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ACT State Organizations: 2013

ACT State Organizations: 2013. 1959. First Headquarters - 1960. August 21, 1959. ACT Products in1959. The ACT. ACT Products in 2013. Governance and Advising Structure. Jon Erickson. Martin Scaglione. Common Statement of Purpose. To support and promote informed decision-making by:

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ACT State Organizations: 2013

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  1. ACT State Organizations:2013

  2. 1959

  3. First Headquarters - 1960

  4. August 21, 1959

  5. ACT Products in1959 The ACT

  6. ACT Products in 2013

  7. Governance and Advising Structure Jon Erickson Martin Scaglione

  8. Common Statement of Purpose To support and promote informed decision-making by: 1) Individuals engaged in education and career planning, preparation for further education and work, and lifelong learning; and 2) Parties who are making or influencing decisions by those individuals.

  9. Open to all educators General Membership c. 12,832 Common Organizational Model

  10. Common Organizational Model General Membership • Size of the Council • (recommended 20-30 members) • Membership: • Elementary, Middle or High School • 2 & 4 year Postsecondary Institutions • State or local Education Agencies • State or local Workforce Boards • Other Organizations Council c. 910

  11. Common Organizational Model General Membership • Chair-elect • Chair • Past Chair • Secretary • State Representative • Ex-Officio – ACT State Lead Council ExecutiveCommittee c. 275

  12. State Organization Responsibilities State Representative expectations: • 1. Election/Term of Office: • a. Shall be elected by the members of the State Organization to serve a term of three years. • b. May serve no more than three (3) full consecutive terms • 2. Duties and Responsibilities: • a. Will serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee and the Council; • b. Shall faithfully represent and reflect the views and interest of members of the State Organization; • c. Shall facilitate communications between ACT state client relations staff and the national ACT office and the education institutions, agencies, and organizations that comprise the State Organization; • d. Will report to the members on significant developments in ACT programs and services; • e. Will report to ACT on the views, interests and concerns of the members.

  13. State Organization Responsibilities Chair expectations: • Serves as the executive officer of the State Organization, the Council, and the Executive Committee; • Oversees the affairs of the State Organization and the Council; • Presides at all meetings of the State Organization, Council, and Executive Committee; • Co-signs with the Secretary any instruments that the State Organization or Council has authorized be executed; • In general, shall perform all duties pertinent to the office of Chair and such other duties as may be prescribed by the State Organization or Council from time-to-time; • Serves for a term of one-year and assumes the position of Past-Chair at the completion of her or his term.

  14. State Organization Responsibilities Chair-Elect expectations: • Performs the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or inability to perform the duties of the Chair; • Shall be a member of the Council; • Shall be elected by the Council for a term of one-year; • Will become the State Chair following his or her term as Chair-Elect. • Past Chair expectations: • Will serve a one-year term; • Will serve as Chair of the nominating committee for Council, Executive Committee, and State Representative vacancies.

  15. State Organization Responsibilities Secretary expectations: • Shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the State Organization, the State Council, and the Executive Committee; • Shall distribute minutes of all meetings to the Executive Committee, members of the Council, the designated ACT state client relations staff person, and the designated ACT staff person in the national office; • With support of Director of State Organizations , shall keep a roster including contact information of Executive Committee and Council members and distribute the roster and contact information to members of the Executive Committee, members of the Council, the designated ACT staff person, and the designated ACT national office staff person, no later than July 1 following elections; • With support of the Director of State Organizations , shall provide timely updates of the roster and contact information to said individuals; • Shall complete correspondence, execute documents, and perform other duties at the direction of the Executive Committee; • Co-signs with the Chair any instruments that the State Organization or Council has authorized be executed; • Shall be elected by the Council for a term of one-year; • Shall be eligible to serve three (3) full consecutive terms.

  16. States without Councils Alaska (University of Alaska) – being organized Oklahoma (State Regents for Higher Education)

  17. Resource Materials for Leaders www.act.org/stateorgs State Organization Leader Orientation (S.O.L.O) State Organization Conferences www.act.org “ACT Policy Announcements” Select Research Sign-up under “Related Links”

  18. Fiscal Resources State Organization Strategic Initiatives (SOSI) Conference Stimulus

  19. State Organization Strategic Initiatives (SOSI) One-time, limited duration grants from the Office of State Organizations Not to exceed $5,000 Proposals Description Budget Timeline Assessment Transportability

  20. Stimulus Funding Conference Stimulus $4000 for first year State Organization Conferences $2000 for second year of State Organization Conferences Conference expected to break even in third year

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