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Goal :

Goal : Our Goal is to assist our customers in developing and implementing a strong and robust competency & training management system. Vision : To contribute to HSE improvement and operational excellence in supporting our customers by adding a quality competency & training management system.

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Goal :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Goal: Our Goal is to assist our customers in developing and implementing a strong and robust competency & training management system. Vision: To contribute to HSE improvement and operational excellence in supporting our customers by adding a quality competency & training management system. Mission: To be recognized as the best competency & training partner. Values: Customer satisfaction High quality standards Ethical and financial discipline Continuous improvement and innovation Knowledge

  2. Expertise / Team Our Expertise: GIGANIUM is a consultancy firm in the area of Training & Competency Management and has a solid understanding and experience of Onshore/Offshore operational needs. We have several years of experience assisting companies with training & competencies program and solutions based on customer needs in the Oil and Gas industry. Our Team: Our team of subject matter experts combine strong experience in training & competency management with experience in building, implementing and auditing training & competency management systems for Oil & Gas companies. Our Services: Consulting services Field support for training and certification management. Field support for competence management systems. Training and travel logistics.

  3. Objectives Reduce incident rates and achieve operational excellence. Reduce downtime and improve operational efficiency. Comply with Client and regulatory requirements. Respond efficiently to emergencies. Develop a highly competent workforce and ensure succession within your organization.

  4. Competency Based Model • This Competency model applies to a full range of Oil & Gas industry functions and play an important role as the employees move through the organization from positions on a rig to the management level. • This Competency model is applicable to all positions because it takes different approaches focuses on different skills set to match the level of management position.

  5. Competence Management System Structure S c o p e T r a c k i n g P o l i c i e s S y s t e m S X P C M S F o r m s P r o c e d u r e s C o m p e t e n c e R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s P r o g r a m s

  6. Employee Life Cycle Recruiting 1 Talent Review Baseline Competency Assessments – Individual Development Plan 6 2 Employee Life Cycle 5 3 Promotion/Succession Planning Coaching & Mentoring 4 Final Competency Assessment Employee Deemed Competent

  7. Competence To understand the definition of “competency” it is necessary to understand how competence is structured. A competency is generally made up of three components: it is a merger of skill, knowledge, and abilities. If these components are the keystones of competence then as long as the focus is on these, the system should remain on track. To establish the definition for a particular job role, an organization need to establish the target level for each area, against each job role and allocate accordingly. The trick, then, is how?

  8. Positions where we can provide Competency Programs Drilling: Roustabout / Floorman / Pumpman-Derrickman / Assistant Driller / Driller / Tool Pusher / Rig Superintendent Mechanic: Chief Mechanic / Assistant Chief Mechanic / Mechanic / Motorman / Welder Electric: Chief Electrician / Assistant Chief Electrician / Electrician / Electronic Technician Subsea: Senior Subsea Engineer / Subsea Engineer Marine: Barge Supervisor / Assistant Barge Supervisor / BCO / Chief Mate / Senior DPO / DPO / Radio Operator HSE: RSTA Other positions as requested.

  9. http://www.giganium.net/

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