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THE E:P:N CLASSROOM: The better C.A.L.L. lab. a new concept of seating arrangements to combine the GT and CL processes to FACILITATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING a 3-sector, 3-phase research project of
THE E:P:N CLASSROOM: The better C.A.L.L. lab a new concept ofseating arrangements to combine the GT and CL processes to FACILITATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING a 3-sector, 3-phase research project of _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EPN-CCC, the E:P:N Classroom Consortium of China, Inc
REAL-LIFE DIVERSITY TRAINING . . . THROUGH UNIQUE E:P:N seating arrangements that copy STABLE ATOMS. This classroom is tailored for 45 learners and uses the first four atomic elements as role models of behavior: H = hydrogen = (E1:P1) D = deuterium = (E1:P1:N1) He = helium = (E2:P2:N2) Li = lithium (E3:P3:N3) Created for Zhenzhou University & Cohorts
10 GROUPS (2 Li, 2 He, 3 D & 3 H) N N P P E E Scanner, etc. E C E C C P C P C C N N N N T = Teachers P P E E T T S E P P N C C C E P E C C E P E 45 students: 4 types of power structures (2x9, 2x6, 3x3, & 3x2) N P N P E P C E N P N C C C C E P N E E N P C=16 computers
E:P:N DEFINITIONS • MACRO level: • E= Electron =manufacturing/technical development • P = Proton = marketing/entrepreneurial selling • N = Neutron = Human Resource develop/management • MICRO level: • E = the “worker” of a family • P = the prime “decision-maker” • N = a tutor/counselor hired to help with children, etc. Created for Zhengzhou University & Cohorts
During the first and last part of sessions, learners group in this configuration to evaluate “sayings” according to the E:P:N categories: EPN, EP, PN, E, P, or N E P P CATEGORY SEATING E E P P E E P P E T = Teachers E T t T T E P P S P E E P C C C E P E P E N N P E E N N P E P P N N N N N N N N N
Homework: Look up (in dictionary) “ELECTRON” “PROTON” “NEUTRON” (H) “hydrogen”, (D) “deuterium”, (He) “helium”, and (Li) “lithium” Select a preference in (atomic): Characteristics Impact on surroundings Responsibilities Prepare to report (in any language): Why chosen For what period of time With what reliability factor (50 – 100%) to rate the strength of their commitment . . . their perceived resolve and, therefore, market value In class: (the next day or week) Students: make 45 signs (16 ‘E’s + 16 ‘P’s + 13 ‘N’s) select a temporary seat, then create a group report of their atom’s unique nature, impact, and responsibilities to the unit exchange reports with other like groups, note discrepancies, and come to a consensus Teacher records their presentations (for the research archives AND their parents) checks everyone’s understanding of each atom’s nature and impact on self and others conducts the vote on how long the current seating is to be adhered to: a week? Month? Semester? Year? Full two years? has students sign a contract (that they agree to role play their self-chosen part for the duration of the agreed-upon period of time (a renewable contract with a 3-lesson cancellation clause) praises students for taking on these new responsibilities and offers ongoing help E:P:N setup procedure: Created for Zhengzhou University & Cohorts
Better math scores through better reading comprehension (researched to be enhanced by the regular use of the C-Test). Better communication skills through practice in negotiating values and strategies, and reaching a consensus (judged through a peer evaluation) solicited at the end of each contract period. Better grades on all language-related subjects through increased oral production of language during negotiation tasks (in class, at home, and via e-mail, phone, and/or other electronic devices). Superior motivation, which is researched to be present whenever young learners get to choose their own learning style, curriculum, and their associated responsibilities. The E:P:N procedure is also a mini lesson in physics, which is expected to increase a learner’s interest in, and love for, this finest of fields for developing cognitive and contemplative prowess (thinking skills). E:P:N outcomes(measured against past performance scores) Created for Zhengzhou University & Cohorts
Excerpt from training slide #1: Communicative learning--communicative language acquisition--is now well researched and documented to be the most effective and efficient way of developing abilities into skills and skills into knowledge and, thereby, confidence. Today’s first memory peg is ASK--the shuffled acronym of the industry term, KSA. The Human Resource departments throughout the country use KSA’s (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) as the full spectrum of the learning process. In E:P:N-based language acquisition, we ASK . . . we affirm the presence of ability first. So, don’t start by impressing one another with your knowledge, start your day with questions. ASK! Children do it . . . and they are said to “inherit the earth” one day. In Christian Scripture, Mat 7:7 (NIV), it states, "Ask and it will be given to you.” In that version, the keyword ASK is used 776 times. Let’s add our acronym to it and have a full 777 occurrences. That’ll also help us remember Mat 7:7, right? (Go to the HABITS chart and find appropriate entries, meaning: find statements dealing with “asking” and decide if and to what extent you wish to train them.) Homework: Find a definition for Communicative Language Acquisition that you like, then memorize it and prepare a dialogue that asks and answers two contrasting questions. (Think of contrasting questions coming from Electrons and Protons and remember to add the voice of a neutron who sees validity in both arguments.) Add research if you know how.
SUMMARY LINKS • Highlights (a summary) • The learners’ contract • C-Test research • ClozeOnline (the C-Test site) • Sample C-test rubric • Misc. letters and explanations • The E:P:N site (for fun) • WEB’s archives of bilingual sayings • Habits a la carte (BlumEnterprise.org)