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Wel c ome to: Shillington’s. Town Hall Meeting Sponsored by the Shillington Community Advisory Committee. Shillington: Who We Are, What We Do, How You Can Become Involved Moderated by: Mr. Steven Gerhard Chairman – Shillington Community Advisory Committee. Shillington’s
Welcome to: Shillington’s Town Hall Meeting Sponsored by the Shillington Community Advisory Committee
Shillington: Who We Are, What We Do, How You Can Become Involved Moderated by: Mr. Steven Gerhard Chairman – Shillington Community Advisory Committee
Shillington’s Borough Council Town Hall Meeting Sponsored by the Shillington Community Advisory Committee
Shillington Borough Council Presented by: Ronald C. Dunkelberger Sr. President of Council
Members of Council: --Ronald C. Dunkelberger Sr. (President) --Conrad Vanino Jr. (Vice President) --Elizabeth Bentz --Richard Brown --Clifford J. Galvin --Gene E. Waltz --Larry C. Whiskeyman & Andrew R. Hivner (Mayor)
Council meets the Second Thursday of each month at the Municipal Building 999 East Broad Street (at the entrance to the Shillington Memorial Park) at 7:30pm
Shillington’s Borough Council Town Hall Meeting Sponsored by the Shillington Community Advisory Committee
Administration-Law-Finance Conrad Vanino – Chairman Clifford J. Galvin – Vice Chairman Gene E. Waltz Meet Quarterly or as needed: Assist Borough Manager and Secretary Audit Review Budget Review Legislative Affairs Board Appointments Charitable Contributions
Building-Tree-Pole & Light Larry C. Whiskeyman – Chairman Elizabeth Bentz – Vice Chairman H. Richard Brown Meets as needed: Assist Borough Manager Codes Enforcement Review and Update Codes Rental Property Inspection Program Curb Line Tree Program Street Lighting Borough Owned Facilities
Fire H. Richard Brown – Chairman Larry C. Whiskeyman – Vice Chairman Clifford J. Galvin Meet Monthly or As Needed Liaison between the Fire Chief and Council Budgetary Function – Wages and Benefits Equipment Needs Consolidation Evaluation Training of Personnel Needs
Police and Personnel Clifford J. Galvin – Chairman Gene Waltz – Vice Chairman Elizabeth Bentz Meet as Needed Assist Borough Manager Personnel matters Union Negotiations Arbitrations Budgetary Functions – Wages and Benefits Advisory Functions
Streets-Sanitation-Water Gene E. Waltz – Chairman Conrad Vanino – Vice Chairman Larry C. Whiskeyman Meets Monthly or as needed Assist Borough Manager 5 Year Streets Program Traffic Signal Functions Curb and Sidewalk Safety Underground Systems Maintenance Pump Station and Reservoir Maintenance Review Equipment Needs Budgetary Function – Wages and Benefits
Recreation Elizabeth M. Bentz – Chairman H. Richard Brown – Vice Chairman Conrad Vanino Meet Monthly Assist Borough Manager and Recreation Director Budgetary Function – Wages Only Equipment Needs Park and Pool Rules Seasonal Employment – Wages Rental Rates and Recommendations
Boards and Commissions: CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (6-year term) George A. Rath - December 31, 2011 Ronald R. Klee, Jr. - December 31, 2013 Michael G. Pinto - December 31, 2015 PENSION ADVISORY BOARD (5-year term) Michael D. Fick - April 2010 Gene E. Waltz - April 2011 Michael D. Mountz - April 2012 John W. Hoffert - April 2013 Glenn M. Good - April 2014
Boards and Commissions: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (5 year term) Barrie R. Snyder - June 2010 Peter Stanislawczyk - June 2011 George B. Clark - June 2012 Gerald R. Potts - June 2013 Stephen M. Lapic - June 2014 ZONING HEARING BOARD (5 year term) Michael J. Moyer - December 31, 2010 Thomas J. Bowersox - December 31, 2011 Harris J. Shermot- December 31, 2012 Brian Hartranft - December 31, 2013 James A. Gossert - December 31, 2014 ALTERNATES: Dennis Heimbach - April 2011 (3 year term) Jamie Frey - April 2011 (3 year term)
Boards and Commissions: RECREATION BOARD (5 year term) Elizabeth Stanislawczyk - June 2010 Michael Thiry - June 2011 Tammy G. Suchoza - June 2012 Charles K. Chafin - June 2013 Frank C. Gutekunst - June 2014 SHILLINGTON MUNICIPAL AUTHORITY (5 year term) Brian Kurczewski - January 2011 Ronald R. Klee, Jr. - January 2012 Michael D. Mountz - January 2013 George A. Rath - January 2014 Vacant - January 2010
Shillington’s Town Hall Meeting
For more information go to the borough’s web site: www.co.berks.pa.us/shillington
Borough Related Civic Organizations Presented by: Dr. Edward B. Michalik Shillington Community Advisory Committee
Keystone Fire Co. No. 1 --Staffed 24/7 by volunteers (One paid day-time driver/custodian ) --50 Active members serve as: fire-fighters, fire police officers, junior fire-fighters and executive committee. --Always a need for more help --Junior Fire-Fighter program at age 14 --In house Training on Tuesdays at 7pm --221 Catherine St (behind Landis corvettes) --www.shillingtonfc.com
Shillington Business Association --57 members --Purchased and Maintains the towns Christmas Decorations on Lancaster Ave. --Driving force for the Town Clock --Sponsors the annual Christmas light decoration contest --Hosts an annual car show in the park --New Members can call Nancy Kershner @ 610.777.3949
Shillington Lions Club --Serving Shillington since 1944 --51 members --Raise Funds for the needy: 6 Flea Markets a year, Broom & Bag Sales, and other events --Loan Medical Equipment --Meet the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 6:30pm @ Immanuel UCC Social Hall, Waverly and Brobst Streets --www.shillingtonlions.org
Park and Pool Assoc. --Supports the Shillington Swimming and Diving Teams at the Shillington Pool. --Group is made up of parents of children on those teams. --Works through the Recreation Director.
The Shillington Slate “Informing the Town Beautiful” --Published Semi-Annually --Messages from the organizations discussed tonight --Articles from the Police and Fire Departments --Community's Calendar --Layout by Lisa Johnson --Jan Boyd is the editor
Concert in the Park Series -- Two Concerts in the park every summer --Bring your own chair and enjoy --Food available at 5pm --Concerts from 6:30 to 8:30 --June 11thC. Kenneth Yetter Memorial Concert Eric Cawalla Jennifer Kinder and the Uptown Band --August 6th Swing Fever Dance Band
Welcome Wagon: --Delivers a welcome packet and gift bag to new home owners. --Seeking Donations for future gift bags --call Jamie Frey 484-269-7409 Beth Deamer 610-796-1985 Elizabeth Bentz 610-781-4254 With donations
American Legion --Reber Moore Post #635 --Meets Third Monday of the Month 7pm @ the Shillington Social Quarters 38 S. Sterley Street --Hosting the 82nd Annual Memorial Day Parade and Service. Monday May 31st @ 9am. Your Civic Organization can participate. e-mail: dbentz@shillingtonfc.com
Topics for Future Town Hall Meetings?? Please leave us a note at the back of the auditorium.