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Math: Focus on Weather

Math: Focus on Weather. Donna Milner OCESD. Investigate Weather. Use the internet to: Analyze data Make comparisons Create symbols Use statistics Make mathematical calculations Make predictions. Timeline. Introduction 1 week Pre-test 1 week Weather calendar 4 weeks

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Math: Focus on Weather

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  1. Math: Focus on Weather Donna Milner OCESD

  2. Investigate Weather Use the internet to: • Analyze data • Make comparisons • Create symbols • Use statistics • Make mathematical calculations • Make predictions

  3. Timeline • Introduction 1 week • Pre-test 1 week • Weather calendar 4 weeks • Analyze calendar 1 week • Post-test 1 week • Write weather reports 1 week • Give oral report 1 week • Total= 8 weeks

  4. Standards Algebra and Functions: • 1.3 Solve addition and subtraction problems by using data from simple charts, pictures, graphs and number sentences. Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability: • 1.1 Record numerical data in systematic ways, keeping track of what has been counted. • 1.2 Represent the same data in more than one way(bar graphs and charts with tallies). • 1.3 Identify features of data sets (range and mode). • 1.4 Ask and answer simple questions related to data representations.

  5. Instructional Objectives calendar The students will use the daily weather report on the Internet to: • Compare the weather report to the real world • Draw symbols depicting real world phenomenon • Make vertical bar graphs • Tally results • Record the mode and the range • Use mathematical calculations to analyze the data • Keep records of daily events

  6. Activities The students will: • View and discuss the weather forecast for the week on the Internet • View and discuss a laser disc presentation on weather • Discuss what makes weather • Learn the different types of weather • Make a weather calendar for the month • Write and illustrate a weather report for the week • Give a n oral weather report for the week • Make a prediction about the weather report

  7. Assessments • Take a pre-test • Take a post-test • Make a weather calendar • Give an oral report

  8. Rubrics • Pre-test 30 points • Post-test 30 points • Mathematical Graph Rubric • 4 advanced • 3 proficient • 2 basic • 1 novice • Oral Presentation • 4 advanced • 3 proficient • 2 basic • 1 novice

  9. Internet • Http://weather.yahoo.com/ • http://www.weather.com • http://www.excite.com/news/weather

  10. Related Materials • Windows on Science laser disc presentation on weather • The Weather Channel • Daily weather report from the newspaper • Foss Science - Weather Unit

  11. Lesson Revisions • Redo of pre- and post assessment • Made key pictures for weather symbols • Made class weather calendar to keep track of weather conditions • Redo all of student handouts

  12. Lesson Implementation • Wasn’t as organized as it will be next time • The children learned a lot • Interest was high • The oral presentation at the end was the best part • Weather symbols was the hardest part

  13. Student Performance • The students learned a great deal of information • Pre- and post test did not reflect the amount of learning that took place • The students could do what they were suppose to do • It was not too hard!

  14. Weather Chart • Total=days in weather calendar month • Find the mean • Find the mode • Tally the number of each weather type • Write a weather report

  15. Monthly Weather Calendar

  16. Analysis of Student Data • Pre- and Post-test did not show great change in amount of learning • Rubric scores were good • Rubric scores were a good indication of what the children learned

  17. What I Learned • Organization is important! • There was a lot to remember! • There was a lot to do! • Everything was new to me! • The first time around meant a lot of revisions! • The importance of doing more integrated technology in the classroom

  18. Summary Observation • If it is possible to do all of the major units in my classroom like this one then student achievement will go up! • High interest • High motivation • Lots of work! • Total involvement by the class!

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