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IUCLID. I nternational U niform C hemica L I nformation D atabase Stefan J. Scheer Rémi Allanou. Advanced IUCLID Exercises. Merging of Data Sets. Ch. 1. Ch. 1. Ch. 2. Ch. 2. “Copy chapter 5 from source 1 to source 2”. Ch. 3. Ch. 5. Ch. 5. Source data set 1.
IUCLID International Uniform ChemicaLInformation Database Stefan J. Scheer Rémi Allanou Advanced IUCLID Exercises
Merging of Data Sets Ch. 1 Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 2 “Copy chapter 5 from source 1 to source 2” Ch. 3 Ch. 5 Ch. 5 Source data set 1 Source data set 2 = Destination
1 2 3 A merge needs at least the identification of two data sets (selection of template data sets is allowed). 4
2 1 The merge is done by selecting a destination data set and by “copying” (certain) chapters of the other data sets into the destination data set.
Any profile which must be identified uniquely can be added and/ or deleted.
Any user-defined query consists of a query description, a layout file, a SQL statement, a parameter list, a parameter description, … ...
… … and a mapping of the SQL column names to fields in the layout file, and of a description of various fonts used.
A typical layout file
Practical Exercises AD.1: [A] Now it is decided that both geraniol data sets (from exercise DS1.6 and DS2.4 should be merged into one with your data set (the one from exercise DS1.6) to become the main one. Merge both data sets! AD.2: [A] After the merge it has been scientifically reported that purity (chapter General Substance Information) has generally to be seen as being greater than 93 g/l. You think this is worthwhile to be acknowledged. Add another record! Check all records of that sub-chapter. AD.3 [A] Create your own chapter profile “0104” which filters only chapter 1.0.4. AD.4 [E] Merge the “FreetextCollector” template data set (from exercise DS2.12) into your data set using the new chapter profile “0104”. AD.5 [E] Copy the two available freetexts now into chapter 5.1.1 (using “List available freetexts of same type”).
Practical Exercises (cont.) AD.6 [A] (Optional) Create your own chapter profile in which you want to include only non-confidential entries of the first chapter (“General Substance Information”). Hint: Usually as confidential are regarded: Production Amount, Use Pattern, Additivies, Purity. AD.7 [E] Create your own query: For some reasons you have to find out the internal data set number (DSN) together with the revision date. As parameter a CAS number will be inserted. Create a query for the English language only. Define also a layout file. Leave the font description part empty. Hint1: the SQL is: select dsn, rev_date_auto from ds_admin_tab where subst_id like ‘%’; Hint 2: Copy an existing layout file and modify it.