waves. For the "-" sign, let C=C3s=[C1s2+(L-gs)/rk2]1/2 (23) The additional amount of wave velocity is dependent upon the difference between L and gs: positive for L>gs, null for L=gs, and, negative for L<gs. Its value decreases with increasing k. When k>>1, C3s≈C1s. It is noted that L must be smaller than gs for producing faulting, and thus C3s<C1s. This inequality and k-dependence of C3s show subshear, dispersed S-type waves.
Case 3: Coupling and velocity-weakening friction with a decreasing rate of gs exist Inserting Eq. (13) the trial solutions leads to the following equations (rw2-Ka2-eKb2-L-igvw)u-4eKabw=0 (24a) -4eKabu+(rw2-eKa2-Kb2-L-iwgv)w=0(24b) Eq. (24) => Mu=0, where M is a 22 matrix of coefficients. The condition for the existence of a non-trivial solution is |M|=0, i.e., r2w4+2igvrw2-[r(Ka2+eKa2+Kb2+eKb2+L)+gv2] w2-igv[(eKa2+Kb2+L)+(Ka2+Kb2+L)]w+(Ka2+eKb2+L)(eKa2+Kb2+L2)-16e2K2a2b2=0 (25) Due to k2=a2+b2 and (1-e)2-16e2=0, Eq. (15) becomes r2w4-{r[(1+e)Kk2+2L]+gv2} w2+[eK2k4+(1+e)KLk2+L2] -i{2gvrw3+gv [(1+e)Kk2+2L]w}=0(26)
Both the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (26) must be zero, i.e., r2w4-{r[(1+e)Kk2+2L]+gv2}w2+[eK2k4+(1+e)KLk2+L2]=0 (27a) 2gvrw3-gv [(1+e)Kk2+2L]w=0 (27b) For the real part, Eq. (27a) givesw2={[r(1+e)Kk2+2rL+gv2]{[r((1-e)Kk2+2L)+gv2]2- 4r[eKk4+ (1+e)KLk2+L2)]}1/2}/2r2. This leads to w2={[(C1p2+C1s2) k2+2L/r+(gv/r)2](C1p2-C1s2)2k2+2(C1p2+C1s2)(gv/r)2k2+[4L/r+(gv/r)2](gv/r)2}1/2/2. The wave velocity is C2=(w/k)2={[C1p2+C1s2+2L/rk2+(gv /rk)2]{(C1p2-C1s2) 2+ (C1p2+C1s2)(gv /rk) 2+[4L/rk2+(gv/rk)2](gv/rk)2}1/2. Since the terms inside the square root are all positive, C2 must be a real number. Obviously, the waves are composed of the P- and S-type waves. For the “+” sign, let C be C4p and thus C4p={[C1p2+C1s2+L/rk2+(gv/rk)2]+{(C1p2-C1s2)2+2(C1p2+C1s2) (gv/rk)2+[4L/rk2+(gv/rk)2](gv/rk)2}1/2}1/2/21/2 (28) C4p is a real number because all terms in Eq. (28) are positive. When k>>1, C4p≈C1p. For finite k, C4p>C1p. This inequality and k-dependence of C4p show supersonic, dispersed waves.
For the “-”sign, let C be C4s and thus C4s={[C1p2+C1s2+2L/rk2+(gv/rk)2]-{(C1p2-C1s2)2+2(C1p2+C1s2) +(gv/rk)2 +[4L/rk2+(gv/rk)2 ](gv/rk)2}1/2}1/2/21/2 (29) Define u=C1p2+C1s2+2L/rk2+(gv/rk) 2 and q=(C1p2-C1s2) 2+2(C1p2+C1s2)(gv/rk) 2+ [4L/rk2+(gv/rk) 2](gv/rk) 2, thus giving u2-q=4[C1p2C1s2+(C1p2+C1s2)L/rk2+ (L/rk2) 2]=4(C1p2+L/rk2)(C1s2+L/rk2)=4C2p2C2s2>0. This gives u>q1/2, thus making C4s be a real number. When k>>1, C4s≈C1s. For finite k, C4s>C1s. This inequality and k-dependence of C4s show supersonic, dispersed waves. For the imaginary part, Eq. (27b), leads to another type of waves. Let w=w44 and thus w44={[(1+e)Kk2+2L]/2r}1/2=[(C1p2+C1s2) k2/2+L/r]1/2. The related wave velocity is C44=w44/k=[(C1p2+C1s2)/2+L/rk2]1/2 (30) This indicates that the waves are composed of the P- and S-type waves and independent of friction. However, the waves are different from those related to the real-part solutions. Eq. (30) suggests C44>C1s. The inequalities and k-dependence of C44 show non-causal, supersonic, dispersed waves.
The plots of C/Cmax versus T from 1 to 100 s: solid lines for C1p and C1s, dashed lines for C2p and C2s, upper dotted lines for C3p and C3s with gs=3×106 N·m-2/m, and lower dotted lines for C3p and C3s with gs=4×106 N·m-2/m under different values of L: (a) for L=1×104 N·m-2/m, (b) for L=2×104 N·m-2/m, and (c) for L=3×104 N·m-2/m when K=4.6×1014 N/m, r=2×107 kg/m2, and e=0.25. • Both C3p and C3s decrease with T and become zero when T is larger than a certain value which is dependent upon L and gs. • Inserting Eq. (22) for C3p and Eq. (23) for C3p, respectively, k=2p/TC1p and k=2p/TC1s leads to C3p=[1+(L-gs)T2/4rp2]1/2C1p and C3s=[1+(L-gs)T2/r4p2]1/2C1s. This gives C3p=0 and C3s=0 when T=2p[r/(gs-L)]1/2. Obviously, this characteristic period is the same for both P- and S-type waves. • When T>2p[r/(gs-L)]1/2, C3p and C3s become a complex number and thus the waves do not exist. Since gs must be larger than L for generating earthquakes, slip-weakening friction is not beneficial for producing longer-period waves.
The plots of C/Cmax versus T from 1 to 100 s: solid lines for C1p and C1s, dashed lines for C2p and C2s, upper dotted lines for C4p and C4s with gv=1×106 N·m-2/m·s-1, and lower dotted lines for C4p and C4s with gv=2×106 N·m-2/m ·s-1 under different values of L: (a) for L=1×104 N·m-2/m, (b) for L=2×104 N·m-2/m, and (c) for L=3×104 N·m-2/m when K=4.6×1014 N/m, r=2×107 kg/m2, and e=0.25.
Summary • There are only two types of waves for Cases 0, 1, and 2: One is the P-type wave and the other the S-type wave. • For Case 3, there are three types of waves, which are all composed of the P- and S-type waves. However, the first and second types of waves are, respectively, similar to the P- and S-type waves. The velocity of the third type of waves is always lower than the P-type wave velocity and higher than the S-type wave velocity. In other words, there are the subrsonic and supershear waves. • Coupling (for Cases 2 and 3) clearly increases the velocities of the two types of waves, thus leading to supersonic and supershear waves. • Slip-weakening friction for Case 2 decreases the velocities, thus only being able to result in subsonic and subshear waves. • When the period T>2p[r/(gs-L)]1/2, the waves do not exist for slip-decreasing friction, because gs must be larger than L for generating earthquakes. Hence, slip-weakening friction is not beneficial for producing longer-period waves. • Velocity-weakening friction makes the velocities of the first type of waves higher than the P-type wave velocity, while it makes the velocity of the second type of waves higher or lower than the S-type wave velocity just depending on the combination of L and gv.