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Planning curriculum for successful MT-based MLE programs: Issues to consider

Planning curriculum for successful MT-based MLE programs: Issues to consider. Seminar on Multilingual Education Kabul, 13-18 March 2010 Susan Malone, Ph.D.

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Planning curriculum for successful MT-based MLE programs: Issues to consider

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  1. Planning curriculum for successful MT-based MLE programs: Issues to consider Seminar on Multilingual EducationKabul, 13-18 March 2010 Susan Malone, Ph.D

  2. A comparison of mainstream (dominant language) programs and ethnic minority (EM) programs: How are they the same and how are they different?

  3. “Mainstream” programMLE program Based on MOE competencies Based on MOE competencies Use dominant language for learning through primary school Start with L1, bridge to dominant language, then use bothlanguages Outcomes & indicators buildon minority students’ knowledgeand experience Outcomes and indicators build on mainstream students’ knowledge and experience Start with L1 activity books, later use mainstream textbooks Use mainstream textbooks Use dominant language reading materials Start with reading materials in L1, adddominant language, then use both languages

  4. Mainstream children who speak the school language L1 (school language) Competencies to be achieved by the end of Grade 6 Ethnic minority children who do NOT speak the school language L1 (home language) + L2 (school language) Same competencies but different paths

  5. Principles for planning, developing and using teaching and learning materials in MT-based MLE programs…

  6. 1) MT-based MLE programs focus on 3 general types of development

  7. Academic development Students achieve grade-level competency in all their subjects and proceed successfully through the education system. So curriculum development begins with mainstream competencies but changes the process by which EM students achieve the competencies

  8. Language development Students build a strong foundation in their L1 and a good bridge to other languages: Oral L1 Written L1 Oral L2* Written L2 Oral L3, etc

  9. Strong foundation and good bridge

  10. Socio-culturaldevelopment The program honors students’ home culture and social background and recognizes them as a resource for the nation as a whole. It also teaches them their rights and responsibilities as citizens of the larger society. So the curriculum “celebrates” the children’s knowledge, experience and heritage culture as well as the dominant culture.

  11. 2) MT-Based MLE programs encourage higher level thinking

  12. Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives—from most concrete to most abstract . The purpose of good education, in any language, is that all students are comfortable at every level. Create Able to use what has been learned to create new ideas, new knowledge Evaluate Able to assess what was taught Analyze Able to see patterns, compare and contrast Apply Able to use what was taught Understand Able to explain what was taught Know Able to recall what was taught

  13. 3) Strong MTB-MLE programs help students build fluency and competence in using “everyday” language (L1 & L2) and “academic” language (L1 & L2)

  14. 4) Strong programs emphasize meaning as well as accuracy in all teaching and learning activities in all subjects

  15. In language education: Focus on meaning Focus on accuracy Listen in order to understand what they hear Recognize and distinguish sounds, parts of words Hearing Speaking Reading Writing Speak in order to communicate their thoughts Use correct vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar Read in order to understand, evaluate and use what is written Recognize parts of words, sentences in written texts Write in order to communicate their thoughts Form letters properly and neatly; spell words accurately; use correct grammar

  16. In language education: Focus on meaning Focus on accuracy Hearing Speaking Reading Writing Recognize and distinguish sounds, parts of words Listen in order to understand what they hear Use correct vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar Speak in order to communicate their thoughts Recognize parts of words, sentences in written texts Read in order to understand, evaluate and use what is written Form letters properly and neatly; spell words accurately; use correct grammar Write in order to communicate their thoughts

  17. The challenge: How do we incorporate these principles into curriculum and teaching learning materials?

  18. Curriculum for MLE programs should celebrate the students’ heritage culture as well as the national culture. It should also enable them to become productive members of their own community and citizens of their country, Regarding socio-cultural development

  19. Curriculum and lesson plans for MLE programs should provide quality time for oral and written development of both L1 and L2. Regarding language development

  20. Regarding academic development Curriculum, lesson plans, instructional materials and learning materials for MLE programs should ensure that children from non-dominant language communities can achieve government standards for each subject, each grade.

  21. Stages of the process: Developing curriculum and lesson plans for MTB-MLE programs…

  22. Develop indicators for each outcome Identify cultural resources for each subject Develop a teaching plan for each subject Use MOE standards to develop MLE learningoutcomes for each subject Identify MOE standards for each subject Identify activities for each indicator

  23. Photos of the curriculum development process

  24. Identifying cultural themes

  25. Using outcomes and indicators to develop lesson plans

  26. Developing math games

  27. Developing L1 reading materials

  28. Preparing to send materials to schools

  29. Using the materials in the classroom

  30. Happy learners!

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