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  1. Chapter 9 “The Great Gatsby”In one sense the story ends with the death of Gatsby, so the question to keep in mind throughout this chapter is why write it at all, what does it add to the story?What HappensNick takes over the arrangements for Gatsby’s funeralMr Gatz arrives; Klipspringer callsThe day of the funeral Meyer Wolfsheim’s response The ScheduleThe funeral itselfNick’s account of his earlier days and what happened after the funeral

  2. Nick takes over the arrangements for Gatsby’s funeral (Pages 103-106)A point on how the story is toldWhy does Fitzgerald stress the two year gap between the events and the actual writing at the beginning of the chapter?The inquest into Gatsby and Wilson’s deaths fails to find the truthHow did Nick find himself “on Gatsby’s side, and alone.”?Why does Nick take on the responsibility of the funeral?What does Nick think Daisy, Wolfshiem and Slagle have in common as far as Gatsby is concerned?

  3. Mr Gatz arrives; Klipspringer calls (pages 106-108)Describe the appearance of Gatsby’s father, Mr Gatz, and his reaction to his son’s death.How would you describe their relationship?Klipspringer phones the mansion. What does his request for his shoes underline about the way people treated Gatsby?

  4. The day of the funeral; Meyer Wolfsheim’s response and The SchedulePages 108-110Wolfsheim has lied to Nick about being in Chicago but when Nick goes to see him and mentions Gatsby’s name to his secretary, he eventually appears from his office. He tells Nick that he had made Gatsby his protégé because of the great personal impression Gatsby had made on him as a young man just back from the war. He speaks very warmly of Gatsby but:One word in his account betrays what he really felt about him. What is it?He will not attend the funeral. Why?

  5. Wolfsheim says “Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.” (page 109)Do you agree with this sentiment?Mr Gatz shows Nick Gatsby’s Hopalong Cassidy book on which he had outlined his plan for self-improvement. What do the details given suggest about the main points of Gatsby’s plan? (page 110)Was there anything wrong with Gatsby’s plan?What led Gatsby astray from his ‘All-American boy’ dream?

  6. The funeral itself (page 111)Explain the irony behind the funeral of Gatsby. Why is it appropriate that of all Gatsby's friends it is only 'Owl-eyes' who attends? How far do you agree with owl-eyes’ epitaph for Gatsby "The poor son-of-a-bitch'?

  7. Nick’s account of earlier days and what happened after the funeral (Pages 111-114)On pages 111-112 Nick explains more about what his background means to him. He describes his Mid-West home, and how this was shared with Tom, Daisy, Gatsby and Jordan at least to some extent. He says that “made us subtly unadaptable to Eastern Life.”What does he suggest about the East of America on p112?Why does he decide to go home? (page 113)Nick “wanted to leave things in order” and therefore felt honour-bound to break off with Jordan. Comment on that meeting and contrast Nick’s attitude with that of Tom and Daisy. (page 113)

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