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What Small Method Is It?

What Small Method Is It?. Presented by Jan Giffin, CPPO, CPPB, VCO eVA Business Manager And Katherine Bosdell, CPPB, VCO Statewide Contract Officer. Question #1. What are the six methods of procurement? Competitive Sealed Bidding Sole Source Competitive Sealed Negotiation Emergency

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What Small Method Is It?

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  1. What Small Method Is It? Presented by Jan Giffin, CPPO, CPPB, VCO eVA Business Manager And Katherine Bosdell, CPPB, VCO Statewide Contract Officer

  2. Question #1 What are the six methods of procurement? Competitive Sealed Bidding Sole Source Competitive Sealed Negotiation Emergency Small Purchases Reverse Auction

  3. Question #2 What is the small purchase threshold? $100,000 and below APSPM 5.0 & Annex 3-B

  4. Question #3 Determining the anticipated total value of a procurement is important when selecting the proper procurement method. What is the total value of a contract when the initial period is $15,000 with four renewal periods? $75,000 APSPM 4.2 & 5.1

  5. Question #4 What is the minimum amount of time that a Quick Quote and Unsealed Invitation For Bids must be publicly posted? 3 business days APSPM 5.6 & 14.5 (24 Business Hours)

  6. Question #5 Why must criteria weights be included in Unsealed Requests for Proposals at posting? Proposals can be opened and evaluated upon receipt so the criteria weights cannot be posted later as they can be with sealed RFP’s APSPM Annex 5-F

  7. Question #6 No justification document and approval is needed for sole source procurements. True or False FALSE APSPM 8.1

  8. Question #7 What is a responsible bidder? A responsible bidder is a regular dealer or supplier with the ability to comply with the required delivery or performance schedule, has a satisfactory record of performance, has a satisfactory record of integrity, and has the necessary facilities, experience, skills and financial resources to fulfill the contract. APSPM 3.20

  9. Question #8 Procurements up to $100,000 shall be set-aside exclusively for DMBE certified small businesses. True or False FALSE APSPM 3.10.g Set-aside is required up to $50,000; optional over $50,000

  10. Question #9 Is VBO posting required for all small purchase procurements exceeding $5000? YES APSPM 3.18.a

  11. Question #10 Which of the following does not require a price reasonableness determination? • Quick Quote • Single response received for procurements exceeding $5000 • Sole Source Quick Quote APSPM 4.10

  12. Question #11 Can an award be made to other than the lowest responsive and responsible bidder? Yes, if the Special T&C is included in the solicitation APSPM 3.10.f and Section II. 2. J

  13. Question #12 The capability of delivery in the least amount of time is an important determining factor in sole source procurements. True or False False APSPM 8

  14. Question #13 Negotiations are required for all the following methods of procurement except? • Sole source • Unsealed Request for Proposals • Quick Quote Quick Quote APSPM 8.3 and 5.6

  15. Question #14 Which of the following are required for Unsealed Request for Proposals? • Written determination • SCC form • 10 day posting of the Notice of Award • Evaluation Summary • Newspaper advertising 10 day posting of Notice of Award APSPM 5.6

  16. Question #15 What is a responsive bid? A bid that complies in all material respects with the Invitation for Bids to include the provisions, terms and conditions, and specifications. APSPM 3.21

  17. Question #16 Must and Shall are used to describe mandatory requirements in solicitations. True or False TRUE APSPM 7.2.b

  18. Question #17 Are pre-bid/proposal conferences required to be held for unsealed solicitations? NO APSPM 4.3.e

  19. Question #18 All of the Special Terms and Conditions below must be included in all unsealed solicitations except? • Audit • Indemnification • Contract Cancellation • Award of Contract Indemnification APSPM Annex 6-B.V and Annex 7-B.IX

  20. Question #19 How many DMBE certified small business quotes are required for procurements $5000 and below? One (1) APSPM 5.3

  21. Question #20 An informality does not affect Price, Quality, Quantity, Late Bids and Delivery. True or False FALSE APSPM Appendix A, Vendor’s Manual 5.13

  22. Question #21 Where must buyers post Notices of Intent to Award and Notices of Award? VBO APSPM 3.18

  23. Question #22 Are small business subcontracting plans required in non-setaside unsealed solicitations over $50,000? NO APSPM 3.10.h

  24. Question #23 What is the minimum number of people required to evaluate unsealed Requests for Proposals? One (1) APSPM 5.6

  25. Question #24 A buyer can fully rely on the enduser’s claim that there is only a single source of supply. True or False FALSE APSPM Annex 8-A

  26. Question #25 Is the Award to Other than Lowest Priced Bidder clause used in set-aside procurements? NO APSPM Section II. 2.J

  27. Question #26 At fiscal year end, buyers can conduct emergency procurements to avoid the potential loss of funds. True or False FALSE APSPM 9

  28. Question #27 What is the minimum time that Unsealed Request for Proposals must be publicly posted? No minimum time APSPM 5.7 & 3.18

  29. Scenarios Determine which method to use

  30. Scenarios • What Methods are available? • Is the request available from a mandatory source or state contract? • What is the total value of the procurement? • Will the solicitation be set-aside? • Is the request easy to describe? • Is price the most important evaluation factor? • Is the request needed right away? • Is the requirement complex with a lot of variables? • Is there a possibility of amendments? • Is there only one source of supply?

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